
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Kids With Set Bedtimes Are Better Behaved

Not having a fixed bedtime is like having jetlag, say researchers

(Newser) - New research has uncovered one secret behind well-behaved kids: they have regular bedtimes. The study, published today in Pediatrics, asked parents and teachers to rank the behavior of more than 10,000 7-year-olds, finding those without a consistent bedtime were reported as more hyperactive and with more social and emotional...

8.6M Americans Take Pills to Sleep

Use more common among women, older people

(Newser) - About 4% of Americans aged 20 and older—some 8.6 million of us—turn to prescription drugs like Lunesta and Ambien to catch a few winks, a study finds. In the first federal study on usage, researchers followed 17,000 people between 2005 and 2010. A quarter of them...

We Don&#39;t Sleep as Well During a Full Moon

 The Full Moon 
 Messes With 
 Your Sleep 
study says

The Full Moon Messes With Your Sleep

Even when we don't know about it: study

(Newser) - OK, you probably won't become a werewolf, but there is evidence that the full moon really does take a toll on people—even if they don't know it's out there. Scientists reviewed data in which subjects slept in a darkened room where they couldn't see the...

How to Cope With Being Sleep Deprived

Ideally? Take a nap

(Newser) - If you justified sleeping until 11am today by telling yourself you needed to "catch up on your sleep," well, there's some truth to your theory. The Wall Street Journal talks to sleep expert W. Christopher Winter, who says that "nobody knows how long the horizon is,...

US Kids Seriously Sleep-Deprived

Experts say smartphone use at night may contribute to sleep deprivation

(Newser) - The US has the most sleep-deprived pupils in the world, and the late-night glow of smartphones and laptops is probably contributing to a lack of slumber. A study out of Boston College finds that US students are sleep-deprived at a rate almost 30% higher than the international average, with 73%...

Week of Bad Sleep Alters Genes

 A Week of 
 Bad Sleep 
 Alters Your 
in case you missed it

A Week of Bad Sleep Alters Your Genes

Study finds 'dramatic changes' taking place within days

(Newser) - Sleeplessness starts to bring about dramatic changes in the body within just a few days, disrupting hundreds of genes, hindering the body's ability to repair itself, and raising the risk of illnesses linked to immunity and stress, according to new research. Researchers analyzed the blood of subjects after they...

22 Veterans Commit Suicide Each Day
 22 Veterans 
 Commit Suicide 
 Each Day 
study says

22 Veterans Commit Suicide Each Day

Rate up 20% from 2007 study

(Newser) - Some 22 US veterans commit suicide on a daily basis, a new VA study finds, marking a jump of about 20% from a 2007 study. And it's unlikely that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are the key factor in the increase: More than two-thirds of the suicide victims are...

5 Myths About Shut-Eye
 5 Myths About Shut-Eye 

5 Myths About Shut-Eye

You don't really need 8 hours, expert says

(Newser) - Still sleeping off those Thanksgiving leftovers? Then let's consider a few myths behind the science of sleep: At the Washington Post , sleep expert Till Roenneberg lists five:
  • That eight-hour thing. There's no one perfect amount of sleep that's right for everyone. Only 27% of people sleep eight

Dolphins Can't Sleep Because of Annoying Tourists

Animals sleep during day; hunt at night

(Newser) - Dolphins in Hawaii are losing sleep over annoying tourists: A local species known as spinner dolphins likes to slumber during the day and feed at night. But kayaking tourists, eager to view the dolphins' skillful acrobatics, are harassing the marine animals during daylight hours, leaving them tired and cranky, reports...

Stomach Sleepers Have Sexier Dreams
Stomach Sleepers
Have Sexier Dreams
study says

Stomach Sleepers Have Sexier Dreams

At least according to Hong Kong researchers

(Newser) - Snoozing on your stomach may increase dreams about sex, says a new study. Hong Kong researchers surveyed 670 students, collecting data about sleep postures and dream content and found that stomach sleepers reported more erotic dreams than anyone else. They also described more feelings of "persecution," "being...

Long Naps Can Make Elderly People Crazy

 Long Naps Can 
 Drive Elderly 
 People Crazy 
study says

Long Naps Can Drive Elderly People Crazy

Researchers link napping to mental decline

(Newser) - So much for elderly people taking good, long naps after lunch. Those who do are more likely to suffer from mental decline, according to French researchers. They studied results from 5,000 people over age 65 and found that the 20% who napped heavily fared worse on mental ability tests,...

Sleep Deprived? You're at Risk for a Stroke

Less than 6 hours quadruples danger

(Newser) - Getting less than six hours of sleep per night? It may be time to rethink your schedule. Some 30% of American working adults sleep less than six hours—thus quadrupling their risk of stroke, compared to those who get seven or eight hours, a new study finds. It's the...

To Sleep Better, Partner Up
 To Sleep Better, Partner Up 
in case you missed it

To Sleep Better, Partner Up

Research says health benefits outweigh disruptions

(Newser) - The snoring, the sheet-stealing, the random kicks: Sleeping with a partner may sound like bad news, but the Wall Street Journal reports that it might actually be good for your health. Writing for the Journal, Andrea Petersen notes that some recent studies' findings "run counter" to previous ones indicating...

911 Dispatcher Snores Through Emergency

He was 17 hours into a 24-hour shift

(Newser) - If you're in a situation where you have to dial 911, the last thing you want to hear on the other side of the phone is snoring. But that's what a Maryland woman heard when she called emergency services to help her husband, reports NBC4 in Washington . In...

There's a 29% Chance You Have Sleepwalked

Study also links sleepwalking to depression, sleep disorders

(Newser) - Nearly one in three adults in the US have sleepwalked, a new study finds. Researchers surveyed 16,000 Americans and found that 29% of respondents said they had sleepwalked at least once; almost 3% said they do it as often as once a month and another 1% said they do...

Unnatural Sleep Schedules Can Make You Fat

People who disrupt biological clocks have higher BMIs

(Newser) - Your alarm clock could be making you flabby, suggests new research. People who force themselves to maintain schedules that are different from their natural sleep routines are more likely to put on the pounds, reports LiveScience . Researchers collected data from more than 65,000 Europeans and found that for every...

41M US Workers Sleep Deprived
 41M US Workers 
 Sleep Deprived 
study says

41M US Workers Sleep Deprived

That's 30% of workforce: CDC

(Newser) - Tired? It's no surprise: You're just one of 41 million American workers who suffer from lack of sleep, according to a survey of 15,000 people by the Centers for Disease Control. That's some 30% of the civilian workforce, and it's no small matter, the CDC...

To Stay Slim, Try Nuts, Wine, Sleep
 To Stay Slim, Try 
 Nuts, Wine, Sleep 

To Stay Slim, Try Nuts, Wine, Sleep

New studies address weight issues

(Newser) - A wealth of findings offer some new tips to keep off the pounds. Looks like tree nuts, red wine, and plenty of sleep can all help you stay fit.
  • Researchers found that nut eaters weighed less and had a lower waist circumference and BMI than those who don't eat

Sleep Apnea Tied to Depression
 Sleep Apnea Tied 
 to Depression 
study says

Sleep Apnea Tied to Depression

Nightly breathing troubles can affect mental health: researchers

(Newser) - Sufferers of sleep apnea—a disorder that causes difficulty breathing while asleep—may face a mental health risk. A new CDC study associates the sleep disorder with depression, ABC News reports. In a study involving almost 10,000 adults, researchers saw higher rates of depression among those who reported breathing...

Fatigue Can Make You Fat
 Fatigue Can 
 Make You Fat 
study says

Fatigue Can Make You Fat

Tired research subjects ate hundreds more calories per day

(Newser) - You better be sleeping enough or you'll plump up, say scientists: Tiredness and sleep-deprivation may lead to snacking. A new study by the Mayo Clinic found that people who got less sleep than a normal night consumed hundreds more calories the next day compared to people who get a...

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