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Why You Should Nap After Coffee

 Why You 
 Should Nap 
 After Coffee 
in case you missed it

Why You Should Nap After Coffee

'Coffee naps' produce maximum alertness, scientists say

(Newser) - Debating between a cup of joe or a short nap to make it through the day? Perhaps you should try both. Scientists say a "coffee nap"—having a cup of coffee and then a 20-minute nap—will allow for maximum alertness when you wake, Vox reports. Yes, caffeine...

Windowless Offices Cut Workers&#39; Sleep

 Windowless Offices 
 Cut Workers' Sleep 
study says

Windowless Offices Cut Workers' Sleep

Researchers point to health issue

(Newser) - No windows in your office? You may be losing sleep over it—literally. Researchers surveyed 22 workers getting natural light exposure and 27 others missing it; they found that those who were getting the exposure at work got an extra 46 minutes of sleep during the work week and reported...

8 Hours of Sleep? 7 Might Be Better

CDC is working on new guidelines

(Newser) - How much sleep do you need? The CDC is coming out with new guidelines next year, but a spate of recent research suggests that seven hours is close to the magic number, not eight, reports the Wall Street Journal . Because requirements change from person to person, however, experts suggest spending...

Morning People Are Liars at Night
 Morning People 
 Are Liars at Night 
study says

Morning People Are Liars at Night

Conversely, night owls are more likely to lie in the morning, study finds

(Newser) - Think morning people are somehow morally superior? Think again, say researchers whose new study, the Morality of Larks and Owls , finds a strong link between a person's ethical inclination and chronotype—which refers to when people are most naturally inclined to be asleep or awake. When outside of one'...

'Bedtime Procrastination' Is Making You Sleepy

It's a 'modern phenomenon,' researchers surmise

(Newser) - After a sleepy start to the week, you swore you'd be in bed last night by 10—but when the clock struck midnight, you were still catching up on Game of Thrones. You're not the only one struggling to get to bed despite wanting to sleep: Researchers are...

Are Light Bedrooms Making Us Fat?

We've seen 100 years of lighter bedrooms: expert

(Newser) - Here's an odd theory: Researchers at Oxford say one explanation for obesity might be … excessive light in our bedrooms. They aren't yet certain enough to advise a darkness boost, but a study in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that women had larger waistlines if their bedrooms...

Your Brain Builds Memories As You Sleep

Which means you should actually go to bed

(Newser) - As you sleep, your brain is actually forming new neural connections, helping you retain the things you learned during the day, according to a new study. Researchers in China and the US used advanced microscopy to peer inside the brains of mice who were learning a new skill. They found...

Sleeping Less Tied to Eating More
 Study: Sleep Less, Eat More 

Study: Sleep Less, Eat More

Yet another reason to take sleep seriously: researchers

(Newser) - The way you eat, it seems, is tied up with the way you sleep. Researchers recently found that women who slept fewer than six hours a night took in more daytime calories than did women who slept seven hours, LiveScience reports. And the food consumed by the six-hour sleepers wasn'...

We Can Spark Lucid Dreaming: Researchers

By electrically stimulating subjects' scalps

(Newser) - Scientists may have found a way to cause lucid dreams—those experiences in which we know we're dreaming and can, in some cases, control the dream. The key, explains an expert, is electric scalp stimulation. "I never thought this would work," Harvard researcher Dr. John Allan Hobson...

'Exploding Head Syndrome' Is Real: Experts

Sufferers hear loud noises before or after sleep

(Newser) - OK, it doesn't involve one's head literally exploding, but "exploding head syndrome" is no joke, say experts. "It's a provocative and understudied phenomenon," says psychologist Brian Sharpless of Washington State University after a review of studies. Sufferers experience explosive-sounding noises during transitions between waking...

The Case for Not Sharing a Bed
 The Case for Not Sharing a Bed 

The Case for Not Sharing a Bed

Holly Allen thinks she'd be happier in her own twin

(Newser) - Holly Allen would beg to differ with the idea that the happiest couples sleep less than an inch apart . She recently found herself going to bed in her own guest room when her husband was sick, and despite the fact that the room only has a twin bed, she had...

Happy Couples Sleep Very, Very Close Together
Happy Couples Sleep Very, Very Close Together
study says

Happy Couples Sleep Very, Very Close Together

As in, less than an inch apart: study

(Newser) - It may be better for your health to sleep in a separate bed than your partner—but a new study finds that the happiest couples are those who sleep close together. Very close together, as in less than an inch apart. A survey of 1,000 people found that those...

Napping Linked to Early Death: Study
 Napping Linked to 
 Early Death: Study 
study says

Napping Linked to Early Death: Study

But is napping the cause, or just a symptom? It's unclear

(Newser) - We all know how important it is to get enough sleep—but a new study suggests that daytime napping may actually increase your risk of an early death. Researchers looked at more than 16,000 British adults over a 13-year period, and found that those who slept for an hour...

Lack of Sleep Can Fry 25% of Brain Cells
 Lack of Sleep 
 Can Fry 25% 
 of Brain Cells 
in case you missed it

Lack of Sleep Can Fry 25% of Brain Cells

Study of mice finds brain damage with prolonged sleep loss

(Newser) - A lack of shut-eye may not just leave you feeling groggy—it could seriously injure your brain. A new study of mice has found 25% of brain cells died off after prolonged sleep loss, meant to duplicate night shifts or long hours at the office—the first evidence of its...

Her Nightmares Dwell on Conflict, His on Calamity
Study: Men, Women Have Very Different Nightmares
in case you missed it

Study: Men, Women Have Very Different Nightmares

But they're not always fear-filled: study

(Newser) - Men and women needn't be awake to experience the world differently, a study suggests: Even our bad dreams are quite different. A study of the dream journals of 572 people found that women's disturbing dreams tend to focus on social conflicts—friendships and romances gone south, for instance....

You'll Perform Better If You Think You Slept Well

Sleep is subject to the placebo effect: study

(Newser) - Got a big day ahead? You're better off thinking you slept well, even if you didn't, a study suggests. Researchers told subjects a normal night of sleep consisted of about 20% to 25% REM sleep. Less than 20%, the subjects heard, meant a worse performance on cognitive tests,...

All-Nighters May Cause Brain Damage

 May Cause 
 Brain Damage 
study says

All-Nighters May Cause Brain Damage

Maybe get that studying done early

(Newser) - Another reason not to leave homework to the last minute: Pulling an all-nighter may cause brain damage, a study suggests. Researchers in Sweden studied 15 healthy men who were allowed one night of eight-hour sleep and one night of none at all, the National Monitor reports.The subjects provided blood...

You&#39;ll Sleep Worse After a Nightcap
 You'll Sleep Worse 
 After a Nightcap 
studies say

You'll Sleep Worse After a Nightcap

Even if you drift off more easily

(Newser) - A nightcap might help you drift off—but don't expect a good night's sleep for your trouble. In the 1970s, researchers gave subjects each between one and six drinks a half-hour to an hour before bedtime. Those who had more booze fell asleep quicker, but during the second...

It's Not Really the Turkey That Makes You Tired

It's the mountains of carbs you have with it

(Newser) - Contrary to what you learned while watching Seinfeld , the turkey you're about to eat today is not the true reason why you're bound to crave a nap after dinner. Where the myth stems from: It's true that the amino acid tryptophan is found in turkey, and when...

Brain Wipes Out Toxins While We Sleep

Functions 'like a dishwasher': researcher

(Newser) - Feeling a bit muddled after a sleepless night? It may be because your brain didn't get a chance to flush out built-up toxins, NPR reports. While we're asleep, the brain acts, in a researcher's words, "like a dishwasher"—at least in animals studied, including mice...

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