Ehud Barak

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Israel to Propose Settlement Deal to Washington

Would remove some West Bank outposts for OK on current building

(Newser) - Israel would dismantle nearly two dozen wildcat settlement outposts in the West Bank in the next few weeks if the US drops its objections to continued building in existing, government-sanctioned settlements, officials said. Defense Minister Ehud Barak will bring the new proposal to senior American officials during his visit to...

CIA Chief Warned Israel Against Attacking Iran

Panetta told that Israel won't bomb Iran without first alerting Washington

(Newser) - CIA director Leon Panetta was sent on a secret mission to Israel earlier this month to warn the country's leaders against launching a surprise attack against Iran, the Times of London reports. Panetta asked for—and received—assurances from Israel's hawkish new government  that the country would not bomb Iranian...

Israel Tests Missile Defense Aimed at Iran

(Newser) - Israel today performed a successful test of a missile-defense system the country said could defend against any munition in Iran’s arsenal, the Jerusalem Post reports. The Arrow 2, a US-Israel collaboration, was paired with its radar system for the first time and took down a missile masquerading as an...

Labor Party Set to Join Far-Right Israeli Gov't

Barak signs deal with Netanyahu, but party members may rebel

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister-designate, has reached a deal with Ehud Barak that would see Barak's center-left Labor Party join an otherwise hard-right coalition, reports Haaretz. Barak, a former PM, is expected to retain his current post of defense minister in the new government. But Labor is divided over...

Leftist Party Could Join Israel Government

Netanyahu gets more time as Labor debates joining coalition

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister-designate of Israel, has been given an extra two weeks to form a government after a breakthrough in talks with Ehud Barak, the leader of the Labor Party and the country's outgoing defense minister. While Netanyahu has been ready to complete his right-wing cabinet this week,...

Livni's Party Wins, but Netanyahu May Be Next PM

(Newser) - This much is clear: Exit polls show that Tzipi Livni's Kadima Party has narrowly defeated Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party, the Jerusalem Post reports. So who will be the next prime minister? Not so clear. In fact, both candidates are claiming the mantle. Israel's election rules say the party with the...

Israeli Race Neck and Neck
 Israeli Race Neck and Neck 

Israeli Race Neck and Neck

(Newser) - Today's parliamentary elections in Israel are still too close to call, with polls showing foreign minister Tzipi Livni locked in a statistical dead heat with hardliner Benjamin Netanyahu, reports Reuters. Centrist Livni closed in on the right-winger's lead following Israel's 22-day incursion into Gaza.

Israeli Election Goes to the Wire

Netanyahu falls back ahead of vote on Tuesday

(Newser) - With four days to go before the Israeli election, Tzipi Livni has pulled within striking distance of Benjamin Netanyahu, whose hawkish Likud Party has led throughout the race. In the last polls before a media blackout, Likud is forecast to win 25-27 seats, while Livni's centrist Kadima would win 22-23....

Israel Nears Decision on Gaza Ceasefire

Cabinet may approve unilateral move at meeting tomorrow

(Newser) - Israel’s security cabinet will meet tomorrow to discuss, and likely approve, a unilateral ceasefire in Gaza, the Jerusalem Post reports. The move comes after negotiations in Egypt and the signing of an agreement with the US designed to halt smuggling of arms into Gaza. The ceasefire does not include...

Real Reason for Rich Pardon: Israeli Pressure
Real Reason for Rich Pardon: Israeli Pressure

Real Reason for Rich Pardon: Israeli Pressure

It's a taboo topic in DC, as evidenced by Holder's hearing

(Newser) - For the sake of a quiet confirmation, attorney general nominee Eric Holder is letting us forget the real reason for Bill Clinton’s controversial Marc Rich pardon. Clinton didn’t let Rich off the hook because of his generous wife, writes Joe Conason in Salon. He did so because of...

Israel Shells UN Headquarters
 Israel Shells UN Headquarters 

Israel Shells UN Headquarters

Offensive escalates even as ceasefire hopes rise

(Newser) - Israeli shells set fire to the UN’s relief agency headquarters and a hospital today, as Israeli tanks pushed deep into Gaza City, the BBC reports. Some 700 people were inside the compound, along with large amounts of fuel and aid supplies; at least three UN employees were injured. Secretary-General...

Blair: Gaza Ceasefire in Sight
 Blair: Gaza Ceasefire in Sight 

Blair: Gaza Ceasefire in Sight

Israeli leaders torn over next step

(Newser) - “The elements of an agreement” for a ceasefire in Gaza are in place, Mideast envoy Tony Blair said today amid negotiations in Cairo including representatives of Israel and Hamas. But in Jerusalem, Israeli leaders were weighing an escalation, the Washington Post reports. PM Ehud Olmert is pushing for a...

Israeli Forces Attack Gaza's 2nd Biggest City

4 Israeli soldiers die in friendly fire; Khan Younis raided

(Newser) - Israeli tanks and troops moved today into Gaza's second-largest city, Khan Younis, covered by intensive airstrikes. Fighting has been heaviest in the north of the Strip, where witnesses have reported waves of bombings, and naval attacks from the Mediterranean killed 10 Palestinians. The Guardian also reports that 4 Israeli soldiers...

Israeli Army Moves Into Gaza City

Soldiers exchange gunfire with Hamas fighters on capital's streets

(Newser) - The Israeli army moved into Gaza City for the first time this morning, fighting gun battles in the streets with Hamas militants. The Guardian reports that Israeli soldiers were making house-by-house sweeps for fighters associated with Hamas. This morning Ehud Barak, the defense minister, said that Israel would continue to...

Rival Israeli Pols Gain From Gaza Attack

Offensive could make or break the election for leaders who planned it

(Newser) - An uneasy triumvirate of Israeli politicians united to plan the offensive against Gaza, the Washington Post reports. Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who will compete to become prime minister in February's election, both want to convince the electorate they can successfully defend Israel. For outgoing PM...

Israel Weighs Truce Backed by Ground Threat

Barak favors ultimatum

(Newser) - Israel is considering halting its Gaza offensive temporarily to give Hamas militants an opening to halt rocket fire, an Israeli defense official said today, but with the threat of a ground offensive if a ceasefire does not hold. Ehud Barak will raise the proposal during a meeting tomorrow of Israel's...

Barak Promises 'All Out War'
 Barak Promises 'All Out War' 

Barak Promises 'All Out War'

Death toll at at least 320

(Newser) - Israel is determined to fight a “war to the bitter end” with Hamas, Defense Minister Ehud Barak declared today, as Israeli fighters continued to level high-profile targets throughout Gaza. “We have nothing against the people of Gaza,” Barak said. “But this is an all-out war against...

Israeli Assault Could Last Weeks; 230 Dead

(Newser) - Israel's bombardment of Hamas posts in the Gaza Strip is the start of a military operation likely to last several weeks, the Jerusalem Post reports. The assault—one of the deadliest in the 60-year conflict—has killed 230 Palestinians, including at least three senior Hamas officers, notes Haaretz. Hamas vowed...

Ferocity of Israeli Attacks Surprises West
Ferocity of Israeli Attacks Surprises West

Ferocity of Israeli Attacks Surprises West

(Newser) - It's no surprise that Israel has struck back at Hamas, but the intensity of the attacks "appeared to stun Western governments and analysts," writes Michael Abramowitz of the Washington Post. Barack Obama's camp has remained largely mum so far on the air assaults that have killed more than...

Israel to US: Iran Threat Bigger Than You Think

Barak talks tough, will press case in Washington next week

(Newser) - In the wake of Iranian missile tests, Israel’s defense minister will visit the US for talks next week to press the case that Tehran poses a serious nuclear threat, the Jerusalem Post reports. Yesterday, Ehud Barak suggested that Israel is ready to attack. "We have proven in the...

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