vice presidential debate

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Brash Biden, Thirsty Ryan Spar on SNL

Vice presidential debate takes turn on hot seat

(Newser) - Saturday Night Live took aim at a predictable target in its Cold Open last night , again calling upon Jason Sudeikis to do so: In a lively spoof on the vice presidential debate, Sudeikis' Joe Biden bellowed, "Oh, here we go!" and guffawed loudly as Taran Killam's Paul...

VP Debate Winner: Viewers
 Who Won? Call It a Draw 

Who Won? Call It a Draw

Biden, Ryan both win praise

(Newser) - Pundits—and the public, according to a CNN poll —seem split on who won the vice-presidential debate , but most agree that the feisty meeting had more to offer viewers and voters than the first Obama-Romney debate.
  • Viewers "were treated to a free-wheeling and substantial debate over the size

Debate's Big Buzz: Biden's Smiles, Smirks

Vice president's laugh becomes an instant meme

(Newser) - Joe Biden must think Paul Ryan is hilarious, because he was constantly smiling, smirking, or laughing outright at his opponent during last night's vice-presidential debate. It didn't go unnoticed. Twitter lit up with posts about the smile strategy, Politico reports, and it even spawned two, count them two,...

Martha Raddatz&#39;s Tough Moderating Wins Praise
 Moderator Raddatz  
 Shows How It's Done   

Moderator Raddatz Shows How It's Done

ABC correspondent wins wide praise

(Newser) - As with the Obama-Romney debate, a lot of the post- Biden-Ryan debate talk is focusing on the moderator—but this time they're saying nice things. Martha Raddatz, senior foreign affairs correspondent for ABC, "pursued each man with the vigor of a woman more accustomed to needling foreign leaders...

It&#39;s Biden Vs. Ryan
 Ryan Vs Biden: It Gets Feisty 

Ryan Vs Biden: It Gets Feisty

Vice president is especially aggressive, unlike his boss

(Newser) - Joe Biden and Paul Ryan have wrapped up the sole vice-presidential debate of the campaign, a much more spirited affair than the first Obama-Romney showdown. Unlike that presidential debate, no clear winner is being anointed. Some highlights:
  • Testy early: Ryan goes after Obama's response to the Libya attack in

Watch for Biden to Come Out Swinging

 Watch for Biden to 
 Come Out Swinging 
VP Debate Preview

Watch for Biden to Come Out Swinging

But controversy over moderator hangs over proceedings

(Newser) - There's a whiff of desperation in the air over tonight's vice presidential debate—and a hint of controversy, too. The desperation, of course, comes from the blue team, which is desperate to halt the momentum Mitt Romney gained in the first debate, and expects Joe Biden to be...

As VP Debate Looms, Biden Buckles Down

Vice president preps feverishly after weak Obama performance

(Newser) - After President Obama faltered in his own debate, it falls to his gaffe-happy second-in-command to put things back on track—and Joe Biden isn't taking this one lightly, the New York Times reports. What he's doing to prepare:
  • Biden has holed himself up in a Delaware hotel to

Now in Crosshairs: Debate Moderators

Social media, confrontational candidates turn up heat

(Newser) - Jim Lehrer has been moderating presidential debates for decades, but lately, it's a lot tougher than it used to be. Candidates have started confronting not just their opponents but the moderators themselves, as Newt Gingrich showed us during the GOP primaries. And the general public can easily hammer chosen...

Eyes on Debate: &#39;Barn Burner&#39; or No Big Deal?
 Eyes on Debate: 
 'Barn Burner' or 
 No Big Deal? 

Eyes on Debate: 'Barn Burner' or No Big Deal?

GOP plays up (and down) expectations for Obama vs. Romney

(Newser) - The usual suspects descended on the Sunday talk shows today with their eyes firmly fixated on Wednesday's presidential debate, when President Obama and Mitt Romney go mano a mano for the first time. Chris Christie, appearing on no fewer than three shows, minced no words in building up expectations...

Ryan Lies Low to Prep for Biden Debate

Joe Biden is 'one of the most experienced debaters'

(Newser) - It's debate-prep time for Paul Ryan, whose advisers admit he will be up against a seasoned pro when he faces Joe Biden on Oct. 11. Biden "is one of the most experienced debaters in American political life and we definitely don’t take the challenge lightly," an...

Test Your Palin Knowledge
 Test Your Palin Knowledge 

Test Your Palin Knowledge

'Newsweek' goes deep with Sarah trivia

(Newser) - With Sarah Palin fever at its highest point since the 2008 election, Newsweek dares you to test how much you know about the nation's most polarizing politician:
  • What question did Palin and strategists plan for her to ask Joe Biden before the start of their debate?
  • Mat, Court, Zamboni, and

Palin's Winks Unlikely to Nudge Undecided
Palin's Winks
to Nudge Undecided

Palin's Winks Unlikely to Nudge Undecided

Controversy in the blink of an eye

(Newser) - In Latin America, it's an unmistakable come-on. In much of Asia, it's offensive. In a vice-presidential debate, the meaning of a wink is sparking plenty of controversy, writes Faye Fiore in the Los Angeles Times. Sarah Palin winks more often than any politician experts can remember, and it has "...

Biden Speechless? SNL Lampoon Does the Trick

(Newser) - If there’s one thing Joe Biden is famous for, it’s his ability to talk. And talk. And talk some more. But after ABC’s Diane Sawyer showed the Democratic VP nominee a clip of Saturday Night Live lampooning his debate performance, Biden laughed so hard he was rendered...

Palin's Right, the Press Does Stink ...
Palin's Right,
the Press
Does Stink ...

Palin's Right, the Press Does Stink ...

... for labeling her horrible debate performance success

(Newser) - Sarah Palin doesn’t like the mainstream media, and after watching its reaction to her debate performance, neither does Richard Cohen of the Washington Post. Palin ignored questions, lied, and invented new powers for the vice president, but somehow the media wound up praising her anyway. “I could quote...

Palin Advises McCain: 'Take the Gloves Off'
Palin Advises McCain: 'Take the Gloves Off'

Palin Advises McCain: 'Take the Gloves Off'

Running mate tells Kristol she found debate 'liberating'

(Newser) - John McCain faces Barack Obama in their second debate tomorrow night, and the Arizona senator's running mate has some advice: "Take the gloves off." In an interview with New York Times columnist William Kristol, Sarah Palin says that she found it "liberating" to be able...

Gosh Darn if Her Jargon Isn't as Empty as Folksy

Palin's 'pompom patois' obscures a big lack of substance

(Newser) - From the party whose leader infamously asked "Is our children learning?," we now have the baffling homespun language of Sarah Palin, for whom Maureen Dowd isn't thrilled to have to translate. The vice presidential candidate's "sing-songy jingoism" conceals a mass of contradictions and often a lack of...

McCain to Redouble Attacks
 McCain to Redouble Attacks

McCain to Redouble Attacks

New ad campaign, to debut after debate, will attempt to shift focus from the economy

(Newser) - John McCain’s struggling campaign, hobbled by the economic crisis, will go back on the attack, the Washington Post reports. Insiders said targets would include Obama’s association with convicted developer Tony Rezko. Ads criticizing the Democratic candidate’s record on taxes have already run.

Feminism's Heir: She Can Fake It Like the Boys
Feminism's Heir: She Can Fake It Like the Boys

Feminism's Heir: She Can Fake It Like the Boys

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is a “genuine heir” to feminism’s tenet that women can compete with men at any level: She “clawed her way to the top” in Alaska using all the same cutthroat tactics men do, writes Gail Collins in the New York Times. In the debate, she...

VP Debate Draws Record 69.9M
 VP Debate Draws 
 Record 69.9M 

VP Debate Draws Record 69.9M

Shatters the 56.9M for Ferraro-Bush in 1984, and well above McCain-Obama I

(Newser) - Last night’s vice presidential debate drew 69.9 million viewers, shattering the record for such an event, Broadcasting & Cable reports. The 1984 encounter between VP candidates Geraldine Ferraro and George H.W. Bush drew 56.9 million; the record for a campaign debate is 80.6 million for...

Wolverine? Weathergirl? Pundits Reach for Words
Wolverine? Weathergirl? Pundits Reach for Words


Wolverine? Weathergirl? Pundits Reach for Words

Palin didn't lose, didn't win

(Newser) - Think Sarah Palin's performance was folksy and colorful last night? Pundits reached to do it justice:
  • "I always wondered what a wolverine would sound like chewing through plywood," writes Howard Fineman of Newsweek. "Now I know: like Sarah Palin 'debating'  Joe Biden."
  • “Somewhere in heaven,

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