
Stories 221 - 228 | << Prev 

8 Secrets to Healthy Skin
8 Secrets to Healthy Skin

8 Secrets to Healthy Skin

Quit smoking, get some sleep, and don't go crazy with the beauty aids

(Newser) - You can't fight getting older, but you can keep the signs of wear and tear, not to speak of stress, off your face with these tips from the New York Times beauty expert:
  1. Get rid of old beauty products after a year—pots and tubes can develop micro-organism communities
  2. Quit

Nasal Spray May Beat Caffeine
Nasal Spray
May Beat Caffeine

Nasal Spray May Beat Caffeine

In tests, hormone erases effects of too little shut-eye

(Newser) - Help may be on the way for tired Americans in the form of a nasal spray that eliminates sleepiness without apparent side effects, reports Wired. UCLA scientists testing the naturally occurring brain hormone orexin A found that when used as a spray, it allowed sleep-deprived monkeys to perform as well...

Sleep-Deprived Kids Pack on the Pounds

Lack of down time correlates with childhood obesity

(Newser) - Kids who get plenty of sleep could be lowering their chances of becoming obese. For each extra hour third-graders in a newly released study spent sleeping, they lowered their chance of becoming obese by sixth grade by 40%. The results could have to do with the effect of sleep on...

Lack of Sleep Doubles Risk of Heart Disease

Researchers suspect link between blood pressure, fewer Zs

(Newser) - Getting 7 hours of sleep a night is best, and people who consistently sleep less are risking their lives, a new study says. Researchers followed 10,000 civil servants for 17 years and found that those who reduced their sleep from 7 hours a night to 5 or less doubled...

Yawning Gap in Sleep Time Linked to Work, Cell Phones

Study also finds preschoolers with less sleep are more hyperactive

(Newser) - Cell phones and long work hours are the biggest thieves of sleep, according to new studies in the journal Sleep. People who slept 4.5 hours or less per night worked about 1.5 hours more per weekday and nearly two hours more on weekends, researchers found. Almost two-thirds of...

Web, TV Cut Sleep Quality
Web, TV Cut Sleep Quality

Web, TV Cut Sleep Quality

Heavy users say they get fewer z's, even when they don't, survey finds

(Newser) - Watching TV or surfing the web before bed can reduce the quality of sleep, a Japanese study has found. Reuters reports that people who unglue themselves from the screen before hitting the sheets reported less sleep, even though they sleep as much as the less addicted.

Become an Insomniac!
Become an Insomniac!

Become an Insomniac!

Follow these 6 steps for a night of tossing and turning (and not the fun kind)

(Newser) - Sleeping too well? Waking up with excessive energy and vigor? Embrace these common errors cataloged by Newsweek, and you'll be back to counting sheep in no time.
  1. Go to bed too early.
  2. Load up on electronics in the bedroom.

Scented Sleep Boosts Memory in the Morning

(Newser) - Add a little scent to your evening and your sleep, and your memory works better in the morning. A recent study showed that the smell of roses, administered while participants played a computer game, and then while they slept, improved their rate of recall after they woke by 13...

Stories 221 - 228 | << Prev