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New Theory on When Babies Should Be in Own Room
New Theory
on When 
Babies Should
Be in Own Room

New Theory on When Babies Should Be in Own Room

Study suggests moving them out of parents' room at 6 months improves sleep

(Newser) - More fodder for the debate on when babies should be sleeping in their own rooms: A new study in Pediatrics suggests 6 months of age is a good target, which generally contradicts advice from the American Academy of Pediatrics. The AAP says babies should sleep in the same room as...

Lack of Sleep May Cause Brain to &#39;Eat&#39; Parts of Itself
Lack of Sleep Juices
Brain's Repair Mechanisms
New Study

Lack of Sleep Juices Brain's Repair Mechanisms

But that's not actually a good thing

(Newser) - A new study on mice published May 24 in the Journal of Neuroscience shows that missing out on sleep may cause parts of our brains to start eating other parts. And the Telegraph reports that's not necessarily something you want to be happening. The study revolves around two types...

Not Sleeping Well? People May Avoid You
Not Sleeping Well?
People May Avoid You

Not Sleeping Well? People May Avoid You

People are less inclined to socialize with someone who looks tired: study

(Newser) - Beauty sleep is no myth. A new study out of Stockholm University published in the Royal Society Open Science journal finds a lack of sleep makes a person look "significantly" less attractive, per the BBC . And that's not all. Swollen eyelids and dark circles around the eyes might...

Class Shouldn't Start Until 11 for Most College Students

Most students' brains aren't ready to learn at 8am

(Newser) - The world is making its college students wake up too darn early, according to a study recently published in Frontiers in Neuroscience . NPR reports researchers sampled dozens of college freshmen and sophomores to figure out what time of day was best for their brain performance. While most colleges have classes...

Are Touch Screens Robbing Toddlers of Sleep?

New study finds a link between more screen time and sleep

(Newser) - It's been established that screen time in its traditional form—think television and video games—is linked to sleep problems in kids, note researchers in introducing their more specific study: one that, for the first time, looks at touch-screen use among very young children. What they found is a...

It&#39;s True: Power Naps Boost Happiness
Searching for
Try Napping 

Searching for Happiness? Try Napping

Limit your snooze to 30 minutes or less

(Newser) - Can napping make you happier? New research out of Britain shows power napping can do exactly that. But limit those daytime siestas to a half-hour or less. After that, the positive effects cease. "Previous research has shown that naps of under 30 minutes make you more focused, productive, and...

Researchers Tracked Wild Elephants' Sleep. It Was Awful

Average of 2 hours a night, and periods as long as 46 hours with no sleep

(Newser) - The sample size was small—and so were the findings. Researchers asked the question "Does large body size make elephants the shortest mammalian sleepers?" and sought to answer it in the wild, in a departure from most previous related research, which involved elephants in captivity. After tracking two wild...

Insomniacs Fuel Popularity of 'Brain Orgasm' YouTube Videos

If videos of hair brushing and shoulder rubbing get you sleepy, you're not alone

(Newser) - The grating sound of nails on a chalkboard that leads many to shudder is a well-known phenomenon, but it has an opposite, and people call it Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, aka ASMR. People may have different triggers—whispering, light touches on the face, hair brushing, etc.—but the end...

Camping Trip Can Get Body's Sleep Cycle Back on Track

Even if you can only get away for a weekend

(Newser) - A weekend camping trip may be the solution to everything from a lack of productivity at work to diabetes, according to a study published Thursday in Current Biology . Melatonin levels in the body regulate the body's sleep schedule, increasing when it's time for bed and falling when it'...

Japan's Antidote to Overwork: 'Inemuri' Naps

But there are rules to follow

(Newser) - People who can nod off in any situation may consider a move to Japan, where public napping, so long as one follows certain rules of etiquette, is basically seen as virtuous. So reports the New York Times , which calls such napping a "subtle sign of diligence." The word...

Ikea Begs People to Stop Sleeping in Stores Overnight

Retailer doesn't think sleepover pranks are funny and warns against trespassing

(Newser) - Two years ago, Ikea teamed up with Airbnb to invite people to camp out overnight in one of its Aussie locations as a PR stunt. Now the Swedish retailer is pleading with others to stop holding "non-sponsored sleepovers" in its stores, citing safety issues and warning of possible trespassing...

This Is the World's Most Expensive Bed

The Vividus out of Sweden will set you back $150K

(Newser) - Back in 2006, one of the world's most reputable bed makers, Hästens out of Sweden, launched the Vividus, a bed that took 160 hours to build and came with an astonishing price tag of $112,900. Created to improve on the company's already exceptional mattresses, some of...

Insomniacs Can Go Online to Get Shut-Eye

Need Sleep?
Go Online

Need Sleep? Go Online

Study says new online therapy program is helping sleepless subjects

(Newser) - A 70-year-old Californian who'd suffered from longtime insomnia had tapped into almost every remedy to no avail—until she tried out a new online therapy that has her "sleeping much better now," she tells the New York Times . The automated program, called SHUTi , is an online adaptation...

Smartphone at Bedtime? You Are Not Getting Very Sleepy

May have to do with the screen's blue light suppressing melatonin, the sleep hormone

(Newser) - The more time we spend on our smartphones, the more our quality of sleep suffers. So conclude researchers in a new study in the journal PLoS ONE . "This is the first study to directly measure actual screen time in natural environments and compare it to sleep quality," the...

Best Way to Learn May Be to Study, Sleep on It, Review

Sleep can help us relearn things twice as quickly and three times as effectively

(Newser) - It's well established through previous research that sleep after learning is best for many memory-related tasks, including word lists, mazes, auditory tones, and so on. Sleep seems so vital to recall that some speculate it is directly responsible for, not just supportive of, learning, reports Scientific American . So researchers...

Commuters' Study Reveals an Advantage for the Rich

Study finds that wealthy people get to sleep later

(Newser) - Chalk up one more health advantage for the rich over the poor: more sleep. Researchers in Colombia crunched data about the movement of residents in Medellin and Manizales and found some interesting patterns, they report in Royal Society Open Science . For instance, rich and poor people traveled longer distances to...

Mom&#39;s Brutally Honest Tardy Note for Teen Goes Viral
Mom's Brutally Honest
Tardy Note for Teen Goes Viral

Mom's Brutally Honest Tardy Note for Teen Goes Viral

Nicole Poppic's Facebook post has been shared 33K times

(Newser) - It was like any other morning trying to get a teenager out of bed, only with a little extra sauce—from mom. Nicole Poppic of Clarksburg, Calif., decided to write quite the detailed tardy note for her 14-year-old daughter, Cara, when the teen wouldn't get out of bed and...

Why Women Should Adjust Their Bedtime
Women's Internal Clocks
May Explain Sleep Trouble

Women's Internal Clocks May Explain Sleep Trouble

They may be 'predisposed' to insomnia, study suggests

(Newser) - Stuck counting sheep while your hubby sleeps soundly? A new study suggests you're not alone. McGill University researchers explain that while men and women tend to go to bed and rise at roughly the same times, women have more trouble staying asleep—because their internal body clocks are dfferent,...

Drowsy Drivers as Bad as Drunk Drivers: Report

Fatigue kills 5K on our roads each year, says GHSA

(Newser) - Drivers are told to "get more sleep" in an alarming new report that finds drowsy drivers are much like drunk drivers but get far less attention. A person who's been awake for 18 hours has a similar driving ability as someone with a 0.05% blood-alcohol content, while...

Think You're Used to No Sleep? Your Body Disagrees

Your brain is probably fooling you if you think you're doing just fine on 4 hours a night

(Newser) - There never seem to be enough hours in the day to take care of what we need to do (and maybe squeeze in an episode of Game of Thrones), and so a reader writing into the New York Times' Ask Well blog poses a question we've all likely pondered:...

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