
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

FDA Declares Alcoholic Energy Drinks 'Unsafe'

Federal government may seize them

(Newser) - The FDA has declared alcoholic energy drinks unsafe for consumption, and warned companies that the federal government may seize them if they don’t switch to decaf. Regulators have sent warning letters to Charge Beverages, New Century Brewing, United Brands, and Phusion Projects, the makers of Four Loko, Bloomberg reports....

And Now to Blow Your Mind: 10-Shot Espresso

'Pure jet fuel,' boasts creator. It's 'coffee porn in a cup'

(Newser) - What's your drink? A double cappuccino? Ha! Wimp! Real coffee drinkers down the brain-blowing 10-shot espresso now being offered at a popular Brooklyn coffee bar. "It's one giant cup of jet fuel," the owner of The Pulp & The Bean tells the New York Daily News . He could...

Four Loko Losing the Caffeine
 Four Loko Losing the Caffeine 

Four Loko Losing the Caffeine

Makers change recipe ahead of FDA crackdown

(Newser) - The embattled makers of Four Loko are changing the recipe of the drink nicknamed "blackout in a can." The alcohol is staying, but the drink will no longer contain caffeine, guarana, and taurine—three of the "Four" in its name. The move comes as the FDA prepares...

Michigan Bans Four Loko Across State

Other places may follow suit

(Newser) - Michigan has banned Four Loko and other caffeinated alcoholic beverages statewide, the Chicago Tribune reports. It's apparently the first state to do so, but politicians and school officials across the country are also taking aim: City councilmen in Chicago proposed a ban this week, Pennsylvania's liquor commission has asked retailers...

Caffeine OD Kills Man
 Caffeine OD Kills Man 

Caffeine OD Kills Man

Partygoer took powder equivalent of 70 energy drinks

(Newser) - The family of a 23-year-old British man killed by a colossal dose of caffeine say the sale of caffeine powder over the Internet should be banned. He died after swallowing two spoonfuls of the powder, equivalent to the caffeine in 70 cans of Red Bull, at a party, the Nottingham ...

Murder Suspect: Excessive Caffeine Made Me Kill Wife

Kentucky man uses 'caffeine intoxication' defense

(Newser) - A Kentucky man charged with killing his wife has come up with a creative defense: excessive caffeination. Woody Will Smith, 33, is accused of strangling his 28-year-old wife with an extension cord last May, but his lawyer says Smith ingested enough caffeine (in the form of soda, energy drinks, and...

How to Calm Stress 2.0
 How to Calm Stress 2.0 

How to Calm Stress 2.0

From disconnecting to breathing, relieve social-media angst

(Newser) - Mobile devices might be great for social networking, but extreme devotion to Facebook, Twitter & Co. can lead to “Stress 2.0,” Soren Gordhamer cautions. Fortunately, he has tips for dealing with it:
  • Disconnect, even just briefly. When you stop absorbing information, go outside, eat lunch, chat up

Hungry and Tired? Perky Jerky Has Your Fix

Each ounce has the caffeine of one can of Red Bull

(Newser) - Next time you’re tired and hungry, don’t waste time pounding a Red Bull and a snack—get both fixes with some Perky Jerky. Available on the Internet and coming next week to Sports Authority outlets in New York, each ounce packs as much caffeine as one cup of...

Calls Brew for Labeling Sneaky Caffeine
 Calls Brew for 
 Labeling Sneaky Caffeine 
Ice Cream Keeping You Up?

Calls Brew for Labeling Sneaky Caffeine

Lack of info makes it tough to reduce consumption

(Newser) - The popularity of ice creams, yogurts, and even jelly beans with high caffeine levels is causing experts to call for labels listing how much a product contains. Manufacturers aren't currently required to disclose caffeine levels, and advocates for stricter labeling say this makes it difficult for people to cut back...

Caffeine Won't Actually Make You Sober

And combo with booze may breed dangerous overconfidence

(Newser) - Caffeine doesn't sober you up, but it does make you feel less drunk, and that combination could have dangerous consequences, a new study suggests. Researchers came to the conclusion after giving mice alcohol and caffeine, together and separately, and comparing how they navigated a tricky maze, reports Scientific American .

FDA Demands Safety Data on Energy Drinks With Alcohol

Companies have 30 days to comply

(Newser) - The FDA has taken action against companies that make alcoholic energy drinks, giving the firms 30 days to provide evidence to support their claim that caffeine and booze are a safe combination. A group of concerned scientists have said there is no evidence to support the claim that the drinks...

Caffeinated Booze Prompts State Probes

AGs said to be concerned over deceptive marketing

(Newser) - State attorneys general are taking a hard look at increasingly popular caffeinated alcohol beverages amid fears the combination is dangerous and targeted at underage drinkers, the Wall Street Journal reports. The AGs are calling for company records from the makers of Joose and Four Loko. At 7-Eleven, Joose has had...

Coffee Can Make You Hallucinate, Study Says

Too much caffeine increases odds of seeing, hearing things

(Newser) - Caffeine junkies shouldn’t always trust their ears, according to a new study. Subjects who drank the equivalent of seven cups of coffee proved three times more likely to hear voices, and slightly more likely to experience other hallucinations, than those consuming less than a cup’s worth. Researchers theorize...

Caffeine May Reverse Effects of Alzheimer's

Stimulant alleviates cognitive decline in lab mice

(Newser) - Caffeine may reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, a new study indicates. University of Florida researchers investigated the effects of a high caffeine diet on mice genetically engineered to suffer from high levels of beta-amyloid—a protein associated with human Alzheimer's—that causes cognitive decline in old age. The...

Grab a Latte, It Could Be Good for You

Coffee, caffeine may have health benefits

(Newser) - Get this: Coffee's not bad for you, and it could have health benefits. New studies do a better job of separating the effects of coffee from those of its formerly frequent partner, cigarettes, the Los Angeles Times reports. And when you look beyond caffeine, "coffee is a complex beverage...

Coke Must Run Corrected Ads in Australia

(Newser) - Coke has to run a series of we-goofed ads in Australia after asserting in a recent campaign that the soft drink doesn’t rot teeth, make you fat, or contain much caffeine, the Australian reports. “The moment we saw the ad our eyebrows were raised and that turned to...

Caffeine: Athletes' Secret Weapon, and Legal, Too

Caffeine can improve sports ability by 5%

(Newser) - If Alex Rodriguez had only known. Caffeine is a performance-enhancer that helps athletes go longer and faster, and isn’t a banned substance. Caffeine works by turning fat into extra fuel, releasing calcium stored in muscles, and numbing the brain’s sense of exhaustion. The triple whammy improves performance by...

Utah Considers Caffeine Tax
 Utah Considers Caffeine Tax 

Utah Considers Caffeine Tax

Legislators consider tithing both soda and coffee

(Newser) - After seeing multiple proposals to raise the tax on cigarettes fail, one Utah legislator has set his sights on another addictive substance: caffeine. Rep. Craig Frank has initiated a yearlong study on the impact of such a tax, the Salt Lake Tribune reports. If it can fly anywhere, Utah might...

Coffee: Good? Bad? Whatever. Just Don't Smoke

No need to obsess over every study, experts say

(Newser) - It can seem impossible to sort through the health news that comes out every day: Is coffee good for you? Is it bad? Does this or that give you cancer? The best solution, for now, may just be not to worry about it, Trine Tsouderos writes in the Chicago Tribune....

Most Caffeinated American Cities

(Newser) - Tampa residents are the nation’s most caffeinated—and in the deepest denial about their addiction, reports Reuters. Though tops in ingesting caffeine-based pain relievers, "respondents in Tampa rank number one in saying they're least likely to be addicted to caffeine," said a rep for the company that...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>