post-traumatic stress disorder

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FDA Panel Rejects MDMA Treatment
FDA Panel Rejects
MDMA Treatment
the rundown

FDA Panel Rejects MDMA Treatment

It was the first time FDA advisers considered a Schedule I psychedelic drug for medical use

(Newser) - Advocates have long pushed for the psychedelic drug known as MDMA, ecstasy, or molly to be approved as a prescription drug for those with post-traumatic stress disorder , but the movement suffered a big setback Tuesday. A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted—"overwhelmingly," CNN reports—against recommending...

Among College Students, a 'Shocking' Find
Among College
Students, a
Troubling Find

Among College Students, a Troubling Find on PTSD

Diagnoses more than doubled from 2017 to 2022

(Newser) - Current college students have lived through a chaotic few years, and it's turning up in their mental health assessments in at least one significant way. The New York Times reports that diagnoses of post-traumatic stress disorder , or PTSD, within this demographic more than doubled from 2017 to 2022, with...

Torture Made 9/11 Defendant Delusional, Psychotic: Panel

Judge will rule on whether he can still stand trial

(Newser) - A military medical panel has concluded that one of the five 9/11 defendants held at the Guantanamo Bay naval base has been rendered delusional and psychotic by the torture he underwent years ago while in CIA custody, the AP reports. The findings heighten uncertainty over whether Ramzi bin al-Shibh, who...

Nurse Who Found Bodies Sues Over Trauma
Nurse Who
Found Bodies
Sues Estate

Nurse Who Found Bodies Sues Estate

Businessman had shot his wife, then himself in their mansion

(Newser) - A home health nurse who discovered the bodies of a Minnesota businessman and his wife in a murder-suicide case is suing their estate and seeking damages for emotional trauma. Lisa Ann Hayes walked in on a grisly scene in April 2019 at the Lake Minnetonka mansion of Irwin and Alexandra...

In Protest-Heavy Nation, a Big Find on PTSD
In Protest-Heavy
Nation, a Big
Find on PTSD

In Protest-Heavy Nation, a Big Find on PTSD

Nearly one-third of people in Hong Kong say they have PTSD symptoms

(Newser) - A new study identifies a "major mental health burden" in Hong Kong, and it's linked to much of the social unrest there. Per the Guardian , a new study published in the Lancet journal notes that almost a third of adults there—nearly 2 million people—reported having symptoms...

Ruby Rose Ran Into an Old Pal. Then It All Began 'to Unravel'

'Batwoman' actress reveals lifelong struggles with depression, suicide attempts, dissociative amnesia

(Newser) - Ruby Rose made the revelation last month that she'd badly hurt doing stunts on the set of Batwoman, and she even posted an up-close look at the surgery she'd had to undergo to take care of her injuries. Now the 33-year-old actress has offered another glimpse into her...

Teen Rape Survivor Who Requested Euthanasia Ends Her Life

17-year-old Noa Pothoven suffered PTSD and depression

(Newser) - "After years of struggling and fighting, it's over." So reads a Dutch teen's "sad last post" Saturday on her Instagram account , noting she'd stopped eating and drinking and would soon be free from "[unbearable] suffering." The Washington Post reports on the right-to-die...

'Rising Democratic Star' Drops Out of Race, Cites PTSD

Democrat Jason Kander says he's 'done hiding' his post-traumatic stress disorder, depression

(Newser) - "I suffer from depression and have PTSD symptoms. After 11 years, I'm finally ready to do something about it." That was the surprise tweet Tuesday from Jason Kander, an Afghanistan war veteran and "rising Democratic star" who'd hoped to become the next mayor of Kansas...

Ariana Grande: I Have PTSD From Concert Attack

Her new tattoo honors Manchester

(Newser) - Ariana Grande says she suffers from PTSD in the aftermath of a bombing that killed 22 people at her concert in Manchester, England, last May. "It's hard to talk about because so many people have suffered such severe, tremendous loss. But, yeah, it's a real thing,"...

Paramedic's Mom Died in His Arms. He Can't Get Workers' Comp

Quebec's Olivier Mireault was on a work call—but he responded before shift started

(Newser) - In November, Quebec paramedic Olivier Mireault responded to a call at his mom's house. The 63-year-old ended up dying in her son's arms of an aortic aneurysm rupture after he couldn't revive her. "I said, 'This can't be real. Someone wake me up,'...

Lady Gaga: 'I Have a Mental Illness'

PTSD, specifically, singer reveals

(Newser) - During a visit to a Harlem shelter for homeless LGBT youth as part of NBC's #ShareKindness campaign, Lady Gaga revealed that she struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder after being raped years ago . "I told the kids today, 'I suffer from PTSD.' I've never told anyone...

NYU Researcher Quits Over Bogus PTSD Study

Data rejected and 8 studies suspended

(Newser) - New York University medical school research into using a marijuana-like drug to treat PTSD sufferers turned out to be so flawed that eight studies were suspended and the data was rejected as unreliable, the New York Times reports. Federal investigators found that the research led by Dr. Alexander Neumeister failed...

Abused Horses Find New Calling Easing Vets' PTSD

Veteran who went through such a program is creating his own in Alabama

(Newser) - After losing sight in his right eye from a 2013 rocket attack in Afghanistan, retired Army Maj. Dan Thomas recovered with help from an equine therapy program at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, reports the AP . Hoping to help other veterans, he and his wife traveled to Connecticut last...

Dad: Houston Gunman May Have Had PTSD
 Dad: Houston Gunman 
 May Have Had PTSD 

Dad: Houston Gunman May Have Had PTSD

Disturbed vet had anti-government beliefs

(Newser) - The gunman behind Sunday's deadly rampage in Houston has been identified as Afghanistan veteran Dionisio Garza III by ABC13 , which found a bag containing bullets and his personal papers at the scene. The bag, which held the 25-year-old's birth certificate and military discharge record, was turned over to...

'Genius Millionaire' Apologizes for Rant on JetBlue Flight

David Brackett was kicked off plane after boastful brouhaha with another passenger

(Newser) - It's not often one has the honor to be seated in coach on the same flight as a 28-year-old millionaire with six houses and a 176 IQ. At least, that's what David Brackett claimed before he and two men were booted off a JetBlue flight out of Long...

'Upsetting' Sandy Hook Mural Is No More

Newtown school covers image of dreamcatcher

(Newser) - A mural inside Newtown High School that paid tribute to victims of the Sandy Hook shooting rampage was created as a form of art therapy. But within two years, the administration became worried that despite its intentions, the painting of a dreamcatcher was upsetting some students. To address those concerns,...

Iraq Vet's Son Creates App to Stop Night Terrors

'My team and I won't sleep until the veterans can'

(Newser) - Tyler Skluzacek was in sixth grade when his father, Sgt. 1st Class Patrick Skluzacek, was deployed to Iraq for a year. When he came back, he struggled with night terrors—and now Tyler, a senior at Minnesota's Macalester College, is helping in a big way, KARE 11 reports. As...

Vietnam Vets Still Battle PTSD Decades Later

New VA study shows it can last a lifetime

(Newser) - Post-traumatic stress doesn't fizzle away after a few years—or perhaps even a lifetime. About 11% of Vietnam War veterans still suffer from the disorder today, according to a new VA study, reports USA Today . It builds off landmark PTSD research conducted in the 1980s and finds that about...

Boys Moved Out of Poverty Suffer War-Like PTSD

But it's a great benefit to girls, says study

(Newser) - It might seem like a can't-miss idea for kids in poverty: Move them from poor neighborhoods into better ones. But a comprehensive study of the practice finds a surprising twist: It tends to work well for girls and badly for boys, reports Science 2.0 . In fact, years later,...

Watching a Lot of Traumatic News Jacks PTSD Risk

Poll follows Boston Marathon attack

(Newser) - It may be possible to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder without actually being present for a traumatic event, researchers say: Watching a lot of media coverage may heighten the risk of the disorder. Researchers surveyed 4,675 Americans two to four weeks after the Boston Marathon attack. About 4.5%...

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