disaster relief

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Feeling 'Great,' Bill Clinton Gets Back to Work

Ex-president continues Haiti effort a day after heart surgery

(Newser) - Less than 24 hours after surgery to insert two stents in a coronary artery, Bill Clinton got back to work today. "I feel great," the former president said after returning to his home in Chappaqua, NY. It's "miraculous what they do with the stents," he added....

Haiti Relief Puts Few Dents in 'Massive' Need

Food, shelter, medicine in short supply with government invisible

(Newser) - Relief efforts in Haiti are falling far short of the need despite the best intentions of the international response to the devastating earthquake almost a month past. The nation’s government is almost absent as US soldiers struggle to deliver nothing more than rice, and no temporary shelter besides the...

Haitian Pizza Joint Feeds 1,000 a Day, for Free

Muncheez has transformed from upscale eatery to lifeline

(Newser) - A restaurant on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince is taking up the slack left by still-incomplete relief efforts and feeding 1,000 hungry and homeless Haitians a day—for free. Before the earthquake, Muncheez was a pizza joint too expensive for most people in the area. But after the quake, its...

Majority Opposes Letting More Haitians Into US
 Majority Opposes Letting 
 More Haitians Into US 

Majority Opposes Letting More Haitians Into US

But following earthquake, 63% think US should do all in its power to help

(Newser) - While Americans are securely behind the nation’s ongoing relief efforts in Haiti, a majority is against allowing more Haitians into the US in the wake of the calamitous earthquake. Responses break down along party lines, according to Gallup , which conducted the poll. 53% of all Americans oppose increased immigration,...

At Summit, World Leaders Pledge to Help Haiti Rebuild

Gathering sees cooperation, reluctance to address endemic problems

(Newser) - World leaders at an international summit in Montreal today agreed that rebuilding Haiti will take decades. In fact, "rebuilding" is hardly the word—if successful, the state envisioned by envoys to the conference will bear little resemblance to pre-earthquake Haiti. Canadian PM Stephen Harper said the world community must...

After Haiti Quake, Immigration Debate Rumbles

Advocates want US to soften its stance

(Newser) - The disastrous situation in Haiti has sparked calls for the US to soften its stance on Haitian immigration, particularly in respect to severely injured children and those with family members here. Though the US will allow Haitians already in the country illegally to stay for 18 months and will fast-track...

Celeb Telethon Rakes In $57M &mdash;and Counting

 Celeb Telethon 
 Rakes In $57M 
 —and Counting 
haiti earthquake

Celeb Telethon Rakes In $57M —and Counting

Star-studded 'Hope for Haiti Now' event haul sets record

(Newser) - The Hope for Haiti Now telethon raised $57 million in a day, a record for a disaster relief telethon, and donations are continuing to pour in. Friday night's star-studded event was just the kickoff of a 6-month fundraising effort masterminded by George Clooney, and the preliminary total is even more...

Aid Reaches More Survivors
 Aid Reaches More Survivors 
haiti earthquake

Aid Reaches More Survivors

Now, hundreds of thousands need relocation

(Newser) - Improved logistics are allowing relief teams to deliver aid to an increasing number of victims in Port-Au-Prince and other areas of Haiti affected by the deadly earthquake. Given the time that has passed since the quake, disaster teams are switching their focus from search and rescue operations to relocation for...

As Help Scales Up, So Does Haiti's Nightmare

Survivors increasingly desperate for aid

(Newser) - The staggering scope of Haiti's nightmare came into sharper focus yesterday as authorities estimated 200,000 dead and 1.5 million homeless in the quake-ravaged heart of this tragic land. In one step to reassure frustrated aid groups, the US military agreed to give aid deliveries priority over military flights...

Bill Clinton Visits Haiti
 Bill Clinton Visits Haiti 

Bill Clinton Visits Haiti

Ex-president, Chelsea tour Port-au-Prince hospital

(Newser) - Bill Clinton visited Port-au-Prince today, touring a hospital and praising the Haitian people as "heroic." The former president, who is also a UN special envoy to Haiti, helped deliver medicine and other supplies. "I'll be surprised and disappointed if 48 hours from now we're not feeding and...

Earthquake Relief a Hit With Tennis Stars
 Earthquake Relief 
 a Hit With Tennis Stars 
haiti earthquake

Earthquake Relief a Hit With Tennis Stars

Federer throws together 'Hit for Haiti,' raises big bucks

(Newser) - Stars of the tennis universe got together today to hit a few—and raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for Haiti earthquake relief. Less than a day before the start of the Australian Open, Roger Federer threw together "Hit for Haiti," a slate of doubles matches enlivened by...

'In Times of Tragedy, the US Steps Forward'

In Newsweek, president makes case for Haiti earthquake relief

(Newser) - The United States is pouring money and personnel into earthquake-devastated Haiti not just to help its own citizens or bolster an ally, but because "that is who we are," President Obama writes in explaining why the relief effort is vital. In times of crisis, "when we are...

Experts See Chance to Rescue Haiti From Failure
Experts See Chance to Rescue Haiti From Failure

Experts See Chance to Rescue Haiti From Failure

As relief funds flood in, opportunity to reform government arises

(Newser) - With conditions in Haiti worsening, some experts in international development see an upside: an opportunity for the physically fractured nation to reform its economy and even its notoriously corrupt government. "National disasters, as awful as they are, you want to seize those moments, use that awful, awful opportunity, to...

Docs Warn of Looming Public Health Crisis
 Docs Warn of Looming 
 Public Health Crisis 
haiti earthquake

Docs Warn of Looming Public Health Crisis

Infection, thirst, hunger, heat threaten earthquake survivors

(Newser) - The death toll from the Haiti earthquake, which currently stands at 50,000, is certain to rise as the country's shattered infrastructure keeps medical professionals and relief workers from reaching people who need their help. "There are already high levels of diarrheal disease, respiratory disease and malnutrition," a...

Obama Reiterates Haiti Support
 Obama Reiterates Haiti Support 

Obama Reiterates Haiti Support

5,000 troops to arrive in nation over the weekend

(Newser) - President Obama reaffirmed his commitment to relief in Haiti, telling the survivors of the massive earthquake "that we will do what it takes to save lives and help people get back on their feet." Obama spoke this afternoon—his third public statement in as many days—following a...

Red Cross Pulls in $8M In Text Message Donations
 Red Cross Pulls in $8M In Text Message Donations 
haiti earthquake

Red Cross Pulls in $8M In Text Message Donations

Relief agency says it can handle more cash for earthquake aid

(Newser) - Text messaging has proven to be a wildly popular method of donating to the relief effort in Haiti. As of 8:25 this morning, the Red Cross had pulled in more than $8 million through text messages, Fox News reports. That’s the most mobile donations “that we have...

George W, Bill Clinton to Lead US Aid Team
 George W, Bill Clinton 
 to Lead US Aid Team 
haiti earthquake

George W, Bill Clinton to Lead US Aid Team

Ex-presidents will help direct 'full-court press' on Haiti

(Newser) - In addition to pledging $100 million to Haiti relief efforts, President Obama is calling in some familiar names for help. He's asked former presidents Clinton and the younger of the Bushes to lead US relief efforts, reports Politico . Clinton is currently the UN special envoy to the nation. In other...

$2M Texted to Help Haiti
 $2M Texted to Help Haiti 

$2M Texted to Help Haiti

Red Cross, mGive organize cell phone relief effort

(Newser) - Americans have donated over $2 million toward Haitian relief efforts through what organizers say is the biggest cell phone donation campaign ever mobilized. Anybody with a cell phone account with a major carrier can donate $10 to the Red Cross by texting "Haiti" to the number 90999. The donation...

How You Can Help Haiti Quake Victims

Red Cross, UNICEF, Save the Children all accepting donations

(Newser) - Disaster relief agencies are streaming into Haiti, trying to provide safe water, medical supplies, and temporary shelter for victims of the devastating earthquake there. Here are some ways you can donate to the cause, from the Daily News :
  • Text “Yele” to 501501 to donate $5 to Wyclef Jean’s

Haitians Pile Bodies in the Streets
 Haitians Pile Bodies 
 in the Streets 

Haitians Pile Bodies in the Streets

Thousands expected lost, including archbishop and UN official

(Newser) - Haitians piled bodies along the devastated streets of their capital today after a powerful earthquake yesterday destroyed most of Port-au-Prince, reducing to rubble schools, shacks, the National Palace and the UN peacekeeping headquarters alike. Untold numbers were still trapped. It seemed clear that the death toll from the magnitude-7.0...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>