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Florida&#39;s Gillum Un-Concedes
Florida's Gillum

Florida's Gillum Un-Concedes

'Every vote will be counted,' says Democratic candidate for governor in Florida

(Newser) - Florida has begun an unprecedented recount —for both the governor and Senate races—and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum is taking his previous concession to Ron DeSantis off the table, reports Politico . “I am replacing my words of concession in an unapologetic call that we count every vote,...

Fla. Senator Calls for Recount, Opponent Calls Move 'Sad'

Democrat Bill Nelson is pressing for a new vote tally against the GOP's Rick Scott

(Newser) - Republican Rick Scott declared himself the victor in Tuesday's Florida race for a US Senate seat, but it looks like people may have to bite their nails on this one a little longer. Politico reports that the team of his Democratic opponent, incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson, sent out an...

Va. Democrat Says There's Big Problem With Vote No. 11,608

Shelly Simonds asking court to declare her the winner of Virginia's 94th District Race

(Newser) - Shelly Simonds wants to stop her name from being written on a slip of paper and put inside an old film canister on Wednesday morning, and she's partially succeeded. The Democrat plans to ask a Virginia court to name her the winner of the 94th District Race on Wednesday;...

Forget the Recount: VA Race to Be Decided by Drawing Name

Judges uphold tossed ballot, tying race for Virginia House

(Newser) - Well, that didn't last long. Three judges and a sloppily filled-in ballot have erased Shelly Simonds' dramatic one-vote Virginia House win that made headlines Tuesday, the New York Times reports. Republican incumbent David Yancey held a 10-vote lead after Election Day for Virginia's 94th House District. But a...

Atlanta Mayor's Race Decided by Just 832 Votes

A recount is likely

(Newser) - The vote tallies for the runoff election in the Atlanta mayoral race are official, but with a razor-thin margin remaining, the trailing candidate, Mary Norwood, said Monday that she plans to ask for a recount. Election officials in Fulton and DeKalb counties, which both include parts of Atlanta, certified their...

Wisconsin Recount: Yes, Trump Still Won

President-elect actually picked up 162 votes the second time around

(Newser) - Republican Donald Trump's victory in Wisconsin has been reaffirmed following a presidential recount that showed him defeating Democrat Hillary Clinton by more than 22,000 votes, reports the AP . Trump picked up a net 162 votes as a result of the recount that the Wisconsin Elections Commission certified Monday....

Pennsylvania Recount Not Happening: Federal Judge

Green Party's request to retally paper ballots, check for hacking dismissed

(Newser) - Last week, the recount of votes in Michigan was halted ; on Monday, Pennsylvania followed suit. Per the AP , US District Judge Paul Diamond squashed the Green Party's bid to retally paper ballots in the state, as well as to check out some counties' machines for hacking evidence. The third...

Judge Says There's No Need to Continue Michigan Recount

He says system is secure and Stein would never have won

(Newser) - Jill Stein never had a chance of becoming president so there's no need to continue the recount she requested in Michigan, a federal judge decided Wednesday. US District Judge Mark Goldsmith sided with the Michigan Court of Appeal's ruling that the Green Party candidate, who received around 1%...

Green Party Abandons One Recount in Pa., Starts Another

Jill Stein and Co. will turn to federal courts to force a recount, end effort in state courts

(Newser) - A Green Party-backed campaign changed its strategy to force a statewide recount of Pennsylvania's Nov. 8 presidential election, won by Donald Trump, and said late Saturday that it will seek an emergency federal court order on Monday for a recount, hours after abandoning an effort in the state courts,...

Efforts Underway to Block Recounts in Wis., Mich.

Lawsuit filed in Wisconsin, attorney general seeks to block recount in Michigan

(Newser) - Presidential election recount efforts in Wisconsin and Michigan are hitting roadblocks, the AP reports. Trump supporters have filed a federal lawsuit and a request for a temporary restraining order in an attempt to block the Wisconsin recount effort, arguing that the recount, which started Thursday, threatens the due process rights...

Crazy Process for Securing a Penn. Recount Has Begun

Jill Stein needs help from a lot of voters

(Newser) - First Wisconsin , then Pennsylvania—maybe. Politico reports that the Green Party on Monday filed recount requests in more than 100 Pennsylvania precincts as part of Jill Stein's fundraiser-supported quest to secure recounts in three swing states. CBS News digs into the labyrinthine process in the state, which "...

Bernie Sanders: &#39;Nothing Wrong&#39; With Recount
Bernie Sanders:
'Nothing Wrong'
With Recount

Bernie Sanders: 'Nothing Wrong' With Recount

Though it's not likely to change anything, he says

(Newser) - Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders says "there's nothing wrong with" pursuing recounts to ensure the legitimacy of President-elect Donald Trump's Nov. 8 victory. The former Democratic presidential candidate addressed the looming recount in Wisconsin—and the prospect of others in Michigan and Pennsylvania—Sunday morning on CNN's...

Trump: 'Ridiculous' Recount Is 'a Scam'

Says Jill Stein is lining her pockets, raps Hillary Clinton for not respecting outcome

(Newser) - Donald Trump is not going to keep you in suspense about what he thinks about election recount efforts currently underway: "This recount is just a way for Jill Stein, who received less than one percent of the vote overall and wasn't even on the ballot in many states,...

Clinton Campaign Joins Jill Stein's Recount Efforts

But Clinton lawyer says they don't expect anything to change

(Newser) - Jill Stein's recount efforts in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania just got a major new supporter: the Clinton campaign. NBC News reports the campaign announced Saturday it will participate in the recount in Wisconsin and possible recounts in Michigan and Pennsylvania to make sure the process is "fair" for...

It's Official: There'll Be a Presidential Recount in Wisc.

Jill Stein submitted a recount petition Friday

(Newser) - With just 90 minutes to go before the deadline, Jill Stein officially filed for a recount in Wisconsin, NBC News reports. The state acknowledged it received the petition from the Green Party presidential nominee Friday afternoon. The recount is expected to cost $1.1 million. According to the AP , Wisconsin...

Jill Stein's Recount Fund Hits $4.7M

That's $1.2M more than she raised for the election

(Newser) - Jill Stein managed to raise $3,509,477 for the 2016 election, reports Politico by way of an Oct. 19 FEC report—a figure now dwarfed by the amount of money her effort to secure recounts in three swing states has brought in. As of this writing, $4,746,660...

Jill Stein Will File for Recounts in 3 Swing States

She's raising more than the $2.5M needed for filing fees

(Newser) - Tuesday brought the news, via New York Magazine, that a group of "prominent computer scientists and election lawyers" had told Hillary Clinton's camp that she should ask for a vote recount in three swing states —Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania—due to the possibility results "may have...

Democrat Wins Virginia's AG Race—by 165 Votes

But recount expected in state's tightest-ever election

(Newser) - Virginia has declared a winner in the state's tightest election ever: Democrat Mark Herring has been certified as the next state attorney general. But the fight may not be over: The Washington Post expects a recount. More than 2 million voted in the election, but Herring beat fellow state...

Maduro Grabs State TV to Blast US, 'Nazi' Opposition

As Washington demands recount

(Newser) - Venezuela's new honcho is proving to be no less dramatic than Hugo Chavez, with Nicolas Maduro breaking into state television no fewer than three times yesterday to blast the US and opponent Henrique Capriles. As the New York Times reports, Maduro worked "himself into what seemed to be...

Protests Rage After Venezuela Refuses to Recount

Capriles not accepting 'illegitimate ' result

(Newser) - Police in Caracas fired tear gas to disperse furious opposition supporters after Venezuelan electoral authorities decided there would be no recount of the presidential election result, despite Nicolas Maduro's slender margin of victory . Opposition leader Henrique Capriles insists that he, not Hugo Chavez's anointed heir, is the real...

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