vice presidential candidate

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Why Christie Nixed VP Job: Fear of Loss
 Why Christie 
 Nixed VP Job: 
 Fear of Loss 
says 'ny post'

Why Christie Nixed VP Job: Fear of Loss

Would have had to relinquish governorship to run

(Newser) - Had Chris Christie joined Mitt Romney's ticket, he would have had to quit as New Jersey governor—and he just didn't have the confidence in a GOP victory to justify that sacrifice, reports the New York Post in an exclusive. Christie "felt, at one point, that (President)...

VP Shortlisters to Speak at RNC
 VP Shortlisters to Speak at RNC

VP Shortlisters to Speak at RNC

Jindal, Portman, Ayotte, McDonnell among latest speakers named

(Newser) - Bobby Jindal, Rob Portman, Kelly Ayotte, and Bob McDonnell were among the names being tossed around as likely VP picks for Mitt Romney—and though they didn't make the cut, all of the above will be speaking at the Republican National Convention, which starts Aug. 27 in Tampa, CNN...

Romney-Ryan: Bromance on the Campaign Trail

Republican running mates seem to genuinely like each other

(Newser) - Jay-Z and Kanye, Damon and Affleck ... Ryan and Romney? Writing for the New York Times, Michael Barbaro gives us an inside look at the relationship between the GOP candidate and his newly-selected running mate, and the two seem to, well, actually like each other. Romney and Ryan will be splitting...

Ayn Rand Wouldn&#39;t Love Paul Ryan
 Ayn Rand Wouldn't 
 Love Paul Ryan 

Ayn Rand Wouldn't Love Paul Ryan

He's embraced policies antithetical to author's thinking: Conor Friedersdorf

(Newser) - Paul Ryan adores Atlas Shrugged author Ayn Rand, calling her "the reason I got involved in public service." But the feeling wouldn't be mutual, writes Conor Friedersdorf in the Atlantic . First off, the very idea of "public service" is pretty un-Randian: She calls the notion of...

Ryan Pick Drives Big Bucks to Romney Campaign

$3.5M donated online in first 24 hours after announcement

(Newser) - Thanks for Paul Ryan's enthusiastic fan base among fiscal conservatives, Mitt Romney's presidential campaign is enjoying an energetic resurgence, with crowds noticeably larger and louder, reports the Wall Street Journal . Perhaps just as importantly, that enthusiasm is also bringing in money, with $3.5 million pouring in from...

Why Ryan Hid Behind Shades, Crept Through the Woods

Team Romney had secretive method of making VP pick

(Newser) - Jason Bourne, eat your heart out. Paul Ryan's ascent to VP pick was nearly as clandestine, including a secretive journey through the woods and a surreptitious trip through O'Hare airport, CNN reports. Mitt Romney and longtime aide Beth Myers set the tone by discussing the VP choice only...

WSJ: My, What a Smart Pick
 WSJ: My, What a Smart Pick 

WSJ: My, What a Smart Pick

Journal calls Ryan pick 'serious'; Krugman says 'dishonest'

(Newser) - Last week, the Wall Street Journal called on Mitt Romney to pick Paul Ryan for his vice presidential runningmate. Now who's crowing about the pick? Why, the Wall Street Journal . The Journal isn't taking credit for the pick, but its editors do view it as a sign of...

Spotlight Shifts to 'Ladylike' Janna Ryan

Oklahoma native, Ryan was tax lawyer before moving to Wisconsin

(Newser) - Janna Little was a high-powered DC tax attorney with a low profile when she married a bachelor considered one of Washington's most eligible in 2000 and moved to his native Wisconsin to raise a family. But that relative anonymity went up in smoke yesterday as she stood beside husband...

Romney: Ryan Is All About Integrity
 Romney-Ryan Ticket Debuts 
the speeches

Romney-Ryan Ticket Debuts

Mitt lauds his VP pick, while Ryan goes after Obama

(Newser) - Mitt Romney got so excited to announce Paul Ryan today that he mistakenly introduced him as the "next president of the United States." When Ryan arrived on stage, Romney corrected himself to make it "vice" president. "Every now and then I make a mistake," he...

Ryan Pick Shows Romney Doesn't Want to Play It Safe

Mike Allen: It's a bold choice, but one that could backfire

(Newser) - Politico's Mike Allen weighs in with an early assessment on the choice of Paul Ryan, and sees it as a sign that Mitt Romney recognizes his strategy of playing it safe and making the campaign all about Obama's record instead of his own vision wasn't working...

All Signs Point to Ryan as Vice President Pick
 Romney Picks Paul Ryan 

Romney Picks Paul Ryan

Wisconsin congressman is vice presidential running mate

(Newser) - No more rumors: The Romney campaign told supporters today via phone app that Paul Ryan will indeed be Mitt Romney's running mate, reports AP . Romney will announce it himself at 9 Eastern in Norfolk, Va., and later the two will take off on a four-day bus tour. Earlier, just...

Romney to Unveil VP Pick Saturday

Speculation ends about 9am Eastern

(Newser) - Place your bets. Ryan? Pawlenty? Portman? Rubio? Condi? Christie? Maybe even Petraeus ? The endless speculation ends Saturday morning. Mitt Romney will announce his vice presidential pick at 9am Eastern in Norfolk, Va., reports Politico . So here's one last bit of speculation to wrap things up: Bill Kristol and...

Hey, Romney: Save Yourself. Pick Paul Ryan

Leading conservatives to Mitt: Ignore the establishment

(Newser) - Establishment Republicans shudder at the idea of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney's runningmate: After all, as chair of the House Budget Committee, he has espoused controversial reforms to Medicare, and Beltway insiders fear choosing him would put the focus on those issues. In short, they believe "Ryan is...

Dems Start Shoveling Dirt on VP Contenders

Super PAC preps 1,651 pages of attack material

(Newser) - No matter who Mitt Romney picks as a running mate, Democrats are already working to convince voters there's a problem with said potential veep. The Obama campaign has gathered plenty of what it considers to be dirt on each name that's been floated, and isn't wasting any...

Colbert Causes Wikipedia VP Lockdown

He urged viewers to edit pages of Mitt's potential picks

(Newser) - Wikipedia banned new users from editing the pages of close to a dozen of Mitt Romney's potential running mates after Stephen Colbert urged his viewers to get edit-happy. Colbert was responding to a report that suggested edits could hint at Romney's choice, reports the Hill . A tech analyst...

Obama Thinks He Knows Romney's VP Pick

Romney wants to choose Gen. David Petraeus, president thinks

(Newser) - The speculation over Mitt Romney's VP pick continues, and even the president is getting in on the guessing game: This week, Obama told a top fundraiser that he thinks Romney wants to choose Gen. David Petraeus. "The president wasn't joking," an insider tells the Drudge Report...

Cheney Backtracks on Palin Comments

He claims he was criticizing process, not Alaskan

(Newser) - Dick Cheney appears to have decided that picking a fight with Sarah Palin isn't a good idea. Speaking to Fox's Sean Hannity, Cheney backtracked from his earlier comment that John McCain's decision to run with Palin was a mistake . The comment "wasn’t aimed so much...

Romney to Announce VP Pick Via App

App can gather info on his supporters

(Newser) - Want to be the first to know Mitt Romney's running mate? There's an app for that. The Romney campaign has released a new "Mitt's VP" app, which it's billing as a way to "be the first to know the second member of America’s...

Condi Could Save This Dull Election
 Condi Could 
 Save This 
 Dull Election 

peggy noonan

Condi Could Save This Dull Election

In a crucial year, neither candidate has inspired: Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - We're in the middle of "a crisis election like 1932 or 1980," yet supporters of both candidates can't seem to muster much enthusiasm. We need to inject some inspiration and excitement into this race, and Condoleezza Rice could be just the person to do it, writes...

Drudge: Condi Tops Mitt's VP List

Despite Rice saying no, speculation swirls about her candidacy

(Newser) - She's given some pretty emphatic denials , but Condoleezza Rice has still emerged as Mitt Romney's No. 1 choice for vice president, according to the Drudge Report . Despite her repeated statements that elected office is not for her, Rice wowed the conservative establishment with her speech at a Romney...

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