Obama administration

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Big Mistakes of Obama's First Year
 Big Mistakes 
 of Obama's 
 First Year 

Big Mistakes of Obama's First Year

President's miscalculations include scale, momentum

(Newser) - Scott Brown’s Senate victory in Massachusetts is the final nail in the coffin of the Obama administration’s first-year political strategy, John F. Harris and Carol E. Lee write for Politico . The miscalculations cover “three major counts":
  • Believing 2008 was a game-changer: The Obama team thought the "

Chinese: Google Flap Is a US Conspiracy

But government tries to tamp down drama

(Newser) - Google is a puppet of US foreign policy, Chinese state-owned media are reporting, calling the company's threat to pull out of China unless censorship is dropped a conspiracy by the US government to interfere in Chinese politics. One paper quotes a political scientist saying, "the Google incident is not...

Prez Contradictions Caught Up With Dems
 Prez Contradictions 
 Caught Up With Dems 

Prez Contradictions Caught Up With Dems

Obama can't do big things while avoiding fights

(Newser) - The contradictions inherent in what President Obama promised to do have caught up with the Democrats big time with their loss in Massachusetts, writes E.J. Dionne Jr. The president couldn't accomplish big things while also changing the tone of Washington, or deliver sweeping change while also steering clear of...

Time to Fight Back, Obama

 Time to Fight 
 Back, Obama 
pundit roundup

Time to Fight Back, Obama

Massachusetts disaster means the president must go populist

(Newser) - It's still not clear exactly how President Obama will adjust to the Massachusetts defeat, but one camp has clear advice: No more Mr. Nice Guy, please. A sampling:
  • Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Nation: "Going populist is now smart politics and good policy. The Obama White House needs to show,

The White House Gets an App
 The White House Gets an App 

The White House Gets an App

Now you can watch the State of the Union on your phone

(Newser) - Want to keep apprised of the president’s every word, photo op, and press release? There’s an app for that. The administration today rolled out a new iPhone app, dubbed simply “The White House,” which allows users to keep tabs on Barack Obama’s latest news, photos,...

Coakley Loss: 6 Ways Dems Will Have to Change
 Coakley Loss: 6 Ways Dems Will Have to Change

Coakley Loss: 6 Ways Dems Will Have to Change

Supermajority is gone, sure, but so is entire Democratic strategy

(Newser) - “While the sun will still come out on Beacon Hill and Capitol Hill” now that Republican Scott Brown has won Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat, Ron Elving writes on NPR , “the political globe will have a new tilt.” Here, six things that have changed:
  • The supermajority: That's

Obama's TSA Nominee Pulls Out Under Fire

Says he was being used by those with a 'political agenda'

(Newser) - Erroll Southers, Barack Obama's choice to lead the Transportation Security Administration, withdrew his name today, saying his nomination had become a lightning rod for those with a political agenda. Southers' confirmation has been blocked by Republican Sen. Jim DeMint, who says he was worried Southers would allow TSA employees to...

Feds Should Cut Deficit, Irk Right by Dumping Gold

Time to act like a real business, and bust those betting against US

(Newser) - The federal government's vast stash of gold could be used to both bring down the deficit and drive its critics crazy, writes Thomas Frank. If the government were to take the advice of its critics and really start acting like a business, it would unload its 261 million ounces of...

State of the Union Set for Jan. 27

President Obama schedules speech with health reform still up in the air

(Newser) - President Obama has scheduled his first State of the Union address for Wednesday, Jan. 27. The White House had hoped health care reform would be passed before the speech, but the tight timeline makes that unlikely, CBS News reports. The date confirms White House spokesman Robert Gibbs' assurances that the...

Obama's First Year in Numbers

 First Year 
 in Numbers 

Obama's First Year in Numbers

The Dow is up more than 2,600 points, at least

(Newser) - President Obama is about to celebrate—maybe that's not the right term—one year in office, and the AP takes a look at some numbers that have defined his inaugural turn around the sun.
  • The Dow: Perhaps the only clear victory. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen from 7,

Wall Street May Fight Tax All the Way to Supreme Court

Lobbyists argue that it's unconstitutional to target big banks

(Newser) - Wall Street’s main lobbying firm has hired a big-time Supreme Court litigator to look into bringing a federal case against the Obama administration’s proposed big-bank tax, arguing that it is unconstitutional. The group sent an email to legal departments across Wall Street saying that the tax could be...

'In Times of Tragedy, the US Steps Forward'

In Newsweek, president makes case for Haiti earthquake relief

(Newser) - The United States is pouring money and personnel into earthquake-devastated Haiti not just to help its own citizens or bolster an ally, but because "that is who we are," President Obama writes in explaining why the relief effort is vital. In times of crisis, "when we are...

'Shameless' Karl Rove Wrong on Budget
 Karl Rove 
 Wrong on Budget 

'Shameless' Karl Rove Wrong on Budget

White House honcho blasts defense of Bush

(Newser) - David Axelrod is amazed by the “sheer audacity and shamelessness” of Karl Rove’s claims about rampant spending under the Obama administration. The former Bush aide predicted last week that congressional Democrats “will run up more debt by October than Bush did in 8 years.” That would...

Bali Suspect at Gitmo May Be Tried in DC

White House considers slate of Washington terror trials

(Newser) - The Obama administration is considering holding the criminal trial of alleged Bali bombing mastermind Riduan Isamuddin in Washington, DC, as the first of many terror trials in the nation’s capital. The proposal is far enough along that authorities are discussing the intense security such an event would necessitate, officials...

Disturbing Disconnect Hanging Up Prez
 Hanging Up Prez 

Disturbing Disconnect Hanging Up Prez

Obama needs to learn to listen, writes Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - A year into his presidency, President Obama isn't reading from the same page as the American people and may not even be reading from the same book, writes Peggy Noonan. A president needs to have a "deep and shrewd sense of the people," but Obama seems blind to...

George W, Bill Clinton to Lead US Aid Team
 George W, Bill Clinton 
 to Lead US Aid Team 
haiti earthquake

George W, Bill Clinton to Lead US Aid Team

Ex-presidents will help direct 'full-court press' on Haiti

(Newser) - In addition to pledging $100 million to Haiti relief efforts, President Obama is calling in some familiar names for help. He's asked former presidents Clinton and the younger of the Bushes to lead US relief efforts, reports Politico . Clinton is currently the UN special envoy to the nation. In other...

Orszag Is a Hot, Sexy Nerd
 Orszag Is a Hot, Sexy Nerd 

Orszag Is a Hot, Sexy Nerd

Like other 'recovering' dweebs, he's now the high school quarterback

(Newser) - Peter Orszag is possessed of a “uniquely pernicious form of roguishness” that Meghan Daum likes to call “recovering-nerd syndrome.” The White House budget director has “long been known around Washington as a ladies man,” even if you don’t believe the rumors that he dumped...

Obama Pitches Borrowing Tax on Top 50 Banks

Would raise $90B, discourage excessive risk, boost little guys

(Newser) - Barack Obama will propose a new tax on Wall Street’s biggest banks today, in an effort to recoup losses from the bailout, give smaller banks a boost against the behemoths, and curb the excessive risk-taking that caused the financial melt-down. The firms, 50 big-time banks, insurers and traders, would...

Obama Pulls Strings for 2010 Favorites

Behind the scenes, White House is influencing races

(Newser) - The White House is hard at work behind the scenes to put its preferred candidates in place for the 2010 elections. Obama’s team has quietly leaned on weak candidates to bow out and strong ones to bow in, the Wall Street Journal reports. When John Cherry withdrew from the...

Big Banks on Obama's TARP Fee: Nuh-Uh

Industry 'burden' will decrease lending ability, they threaten

(Newser) - Wall Street wants its bailout, and its bonuses, too, and this sure-to-be-popular fee on banks Barack Obama is considering isn't sitting well at all. “Current law doesn’t trigger this tax proposal for another four years,” objected the top lobbyist at the Financial Services Roundtable, referring to a...

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>