Obama administration

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It's the Anti-Stimulus We Should Be Worried About

State budget cuts are wiping out the effects of the stimulus

(Newser) - The success of the Obama stimulus in creating jobs has been broadly, and furiously, debated—and will continue to be as the election season nears. But Ezra Klein argues today that in the end it's the "anti-stimulus"—the massive constriction of state budgets—that will decide our economic...

Rand Paul: Let Joe Barton Explain Himself

Limbaugh, others say 'shakedown' is accurate term

(Newser) - Rand Paul's been in enough hot water lately, so he stops short of endorsing Joe Barton's infamous apology to BP. But he feels his pain, notes Think Progress . "I don't know about that," he said when asked about the statement. "I don't want to pile on him...

Clinton and Biden Should Switch Jobs—Seriously

She'd be a better VP, he'd rather run State

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden really ought to have each other’s job, argues Sally Quinn in the Washington Post . All the arguments against giving Hillary Clinton the VP job—that she might not be happy, that Bill would be a problem, etc.—have effectively evaporated, and certainly haven't...

71% Say Obama Hasn't Been Tough Enough on BP
 71% Say Obama Hasn't 
 Been Tough Enough on BP 
Poll Shows Pessimism

71% Say Obama Hasn't Been Tough Enough on BP

And BP should pay up, even if it bankrupts them

(Newser) - The public is overwhelmingly pessimistic, and angry, about the Deepwater Horizon spill. According to a new USA Today/Gallup poll , 80% of Americans expect the spill to hurt the US economy and drive up the cost of gas. Half predict that some beaches will never be the same, and even more...

BP to Delay Dividend to Appease Obama
BP to Delay Dividend to Appease Obama

BP to Delay Dividend to Appease Obama

Money will be put in escrow until full cost of Gulf cleanup is clear

(Newser) - BP plans to defer its dividend in an effort to get the Obama administration off of its back, sources tell the Times of London. The money, which is expected to total about $2.5 billion, will be placed in an escrow account until the full cost of the Gulf disaster...

BP Agrees to Expedite Claims
 BP Agrees to Expedite Claims 

BP Agrees to Expedite Claims

Administration get oil giant to pay damages faster

(Newser) - Pressure from the Obama administration convinced BP to speed up the payment of claims to those affected by the Gulf oil spill, the Washington Post reports. BP promised to "implement a more expedited claims process" said Tracy Wareing of the DHS, in order to compensate shrimpers, fishermen, hotel owners...

BP Can't Explain Diving Stock
 BP Can't Explain Diving Stock  

BP Can't Explain Diving Stock

Company 'is not aware of any reason' for price drop

(Newser) - It’s probably not terribly surprising that BP’s stock hit a 13-year low this morning—unless, apparently, you’re BP. The company put out a statement last night saying that it was “not aware of any reason which justifies this share price movement.” Well, the Wall Street ...

Obama Boosts Funding for 'Evidence-Based' Sex Ed

Abstinence-only teen programs taking a backseat

(Newser) - President Obama has reversed Bush-era policies and shifted federal funding away from abstinence-only sex education programs toward programs that have been proven to reduce teen pregnancy. Abstinence programs will still receive funding, but over $114 million in this year's federal budget will go to "evidence-based" programs, NPR reports.

US Citizen Killed in Raid on Gaza Aid Flotilla

White House had urged restraint, warned of Americans on board

(Newser) - An American citizen who'd been living in Turkey was among the nine people killed in Israel's raid on aid ships bound for Gaza. Forensic reports say the man, 19-year-old Furkan Dogan, was shot in the head four times, and once more in the chest, ABC News reports. The revelation comes...

White House: Romanoff Asked Us for a Job

And it was months before he considered Senate race

(Newser) - The White House today beat back allegations of shady backroom dealings with Colorado Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff, saying that yes, administration officials talked with him about a job, but only because he'd applied for one. In the administration's version, Romanoff applied for a job at the US Agency for International...

Obama Ups Fines to Bump Passengers Off Flights

Airlines bumping more passengers as they cut back on flights

(Newser) - The Obama administration has more good news for frustrated travelers. The Department of Transportation intends to increase the amount airlines have to pay you if they bump you involuntarily to a later flight. The regulation, one of several passenger-friendly moves from the White House, comes amid soaring bump rates, ABC...

Netanyahu Races Home, Bails on Obama Meeting

Israeli PM confronts fallout from deadly raid

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu has cut short a visit to Canada and canceled a planned meeting with President Obama to return to Israel in the wake of this morning's deadly raid on aid-laden ships bound for Gaza . The Israeli PM "realized that he had to be there in order to manage...

Please, Let 'Overblown' Sestak Story Go Away

It's a fairy tale, but it's just politics as usual

(Newser) - The story from the White House is that Bill Clinton, on Rahm Emanuel's behest, offered Joe Sestak an “unpaid advisory position” to drop out of the race against Arlen Specter. It's an obvious lie—come on, would Sestak even consider dropping out for so little?—and Joe Klein of...

White House Asked Bill Clinton to Talk to Sestak

He reportedly offered an unpaid advisory position

(Newser) - Bill Clinton has emerged in the middle of the Joe Sestak controversy. He's the man the White House asked to talk to Sestak about dropping out of the Pennsylvania Senate race to clear the way for Arlen Specter, reports the Washington Post . Clinton offered Sestak a "prominent, but unpaid,...

Obama Fires Head of Minerals Management Service

Elizabeth Birnbaum's head rolls thanks to BP oil spill

(Newser) - Democratic sources say the Obama administration has fired the head of the US Minerals Management Service in response to blistering criticism over lax oversight of offshore drilling. President Obama will announce the firing later today, the sources say. Elizabeth "Liz" Birnbaum had run the service in the Interior Department...

GOPers Smell Impeachment in Sestak Job Offer

Repeated calls to Holder to appoint special prosecutor

(Newser) - Republicans are calling for the attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Joe Sestak's claims that someone in the Obama administration offered him a high-ranking job to drop out of the Pennsylvania primary race against Arlen Specter. And they've already used the “I” word. “It's very...

Pelosi, Hill Forced Obama to Back Deal on 'Don't Ask'

They threatened to move without him

(Newser) - Barack Obama went ahead with a plan to repeal “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” only because Congress dragged him into it kicking and screaming. Lawmakers, particularly Nancy Pelosi and Carl Levin, threatened to push ahead without Obama, and he reluctantly struck a deal. “Levin made it clear that the...

Oil Spill Gives Bobby Jindal a 2nd Chance

By criticizing cleanup, governor regains footing

(Newser) - Bobby Jindal, last seen spectacularly botching his response to an Obama speech last year, may have resurrected his political career thanks to the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe. The Louisiana governor has ironically been calling for a bigger government response, and criticizing BP's slow, incompetent efforts to fix the leak. In the...

Feds Let Big Oil Fill Out Own Inspection Forms

Regulators also took gifts, openly hustled for oil company jobs

(Newser) - Minerals and Management Service regulators accepted gifts from the oil companies they were supposed to be watching over, and allowed those companies to fill out their own inspection reports, according to a damning report from the inspector general, which found sweeping misconduct at the agency from 2005 to 2007. One...

Feds Won't Replace BP: Cleanup Point Man

Coast Guard admiral defends oil company's efforts

(Newser) - BP is "exhausting every technical means possible" in cleanup of the Gulf oil spill, and the federal government has no plans to take over the project from the oil company, the administration's chief contact for the disaster said this afternoon. Adm. Thad Allen didn't join the chorus of frustration...

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