movie remakes

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Halloween II a Gory Dud
 Halloween II a Gory Dud 
movie review

Halloween II a Gory Dud

Critics yawn over Rob Zombie's horror remake

(Newser) - Dimension Films refused to screen Rob Zombie's Halloween II for critics—which is looking like a wise move based on the reviews coming out:
  • "Creatively comatose, even by the standards of a sequel to a remake," writes Rob Nelson in Variety. "Zombie's hatchet job on the series

3D Remake of Yellow Submarine to Surface

(Newser) - Disney is planning a 3D remake of Yellow Submarine, the 1968 psychedelic cartoon buoyed by a Beatles soundtrack, the Independent reports. Robert Zemeckis of Back to the Future fame will direct. Aside from the music, the Beatles were only tangentially related to the original film—actors provided the voices to...

Pelham 1 2 3 Remake: Stick With the Original
 Pelham 1 2 3 Remake: 
 Stick With the Original 

Pelham 1 2 3 Remake: Stick With the Original

Slick remake of '70s thriller has its pluses, but fans of the original should stay away

(Newser) - The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 is a slick and solid thriller, though most critics say it pales in comparison to the '70s original—even with the energy of Denzel Washington and John Travolta.
  • Liam Lacey, Toronto Globe & Mail: The New York subway heist movie is an

Hollywood Remaking Sci-Fi Classics

New takes on Ghostbusters , Terminator among flicks already in production

(Newser) - Hollywood is looking backward with an eye on the future, reports the Los Angeles Times. Plans to launch remakes of 12 sci-fi flicks from the last millennium are already under way:
  • When Worlds Collide, an update of the apocalyptic 1951 film, will hit theaters next year with Steven Spielberg signed

MTV to Remake Rocky Horror
 MTV to Remake Rocky Horror 

MTV to Remake Rocky Horror

May add new tunes to cult classic

(Newser) - MTV will remake the 1975 cult classic The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Variety reports. Lou Adler, the executive producer of the original film, will stick to the original screenplay, but the new rendition may include additional songs. There’ve been no casting or directing decisions yet, but Adler wants to...

'Friends' Clique Ready for Flick?

Inspired by SATC 's success, Aniston et al, ready for big screen reprisal

(Newser) - Inspired by Sex and the City's wild silver-screen success, all six cast members—including holdout Jennifer Aniston—are on board to reunite for the big-screen adaptation of the hit sitcom “Friends,” the Daily Mail reports. Produced by Warner Brothers, Friends: The Movie would get under way within the...

Studios Gamble on Hulk's Quick Return

Execs think buzz for June release can overwhelm stink of '03 bust

(Newser) - Studio executives are hoping that The Incredible Hulk, due out June 13, will roar in dollar-sign green—and not the sicklier shade of moviegoers still recovering from Ang Lee's 2003 version, the Los Angeles Times reports. Funders Universal and Marvel promise more action in the new version, and bigger names...

Top Book-to-Movie Misfires
 Top Book-to-Movie Misfires 

Top Book-to-Movie Misfires

Read it and weep, perhaps literally

(Newser) - With warm weather comes the usual wave of summer blockbusters, but sometimes the best story is buried in a book. Entertainment Weekly lists 23 disappointing adaptations, including:
  1. The Da Vinci Code: An utter lack of chemistry between Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou and an uber-creepy Silas (Paul Bettany) made this

Funny Games Not Much Fun
 Funny Games Not Much Fun

Funny Games Not Much Fun

This take on a terrorized family isn't easy to watch

(Newser) - Director Michael Haneke uses Funny Games to toy with his audience—and that can make the "mockingly sadistic and terrifying watch-the-middle-class-writhe-like-stuck-pigs thriller" tough viewing, Owen Leiberman writes in Entertainment Weekly. Critics are split on the merits of Haneke's remake of his disturbing 1997 German-language original—about a vacationing family...

13 Must-See Heist Movies
 13 Must-See Heist Movies 

13 Must-See Heist Movies

In the mood for a caper? Rent one of these.

(Newser) - Did The Bank Job leave you itching for more scheme-heavy heist films? Entertainment Weekly names 13 greats:
  1. Ocean's Eleven: Ex-con George Clooney gathers a gang to filch $150 million and get back his girl, Julia Roberts.
  2. A Fish Called Wanda: John Cleese and Jamie Lee Curtis are among the double-crossers

Critics Riding High on Western '3:10 to Yuma'

Remake is fast paced, well acted, but ending is 'murky'

(Newser) - Critics are saddling up for "3:10 to Yuma," a remake of a Western that “moves like a barn on fire,” according to Newsday’s Jan Stuart. It's director James Mangold's "most sustained and evocative work," touts the New Yorker. The morally nuanced film...

Halloween Slashes the Competition
Halloween Slashes the Competition

Halloween Slashes the Competition

Spooks Superbad out of top spot as moviegoers cap record summer

(Newser) - Moviegoers basked in the glow of Halloween a month early this year, shocking the movie biz by capping the fastest $4 billion in Hollywood summer history. Rob Zombie’s horror remake topped the weekend box office with a record $26.5 million, scaring two-time champ Superbad out of first place...

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