Democratic candidates

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To Save Dems, Obama Needs More Coherent Message
To Save Dems, Obama Needs More Coherent Message
ej dionne

To Save Dems, Obama Needs More Coherent Message

EJ Dionne: GOP has short, sweet theme on economy, and it's working

(Newser) - The Republicans are coasting through this election season on a platform of just a few words: “Spending, taxes, jobs, economy, deficit, debt,” as one party leader has it. As we near Nov. 2, the Democrats still don’t have anything like that coherent message, writes EJ Dionne in...

NY Pol Lists Foe's 'Jewish Money' Donors

Rep. Mike McMahon scrambles to fire staffer, apologize

(Newser) - A Democratic congressman is practicing damage control after his campaign compiled a list of Jewish donors contributing to his GOP challenger. Rep. Mike McMahon's staff didn't exactly try to keep it a secret: They gave the report, subtly titled "Grimm Jewish Money Q2," to the New York Observer...

Alvin Greene Profile: We Still Don't Know Much

Family and friends say he's smart, shy, and 'hard-headed'

(Newser) - The AP visited South Carolina and the home of Alvin Greene to try to shed light on the surprise Senate candidate. We learn ... not much, because Greene was less than forthcoming, at one point ordering a reporter ouf of the house he shares with his ailing father with a gruff,...

Kiss Dem Agenda Goodbye, Say Hello to Job Worries

Pelosi will try to ram health care through before Blue Dogs bolt

(Newser) - The Obama administration is running out of time in its race to enact its liberal agenda before Democratic candidates start caring more about their own re-election than the party line, writes Kim Strassel . Tuesday's results show that Obama's power is weakening, and will be the tipping point for many "...

Voters Punished Obama, Dems for Going Deaf
 Voters Punished Obama, 
 Dems for Going Deaf 

Voters Punished Obama, Dems for Going Deaf

Election should be a wake-up call for out-of-touch White House

(Newser) - The Democratic Party should view its walloping in Tuesday's election as an opportunity to start listening before it's too late, writes Peggy Noonan . The Democrats have been focusing on the wrong issues since they gained power last year and that explains the huge swing to the Republicans in Virginia and...

Obama Can't Save Democrats
 Obama Can't Save Democrats 

Obama Can't Save Democrats

NJ, Va. votes show that president's popularity isn't catching

(Newser) - The message to Democratic candidates from yesterday's GOP wins in New Jersey and Virginia should be loud and clear: they're on their own, writes Dan McLaughlin . Jon Corzine and Creigh Deeds tied themselves as closely to possible to President Obama and lost, demonstrating that the president's continued personal popularity isn't...

Prez to Paterson: Get Out of NY Gov Race

Obama fears Dem's unpopularity could hand race to GOP

(Newser) - President Obama has told New York Gov. David Paterson not to run in next year's gubernatorial election, reports the New York Times. Obama's fear is that the unpopular Democrat could give otherwise listless Republicans incentive to storm the polls, sources say. That would be doubly true if former New York...

Bloggers, Unions Team Up to Push Dems to the Left

Liberal coalition will fund competition for centrist incumbents

(Newser) - A new political action committee backed by liberal bloggers and labor unions aims to push the Obama administration and Democratic establishment to embrace more progressive politics, the New York Times reports. Called “Accountability Now” the group will recruit and promote liberal candidates to challenge centrists in Congress. Their goal...

Pundits' 7 Worst Campaign Blunders

Missed calls, poor predictions

(Newser) - Pundits make mistakes. And Salon has tallied the biggest whoppers of the presidential campaign:
  1. The “Palin bounce”—It fizzled and the Alaska governor has the highest negative approval ratings of a VP candidate in history.
  2. “Sergeant” Schmidt will right the USS McCain—Steve Schmidt’s strategy of

Obama Welcomes Mac Attacks as Signs of 'Flailing'
Obama Welcomes Mac Attacks as Signs of 'Flailing'

Obama Welcomes Mac Attacks as Signs of 'Flailing'

Drawing negative attention is gamble, but team thinks it can paint broader picture

(Newser) - You wouldn’t expect a political campaign to circulate its opponent’s attack on its candidate—yet that’s exactly what Barack Obama’s media-relations team is doing, observes Andrew Romano for Newsweek. An email linking to stories on John McCain’s latest jabs is part of the “rapid...

GOP Sees Smoother Ride on Palin's Coattails

VP candidate has some in Congress worrying less about ugly November

(Newser) - Congressional Republicans nervous about their own election chances are encouraged by the thought of a Sarah Palin-fueled boost to the GOP’s overall image, Real Clear Politics reports. Polls conducted since she was picked as John McCain’s running mate show a generic Republican congressional candidate trailing a generic Democrat...

Franken Wins Minn. Primary
 Franken Wins Minn. Primary 

Franken Wins Minn. Primary

Funnyman sees off challenger who turned his own jokes against him

(Newser) - Al Franken won Minnesota's Democratic Senate primary last night, the Hill reports. The former funnyman had almost 70% of the vote with two-thirds of precincts reporting. The state party-endorsed Franken saw off a late challenge from attorney Priscilla Lord Faris, who used some of Franken's crude jokes of the past...

Clinton Fans Say Her Support for Obama Tepid

Her Florida speech seems lackluster, worrying partisans

(Newser) - Yesterday Hillary Clinton gave a speech in Florida, site of her uncontested primary victory, and urged Democrats to vote for Barack Obama in November. But as the New York Times reports, many at the rally found her support for the presumptive nominee lukewarm at best. In a room full of...

GOP Fears Big Losses in Northeast
GOP Fears Big Losses in Northeast

GOP Fears Big Losses in Northeast

Dems likely to pick up a dozen seats in Congress, parties say

(Newser) - Up to a dozen Republican Congressional seats in the Northeast could fall to Democrats this November, and the New York Times looks at some of the tightest races in the region, where a well-financed Democratic party has won ever more supporters. "There could be a dramatic political realignment in...

Dems Fight to Retake the South
Dems Fight
to Retake
the South

Dems Fight to Retake the South

Party is running the most competitive Dixie campaign in 40 years

(Newser) - Democrats are mounting a full-scale assault on Southern congressional seats, the Wall Street Journal reports. By fielding socially moderate candidates, Democrats look like they might do the unthinkable: reverse the “Great Reversal,” the civil rights-era shift of the South from a Democratic stronghold to a Republican one. And...

Webb Officially Pulls Out of Veepstakes

Senator says he told Obama last week he wouldn't run

(Newser) - Jim Webb withdrew his name from Barack Obama's VP shortlist today, squelching rumors he might bring military and foreign policy experience to the ticket, Chicago Tribune reports. The freshman Virginia senator has long denied interest, but says he bowed out officially last week. "I believe I am best equipped...

Clinton Wins by Losing
 Clinton Wins by Losing 

Clinton Wins by Losing

Her campaign made her an Evita, but where does she go from here?

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton won big by losing narrowly, shedding her toxic image and escaping her husband's ambiguous legacy to become a lionized figure for women, the left, and even some Republicans, John Heilemann writes in New York. "Although in the end she may wind up being dwarfed by Obama, for...

Did Rush's Dittoheads Tilt Indiana for Hillary?

Limbaugh's 'Operation Chaos' may have had a tangible effect

(Newser) - Despite what has been hailed as a strong showing by Barack Obama in Indiana, his campaign claims he would’ve done better but for the sabotage of Rush Limbaugh, the Washington Post reports. Under his “Operation Chaos,” the conservative radio host urged Indiana Republicans to vote for Clinton...

Charlotte Observer Endorses Obama
Charlotte Observer Endorses Obama

Charlotte Observer Endorses Obama

Wants voters to 'send a message to the world'

(Newser) - Just ahead of North Carolina’s critical Tuesday primary, the Charlotte Observer has endorsed Barack Obama, calling on readers to "send a powerful message to the world."  The paper brushes off the inexperience of "one of the most powerful, effective speakers to seek the presidency in...

Dems Score 'Safe' GOP Seat in Louisiana

Special vote costs Republicans House spot held since 1974

(Newser) - A Democrat snagged a Louisiana congressional seat long held by Republicans yesterday, strengthening Dems’ grip on the House, the AP reports. A special election followed the resignation of 20-year incumbent  Richard Baker and awarded the seat to Don Cazayoux after over 30 years of GOP control. Cazayoux took 49% of...

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