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20 Years After Missed Court Date, His Skeleton Was Found

Police seek info on Ronnie Joe Kirk, whose remains turned up in Wisconsin store chimney

(Newser) - His name was Ronnie Joe Kirk. How he got to be in the chimney of the Good 'n Loud Music store in Madison, Wisconsin, is anyone's guess. The body of the 5'7" man was discovered at the base of the chimney on Sept. 3, 1989, during the...

Headless Body Posed in Vineyard Is Identified

Ada Beth Kaplan was 64 when she was killed, posed in 'degrading way' in California

(Newser) - Authorities described the scene as "creepy." In 2011, the body of a woman was found "posed in an intentionally degrading way" on a dirt road at a vineyard in Arvin, California, per SFGate . Even more horrific, the body was drained of blood, with its head and thumbs...

Man Found 47 Years Ago in Arizona Finally Has a Name

Luis Alonso Paredes was found shot to death in a shallow grave by hikers in 1976

(Newser) - Remains found by hikers in a shallow grave 47 years ago near a lake on the border of Arizona and Nevada have been identified. The man was Luis Alonso Paredes, who was from El Salvador but may have been living or working in the Las Vegas area at the time...

'Lady in the Fridge' Identified 28 Years Later

$10K reward offered in California for information leading to arrest of her killer

(Newser) - For the 30 years she was alive, she was known as Amanda Deza. For almost as long since her death, she's been dubbed California's "lady in the fridge"—but no longer. The San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office has announced that it's finally identified Deza,...

Murdered 'Boy in the Box' ID'd 65 Years Later

Philadelphia cops hope for 'avalanche of tips' in cold case murder of Joseph Augustus Zarelli

(Newser) - For 65 years, Philadelphia police have worked to identify a boy found dead—beaten and malnourished—inside a cardboard box left in a wooded area in the northeastern part of the city on Feb. 25, 1957. Thanking the many people who've worked on the investigation over the decades, Philadelphia...

Massachusetts' Oldest Unknown Murder Victim ID'd
'Lady of the Dunes'
Now Has a Name

'Lady of the Dunes' Now Has a Name

Woman brutally murdered on Cape Cod in 1974 identified as Ruth Marie Terry

(Newser) - Massachusetts' oldest unknown murder victim is unknown no longer. The "Lady of the Dunes," found brutally murdered in Provincetown, Cape Cod, on July 26, 1974, has been identified as Ruth Marie Terry , a 37-year-old mother and sister from Tennessee, authorities announced Monday. They said it was the biggest...

Want to Buy Whipped Cream? Can I See Some ID?

NY stores are starting to ban sale to minors, but bill's sponsor says that wasn't the intent

(Newser) - Turns out former President Trump may not have been completely wrong about needing ID when buying groceries, at least in some stores in his home state that are apparently misinterpreting a recently implemented law. Late last year, New York state passed a restriction on the selling of whippits—the cartridges...

Unknown Soldier No More: WWI Gravestone Gets a Name
Unknown Soldier Is
Unknown No More

Unknown Soldier Is Unknown No More

British soldier who died in WWI is identified via DNA as 2nd Lt. Osmund Bartle Wordsworth

(Newser) - For more than a century, the British soldier lay in an anonymous grave, one of so many unidentified victims buried beneath the killing fields of World War I. But now, his headstone finally bears a name: 2nd Lt. Osmund Bartle Wordsworth—a great-great-nephew of English poet William Wordsworth—who was...

Ukrainian Parents Are Doing This to Their Kids, Just in Case

They write ID, contact info on their kids' bodies in case parents are separated from them or killed

(Newser) - As stories of unimaginable horror continue to emerge out of Ukraine, another story is also being told, via scribblings on the nation's children. Last week, Anastasiia Lapatina, a journalist with the Kyiv Independent media outlet, posted a photo of a toddler, naked save for the diaper she was wearing,...

6-Year ID Project for Victims of USS Oklahoma Is Complete

92% of the victims from Pearl Harbor attack were identified, with 33 remaining 'unknowns'

(Newser) - A six-year project to identify the crew members killed on the USS Oklahoma when it sank during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor has ended with 33 people still unidentified, the military revealed this week. However, 355 sailors and Marines were identified from dental records or DNA samples supplied by...

Insurance Broker Is First 9/11 Victim IDed in 2 Years

Dorothy Morgan was working on 94th floor of the WTC's north tower; a man has also been IDed

(Newser) - Two more victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks have been identified ahead of the 20th anniversary as part of "the largest and most complex forensic investigation in the history of the United States." New York City's Chief Medical Examiner's Office announced Tuesday that two victims have...

That New ID You Need to Fly? You Can Keep Procrastinating

'Real ID' deadline is now May 2023 because of COVID-19

(Newser) - Americans will have more time to get the Real ID that they will need to board a flight or enter federal facilities. The Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday extended the Real ID deadline a sizable 19 months, reports CNN —until May 3, 2023. The deadline had been Oct....

Star on State ID Is About to Become Hugely Important

One year from REAL ID deadline, most Americans are without

(Newser) - Americans intending to fly domestically next year using their state-issued ID better first check the upper right-hand corner. Starting Oct. 1, 2020, travelers will need an upgraded driver's license—what's known as a REAL ID—to access airport security checkpoints, nuclear power plants, and certain federal buildings. The...

Almost 18 Years Later, 9/11 Victim Identified
9/11 Victim IDed,
18 Years Later

9/11 Victim IDed, 18 Years Later

Man's name being withheld

(Newser) - A previously unknown victim of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center finally has a name. We just don't know it yet. According to the New York City Medical Examiner, DNA testing of remains recovered in 2013 has confirmed a man as the 1,643rd victim to be...

Trying to Push Voter ID, Trump Makes Odd Claim on Groceries

No, you don't usually need ID to buy groceries

(Newser) - More than a quarter-century after former President George HW Bush's grocery store scanner moment , President Trump has stumbled into a similar supermarket-themed slip. While championing the concept of voter ID to prevent noncitizen voting, Trump told a rally in Tampa, Fla., on Tuesday that ID is required virtually everywhere...

'John Doe' Buried by Wrong Family Identified as US Vet

John Dickens' body is being exhumed and sent to his estranged family

(Newser) - Southern California authorities have revealed the name of a dead man they misidentified and who was buried by the wrong family. It's a US Army vet whose family hadn't talked to him in 30 years. The Orange County Sheriff's Department said Friday the man found dead with...

In the Future, Your DNA May Not ID You— Your Hair Might

Scientists say analyzing hair proteins may be better for identification than DNA testing

(Newser) - DNA testing has been the forensic scientist's workhorse for identification purposes, but it comes with major issues, reports the Los Angeles Times , and scientists now say they've got a possible substitute: hair proteins. Per a study published in PLoS One , these proteins are like replicas of a person'...

Teen Slain 46 Years Ago Near Manson Killings Is IDed

Cops can't say whether Canadian woman was one of his victims

(Newser) - For more than 46 years, a young woman whose body was found stabbed 150 times and tangled in the brush off of LA's Mulholland Drive has been relegated to "Jane Doe" status. Now, People reports that Jane Doe No. 59 has been identified as Reet Jurvetson—born in...

Searching IDs, US Exhumes 'Unknowns' of Pearl Harbor

USS Oklahoma project aims to disinter 61 caskets

(Newser) - More unidentified USS Oklahoma crew members killed in the 1941 Pearl Harbor bombing were exhumed yesterday, as the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency disinterred five coffins from four gravesites at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu, where they've rested for decades. Flags were draped over the coffins,...

Mummified Michigan Woman ID'd
Mummified Michigan Woman ID'd

Mummified Michigan Woman ID'd

But cause of death still a mystery for woman who died in 2009

(Newser) - Pia Farrenkopf had a poodle named Baby and a cat named Bungee, had traveled the world, and—though estranged from family and friends—was described as kind and private. And now, DNA has positively identified Farrenkopf as the mummified body found in the backseat of her Jeep in March . “...

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