vice presidential candidate

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Romney Could Reveal VP Pick Soon

Early choice would double campaigning power

(Newser) - Mitt Romney may give his campaign a boost by naming a running mate much earlier than usual. Naming his pick now, weeks ahead of the convention, would allow the Romney campaign to open up a new front against President Obama, with two people on the stump and raising money instead...

Romney's VP Shortlist Takes Shape

4 candidates look likely, but don't count out Kelly Ayotte

(Newser) - Buzz surrounding Mitt Romney's VP pick is growing louder, and RealClearPolitics has narrowed it down to four candidates: Tim Pawlenty, Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan. RCP doubts that a deliberative guy like Romney would make a pick out of left field,...

Condoleezza as Romney VP? 'No Way'

She also criticizes Obama's foreign policy

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice gave an unequivocal "no," this morning when asked if she'd be Mitt Romney's running mate—despite polls showing she's the most popular pick for the job. "Charlie, I didn't run for student council president," Rice told Charlie Rose on CBS'...

Romney Advisers' VP Favorite: Pawlenty

He's easygoing, and will do well with the working class

(Newser) - Despite the fact that Mitt Romney just made waves by confirming Marco Rubio is being vetted as a possible runningmate , Tim Pawlenty is the No. 1 pick for VP among several of Romney's top advisers, sources tell Politico . His most winning quality seems to be his appeal to regular,...

Voters Know Nothing About Romney's VP Candidates

No opinion on Rob Portman, Marco Rubio

(Newser) - What do voters think of Rob Portman? They don't, a poll finds. Some 51% don't have an opinion on the man currently most likely to join Mitt Romney's ticket, the highest "no opinion" figure about pretty much anything in a Washington Post -ABC poll since September....

Romney&#39;s Likely VP Pick: &#39;Incredibly Boring White Guy&#39;
Romney's Likely VP Pick:
'Incredibly Boring White Guy'
inside his strategy

Romney's Likely VP Pick: 'Incredibly Boring White Guy'

Campaign aims to do the opposite of McCain

(Newser) - Team Romney’s rule of thumb: Do the opposite of everything John McCain did in 2008, or so reports Politico in a look at the campaign's strategy. The approach applies broadly, say advisers—focus hugely on the economy, fully engage in fundraising, integrate early with the Republican National Committee—...

Insiders: Christie Wants VP Nod

But some doubt he'd stay on message

(Newser) - Chris Christie may not have wanted to be president, but apparently he'd love to be vice president. New Jersey government insiders tell the National Review that Christie would happily accept the number 2 slot on the ticket if Mitt Romney offered it. "Christie is open to it, his...

Why Mitt Should Avoid Condi as VP

 Why Mitt Should  
 Avoid Condi as VP 

Why Mitt Should Avoid Condi as VP

Rice's lousy record should keep her off Romney ticket: Bret Stephens

(Newser) - Did you like the Bush administration? No? Then why the heck would you want Condoleezza Rice to be Mitt Romney's running mate, asks Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal . A recent poll had Rice as Republican voters' top choice for the ticket, and it's easy to see...

Karl Rove: I Didn&#39;t Want Dick Cheney

 Karl Rove: 
 I Didn't Want 
 Dick Cheney 

Karl Rove: I Didn't Want Dick Cheney

Bush strategist says to ignore politics when picking a VP

(Newser) - From now until August, pundits will be speculating about Mitt Romney's VP choice, and poring over the political benefits of each candidate. Karl Rove thinks Romney should ignore all of that and choose, as George W. Bush did, the "best partner in the White House and a person...

Rob Portman&#39;s Edge: He&#39;s Dull as Dirt
 Rob Portman's Edge: 
 He's Dull as Dirt 
VP Watch

Rob Portman's Edge: He's Dull as Dirt

Mitt Romney might pick Ohio senator as a kind of anti-Palin

(Newser) - Most media VP speculation is swirling around colorful personalities like Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, and Bob McDonnell, but Politico has its eye on a candidate who exemplifies drab: Rob Portman. The last bill the Ohio senator introduced was a measure controlling Asian Carp in the Great Lakes—not exactly the...

Rubio for VP Would Be Just Like McCain's Palin Pick

He doesn't fit Romney's own criteria for president: John Dickerson

(Newser) - Marco Rubio tends to be on everybody's short list of VP candidates for Mitt Romney, and if that becomes reality it will be much like John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin, writes John Dickerson at Slate . Like Palin, Rubio is a politically savvy choice: He's a grass-roots...

VP Candidates Don't Deliver Big Home-State Boost

Nate Silver: It's worth a few percentage points at best

(Newser) - We've heard that as running mates, Rob Portman of Ohio and Marco Rubio of Florida could help Mitt Romney in their battleground home states—but statistics wiz Nate Silver isn't so sure. In the New York Times , he evaluates the performances of presidential tickets in the VP nominee'...

Stewart: No One Wants to Be Romney's VP

'Daily Show' host runs down the rejections

(Newser) - Now that we know Mitt Romney will be the Republican presidential nominee, only one question remains: Who will serve as his running mate? The answer to the question so far seems to be a resounding "Not it!," Jon Stewart pointed out last night . He ran through those who...

Marco Rubio: 'If I Do a Good Job as VP...'

...oops, he meant 'senator'; speculation swirls around Condi

(Newser) - Marco Rubio has said over and over that he doesn't want to be anyone's running mate this year, and he said it again yesterday in an interview with the National Journal at the University of Phoenix. But he also had what the Journal terms a "Freudian slip....

Top 5 Picks for Romney Running Mate

Marco Rubio, Chris Christie lead Intrade's bets

(Newser) - There's no way of knowing who will join Mitt Romney on the GOP ticket—but Intrade is willing to guess. The online futures site offers odds on various contenders, and the Daily Beast takes a look at the top five:
  1. Marco Rubio, 24.9%. The Florida senator is a

Romney Could Have a 'Dan Quayle Problem'

Like Bush in '88, he must pick a VP to please conservatives: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Now that talk is turning to Mitt Romney's VP pick, Steve Kornacki at Salon sees a strong parallel between his situation and that of the elder George Bush in 1988. Both rose to the top of the ticket despite a "moderate/liberal past" and thus had to constantly appease...

Gingrich-Perry Ticket? Not Yet: Newt Rep
 Will We See a 
 Gingrich-Perry Ticket? 
rumor mill

Will We See a Gingrich-Perry Ticket?

Fox News claim is 'premature': Newt Gingrich spokesman

(Newser) - Contrary to a Fox News report, there hasn't been talk "at any level" of a Newt Gingrich-Rick Perry ticket for 2012, a Gingrich rep tells CBS News . Fox reported that "sources close" to Gingrich envisioned the two men joining forces to make a strong bid for support...

Marco Rubio Was Mormon for a Few Years

When he was a kid; but revelation could complicate shot at VP nom

(Newser) - Marco Rubio is seen by many as the GOP's frontrunner for the 2012 vice presidential nod—but that could change for the faction of the GOP that's ill at ease with the Mormon church. BuzzFeed reveals that the Florida senator was once a Mormon, having been baptized into...

Condoleezza Rice Perfect for Vice-Presidential Republican Candidate: Joseph Curl

 Condi for VP? 

Condi for VP?

Condoleezza Rice would fit GOP bill perfectly: Joseph Curl

(Newser) - How's this for a master chess move? Whoever emerges as the GOP presidential candidate can attract female voters, hush charges of conservative racism, and cover his lack of foreign policy experience all in one stroke: Name Condoleezza Rice as VP candidate. "Her addition to the ticket, which wouldn’...

Smart Pick for GOP VP: Puerto Rico's Luis Fortuño

He's a strong conservative, and a demographic win: William McGurn

(Newser) - Hey, Republican strategists, interested in a young, dynamic, Latino vice presidential nominee? Then William McGurn has a name for you, "And he's not Marco Rubio." Instead, the Wall Street Journal columnist suggests the less-famed Luis Fortuño, governor of Puerto Rico, who's "part of a...

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