Obama administration

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Obama Can Expect No Love From Beijing in 2010
Obama Can Expect No Love From Beijing in 2010

Obama Can Expect No Love From Beijing in 2010

The 'world's most important relationship' is dysfunctional

(Newser) - China's brimming with confidence and that means a rocky year ahead for the world's most important relationship, writes Roger Cohen. US-China relations are likely to take a turn for the worse this year as Beijing, buoyed by its ever-expanding economy and $2 trillion in foreign reserves, rejects President Obama's overtures...

Obama Budget Likely to Include Bank Fees

Aims to recoup bailout losses, avoid passing along to customers

(Newser) - The Obama administration will likely include a provision in next month’s budget that imposes fees on banks in an effort to make back some of the taxpayer money lost on the bailout and close the record deficit. Politico has it that a transaction tax is not on the table;...

Giuliani Forgets When 9/11 Happened
 Giuliani Forgets 
 When 9/11 Happened 

Giuliani Forgets When 9/11 Happened

'We had no domestic attacks under Bush,' Giuliani says. Except...

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has some advice about terrorism for President Obama: Follow George W. Bush's example, because “we had no domestic attacks under Bush.” Dubbing American's Mayor "Mr. 9/11," Talking Points Memo points out that Sept. 11, 2001 was well into Bush’s tenure. As was shoe...

Gates Will Stay Through 2010

Defense chief agrees to remain 'at least another year'

(Newser) - The new year won't bring a change at the top in the Defense Department. Robert Gates will stay on through on 2010, says a Pentagon spokesman. He and President Obama met before Christmas and agreed that the Bush holdover will remain for "at least another year," reports Reuters...

Health Care Victory Will Cost Dems Pound of Flesh

GOP now needs to ensure their 2010 victory is justified

(Newser) - If the Democrats are able to cheer the passage of a health care bill in time for the State of the Union address they'll be "cheering their own demise," writes Peggy Noonan. The victory won't be worth the loss of support the party has suffered by pushing through...

Rahm Emanuel May Head for Exit
 Rahm Emanuel 
 May Head for Exit 
hot tabloid rumor

Rahm Emanuel May Head for Exit

Jarrett poised to take over for chief of staff who can't make nice

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel’s frustration with the legislative process may lead him out of the White House, but it's not clear whether the president's volatile chief of staff will jump or be pushed. Emanuel, a former congressman, has a famously explosive temper that isn't going over well in the West Wing....

Cuba Doesn't Belong on New Screening List
Cuba Doesn't Belong on New Screening List

Cuba Doesn't Belong on New Screening List

Al-Qaeda in Havana? This is just a 'big waste of time'

(Newser) - The terrorist threat from Cuba “can be measured at precisely zero,” Eugene Robinson writes, so why did it make the list of nations whose residents will get extra screening at airports? The answer is simple, and ridiculous: The US persists in considering Cuba a “state sponsor of...

Subplots to Watch at Obama's Terror Meeting

How tough will the president be on himself and his staff?

(Newser) - President Obama meets with his security chiefs today to dissect the failed Christmas terror plot—and deflect criticism over his initial, tepid response. Politico breaks down the burning questions:
  • Do heads roll? Janet Napolitano and Michael Leiter have both been mentioned as possible sacrifices, but insiders increasingly doubt that Obama’

Corrupt Yemen Regime Is a Family Affair

Saleh's government, 'practically caged in the capital,' has little control

(Newser) - The Obama administration is stepping up its aid to Yemen, seeing it as a vital front in the war on al-Qaeda, but that aid is going to a corrupt president more concerned with looking out for his family interests than fighting terror. Ali Abdullah Saleh has loaded his government and...

Obama Returns to DC, Packing Epic To-Do List

Terrorism trumped health care over vacation, and there's more

(Newser) - President Obama is back at the White House after an 11-day vacation in Hawaii, and he has his work cut out for him. USA Today runs down the most pressing issues awaiting the president in 2010.
  • Terrorism: The attempted bombing of Flight 253 returned security to the top of the

Military Stymies Obama Nuke Reduction Plan

Catches lurk everywhere, from stockpile to strategy

(Newser) - A truculent military and national security apparatus has bogged down President Obama’s push to reconsider the size and mission of the US nuclear arsenal, just as it did during the Clinton administration. Insiders tell the Los Angeles Times that there are multiple areas of concern, including how much of...

Obama on Terror: New Style, Same Strategy

Bush insiders approve of new prez; stay mum to avoid Cheney

(Newser) - Barack Obama faced his first terror threat before he was even sworn in. There was strong evidence suggesting that a terror cell intended to attack his inauguration, so Obama and his team worked tirelessly on the issue with George W. Bush’s outgoing team. It was a surprisingly smooth collaboration,...

He's Baaack: Dean Leads Lefty Charge Against Obama

Almost looks like he's running for something...

(Newser) - Howard Dean’s return to the national stage with stinging criticism of the compromises Democratic leaders accepted on health care reform has thrilled disaffected progressives—and even sparked talk of another run for president. One liberal blogger says his dusted-off bona fides make Dean “perfectly positioned” to challenge Obama...

Shut It, Cheney: White House
 Shut It, Cheney: White House 

Shut It, Cheney: White House

'Bellicose rhetoric' about war failed before, fails now: Pfeiffer

(Newser) - Dick Cheney’s “bellicose rhetoric” and “clearly untrue” claims following the Christmas terror attempt aren't sitting well at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, and the new administration isn't shy about telling the ex-veep off. Echoing the sentiment—and the words, even—of a “senior Democrat” yesterday in Politico , Communications...

Lawyers for Yemeni Detainees at Gitmo Doubt Release
 Lawyers for Yemeni 
 Detainees at Gitmo 
 Doubt Release 

Lawyers for Yemeni Detainees at Gitmo Doubt Release

Recent terror activity, GOP outrage may complicate closure

(Newser) - Strong talk from GOP leaders and former Bush officials, and the emergence of al-Qaeda links in Yemen have lawyers for Yemeni detainees at Gitmo pessimistic about releases that seemed certain just recently. “I feel like my two clients who left in mid-December have gotten the last train out,”...

Cheney: Obama 'Won't Admit We're at War'
 Cheney: Obama 'Won't 
 Admit We're at War' 

Cheney: Obama 'Won't Admit We're at War'

President is too soft on terrorism, says former VP

(Newser) - Dick Cheney is steamed at what he perceives as President Obama’s downplaying of the Christmas air terrorism attempt. The US is “at war and when President Obama pretends we aren’t, it makes us less safe,” he tells Politico , becoming the latest Republican to take up the...

US OKs Dutch Use of Full Body Scanners

US flights will be scanned with new, modest version within 3 weeks

(Newser) - The Netherlands will immediately begin using full body scanners for flights heading to the US, according to an announcement that comes with a report today on the failed Christmas airline bombing. The US opposed their use previously because of privacy concerns, but the Dutch interior minister says that the Obama...

Tightening Air Security Will Take a Toll

Most options come with costs Congress, or fliers, find unpalatable

(Newser) - The White House is talking tough about airline security after Friday's failed bombing, but many options for tightening up the system are either politically untenable, repugnant to travelers, or both. Josh Gerstein takes a look at a few possibilities, and their likelihood of becoming reality, in Politico .
  • Expand the no-fly

Yemen Maybe Not Best Home for Gitmo's Yemeni Inmates

Country woeful with terror suspects

(Newser) - With Yemen increasing under scrutiny as a staging ground for terror threats against the US, some analysts think that might not be the best place to send Yemenis the Obama administration wants to get out of the Guantanamo Bay prison. One former US diplomat tells Fox News that Saudi Arabia...

Obama Orders Security Team to Play Offense

'The US will do more than simply strengthen our defenses'

(Newser) - Breaking his public silence on the issue, President Obama said today the US "will not rest until we find all who were involved" in the attempted bombing of a Northwest Airlines plane. He has ordered a comprehensive review of the terrorism watch-list system. "The American people should be...

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