
Stories 21 - 30 | << Prev 

Spend, Baby, Spend &mdash;or We're Sunk
 Spend, Baby, Spend 
 —or We're Sunk 


Spend, Baby, Spend —or We're Sunk

(Newser) - Our massive economy will remain stuck until hoarders open their wallets and "roll the dice" once again, Daniel Gross writes in Newsweek. Investors and consumers alike must regain their "penchant for gain and risk... some of the essence of what makes us American." Until that caffeinated, delirious...

UN Official Kidnapped in Pakistan

No leads yet in refugee worker's abduction

(Newser) - An American working with a UN refugee agency in southwestern Pakistan was kidnapped today by gunmen who killed his driver, reports the Times of London. The attack occurred as the official from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which aids Afghan refugees in the city of Quetta, headed to...

US Phrases That Annoy Brits
 US Phrases That Annoy Brits 

US Phrases That Annoy Brits

"Happy Holidays", and "Have a nice day," irksome Americanisms

(Newser) - Toby Harnden must live among Yanks in his job as a correspondent for the UK's Telegraph, and sometimes American phrases drive him nuts. Here are his worst offenders:
  • Happy holidays (just say Christmas, please)
  • Have a nice day (make it stop)
  • You're welcome (this one's just "Pavlovian" to him)

Mumbai-Linked Terror Crew Hunts Western Recruits

Lashkar-e-Taiba seen as stepping stone to al-Qaeda

(Newser) - The Islamic militant group thought to be behind the Mumbai terror attacks has recruited Westerners, particularly Americans and Britons, to aid in planning and executing attacks, the Los Angeles Times reports. A 23-year-old Brit, convicted this year on terror-related charges, was among the Lashkar-e-Taiba adherents helping get converts to Pakistan...

Chronically Ill Worse Off in US Than Elsewhere: Study

Health costs, medical errors scare more than in other rich nations

(Newser) - Chronically ill Americans are more likely to forgo medical care because of high costs or bad experiences than counterparts in a number of other rich nations, a study finds. Researchers interviewed 7,500 adults with conditions like cancer, arthritis, depression, and diabetes, and the Americans led the complaints. Dutch patients...

US Aid Worker Shot Dead in Pakistan

Gunman kills man and driver

(Newser) - Gunmen shot and killed an American aid worker as he traveled to work today in northwestern Pakistan, the latest in a spate of attacks on foreigners in the militancy-wracked country. The shooting occurred in University Town, an upscale area of Peshawar where a top US diplomat was attacked just a...

Hillary Camp Memo: 'Paint Obama as Un-American'

Strategist argued Obama's links to 'basic American culture' are 'limited'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s top campaign strategist urged her to paint Barack Obama as un-American, reports the Atlantic in an upcoming article obtained by Politico. Clinton should empahsize that Obama's ties “to basic American values and culture” were "limited," according to a campaign memo. “Does anyone believe...

Keep the Hummer: Save America's Soul
Keep the Hummer:
Save America's Soul

Keep the Hummer: Save America's Soul

Yes, it's obnoxious; that's why we need it

(Newser) - Sure, the Hummer is more of a "cartoon" than a vehicle, a ridiculously over-the-top gas-guzzling monstrosity. But the unbridled optimism it takes to manufacture it—and to fill up the tank—is what makes it uniquely American, writes Matthew DeBord in the Washington Post. If GM axes it, or,...

When GOP Says 'American,' It Really Means 'White'
When GOP Says 'American,'
It Really Means 'White'

When GOP Says 'American,' It Really Means 'White'

On unpopular side of issues, McCain and Co. seem set to play to biases

(Newser) - John McCain’s first post-primary ad declares him “the American president Americans have been waiting for," and the repetition tells all, Harold Meyerson writes in the Washington Post. Forget "strong," or "experienced," he notes. For the GOP, " ‘American’ is a term to...

Passengers Air a Record Number of Complaints

Skies unfriendlier than ever

(Newser) - Airline passengers on domestic flights are unhappier than they've been in years, with consumer complaints up 60%, according to the annual Airline Quality Rating survey. Long delays, cancellations, overbooking, late arrivals, and lost baggage accounted for most of the complaints, which haven't been this bad since 2000, reports the AP....

Stories 21 - 30 | << Prev