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Kids, These Are Your New Sleep Guidelines

From up to 16 hours for infants to at least 8 hours for teens

(Newser) - Parental warning: Don't lose sleep over new guidelines on how much shut-eye your kids should be getting. The recommendations released Monday range from up to 16 hours daily for babies to at least eight hours for teens, the AP reports. They come from a panel of experts and give...

Letting Baby Cry It Out Before Bed Might Be Best

Not to mention better for sleep-deprived parents: study

(Newser) - While it may be stressful—or at least guilt-inducing—for new parents, letting a baby cry it out before bed may actually be less stressful for the infant, according to a new study published this week in Pediatrics. Researchers studied 43 babies from 6-16 months of age whose parents said...

Walk Quietly in the Woods, Trees Might Be Sleeping

Researchers find trees 'droop' at night

(Newser) - Well this gives the phrase "sleeping like a log" a whole new meaning. New research shows trees might sleep like any other living organism, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Scientists used lasers to make models of silver birch trees in Finland and Australia and discovered the trees' branches "...

High-Fat Diet May Keep You Drowsy During the Day

Study also sees link to lousy sleep at night

(Newser) - If fat is satisfying, there is a price to be paid—and not just in one's weight. Australian researchers are reporting in the journal Nutrients that a diet high in fat appears to increase daytime sleepiness, as well as poorer sleep quality at night. After electronically monitoring 1,800...

Why You Toss and Turn the First Night in a Strange Place

Blame the left side of your brain: researchers

(Newser) - If you find it hard to doze off on your first night in unfamiliar surroundings, you're not alone—and it may be because you're like a dolphin. In a study published in Current Biology , Brown University scientists found this type of sleep disturbance (referred to as the "...

'El Chapo' Wants Extradition Because He Can't Sleep: Lawyer

Attorney says Joaquin Guzman wants to come to US because jailers are torturing him

(Newser) - A lawyer for drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman said Wednesday his client now wants to be extradited as soon as possible to the United States because guards at a Mexican maximum-security prison won't let him sleep, the AP reports. Lawyer Jose Refugio Rodriguez, who told Radio Formula...

Being Tired May Make You Snack Like a Pot Smoker

When sleep-deprived, brain may release more of chemical that keeps you snacking

(Newser) - If you've wondered why you nosh like crazy after a night of tossing and turning, scientists think they've figured it out: Your brain may compensate for the lack of sleep by releasing chemicals similar to those that pot smokers breathe in, resulting in the tired person's version...

America's 6 Most Sleep-Deprived States

Hurray for South Dakota—but put on some coffee for Hawaii

(Newser) - While that old rule of thumb of getting eight hours of sleep seems to be constantly updated, the CDC has settled on recommending that adults ages 18-60 get at least seven hours to stay as healthy as possible—and notes if you deprive yourself of that precious shut-eye, you could...

Woman Thrived on Just 2 Hours of Sleep Per Day

'I felt the best I’ve ever felt'

(Newser) - Motherboard has an eye-opening profile on Maria Staver, the woman "who beat sleep" as a college student. A lifelong insomniac, Staver gave up attempting to sleep like a regular person in 1998. She and a friend—inspired by a 1943 Time interview with inventor Buckminster Fuller—developed the...

Another Reason to Resolve to Get Good Sleep

Researchers suspect a lack of it could 'set the stage' for Alzheimer's

(Newser) - There's a new story to file under the "beware of too little sleep" category, and it's a pretty ominous one: that a lack of deep sleep could help pave the way to Alzheimer's disease. Actually, that there's some sort of relationship has long been established...

Trump's Sleep Preference Sets Him Apart on Campaign Trail

He almost always flies home to sleep in his own NYC bed

(Newser) - While other candidates have made Iowa their home away from home, spending the night in hotels and motels before America's first caucus, Donald Trump has taken a different approach. Trump flies home to Manhattan in one of his private planes or copters so he can snooze in his own...

CDC: This Is America&#39;s Most Sleep-Deprived Group
CDC: This Is America's
Most Sleep-Deprived Group

CDC: This Is America's Most Sleep-Deprived Group

Half of single moms and 42% of single dads say they don't feel rested most mornings

(Newser) - Sleep problems are widespread in the US, affecting adults and kids alike, but a new survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds that single moms not only sleep less than any other demographic, they also have a harder time falling and staying asleep and they are more...

Get Zzz's Anywhere With This Inflatable Hoodie

Seriously, you can doze off just about anywhere with this Kickstarter product

(Newser) - Coming up with an invention that will appeal to the masses is the goal of every creator worth his or her salt, and the folks behind the Hypnos Hoodie think they've done just that. "This is a product that a lot of people need in their daily lives,...

Study Finds Humans Are Really Good at Sleeping

We may have evolved to sleep less and deeper than our primate ancestors

(Newser) - Ever wonder why your cat sleeps all day while you're stuck with the measly seven hours you can cram in between Scandal and your morning commute? As it turns out, you're just way better at sleeping than your furry friend. According to a study in Evolutionary Anthropology, humans...

Don't Blame Sleepiness After Turkey Dinner on Tryptophan

The amino acid has gotten a bad rap—but there's more to the story

(Newser) - Succumbing to Mr. Sandman after a hearty turkey dinner isn't tryptophan's fault. At least, not totally, reports the New York Times , which has done its due diligence in compiling plenty of other sources that back up its stop-blaming-tryptophan campaign. The amino acid found in turkey—and long the...

Why We Shouldn't Sleep Late on Weekends

Changes in sleep patterns on days off can lead to health problems, says study

(Newser) - Do you wake up early for work on weekdays? Then we're afraid researchers from the University of Pittsburgh have some bad news for you: You should be waking up early on weekends, too. UPI reports that a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found changes...

Crocodiles May Be Watching You While They Sleep

Researchers say crocodiles do indeed sleep with one eye open

(Newser) - Bad news for Captain Hook: Crocodiles may be keeping an eye on humans even when the crocs are sleeping, according to new research published this week in the Journal of Experimental Biology . The BBC reports researchers in Australia monitored juvenile crocodiles using infrared cameras and determined they often slept with...

Maybe You Don&#39;t Need 8 Hours of Sleep After All
Maybe You Don't Need 8 Hours of Sleep After All
in case you missed it

Maybe You Don't Need 8 Hours of Sleep After All

New research sheds light on sleeping patterns of our ancient ancestors

(Newser) - You've heard of the Paleo diet, but the next big thing in health may well be the Paleo sleep schedule. A UCLA researcher studied three hunter-gatherer and hunter-farmer groups—the Hadza in Tanzania, San in Namibia, and Tsimane in Bolivia, "who live roughly the same lifestyle humans did...

Going to Bed Late Could Be Making You Fat

Researchers link later bedtimes to increased BMI

(Newser) - Want to lower your chances of gaining weight? Then maybe cut out before Jimmy Fallon's opening monologue, according to a new study published in the October issue of Sleep. The New York Times reports researchers looking at more than 3,300 adolescents between 1994 and 2009 found a two-point...

Litigious Yankees Fan Won't Get $10M for Napping at Game

He says ESPN defamed him by showing him dozing

(Newser) - A 27-year-old New York Yankees fan who sued after ESPN cameras caught him napping during a game in April 2014 had his $10 million defamation lawsuit thrown out by a judge last month, the Smoking Gun reports. Not even a second-row seat and a matchup with the hated Boston Red...

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