college student

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Cornell Student Arrested Holding $150K of Heroin

Senior had enough for 500 doses, say police

(Newser) - Another Ivy League drug bust : Police arrested a Cornell senior who they say happened to be in possession of $150,000 worth of heroin. Keri Blakinger, 26, was allegedly holding the cache—about 500 doses' worth—in a hotel parking lot in the Collegetown section of Ithaca when police arrived...

Palin Says Email Hacker Should Face 'Consequences'

Ex-governor says breach caused a 'disruption'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin took the stand today to testify about the hacking of her Yahoo email account, allegedly by a former Tennessee college student, and described the breach to a packed courthouse as a "disruption" both of her family life and the 2008 presidential campaign. Palin said she found out...

Cops Take Down Student After Argument With Prof

'I don't have to go nowhere,' she tells instructor

(Newser) - An angry university student arguing about a test question was wrestled to the floor by three burly cops called to the classroom by her professor. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student Robyn Foster, 24, told her anthropology professor before cops arrive: "I don't have to go nowhere. I paid to be...

Suicide Guards Posted on Cornell Bridges

University takes action after 3 students leap to their death

(Newser) - Cornell University has placed guards on campus area bridges following the suicides of three students in less than a month. As searchers continued the hunt for the body of the latest victim, a junior at the New York Ivy League school, university officials also launched an aggressive mental health campaign,...

Texas Frat Boy Branded by 'Brothers'

Kappa Sigma member says he only gave consent for 1 butt cheek

(Newser) - A Texan fraternity is being investigated after members had too many beers and treated a fraternity brother like a steer—by branding him with Greek letters. Texas Christian University student Amos Carter IV suffered second- and third-degree burns when his Kappa Sigma brothers used a red-hot coat hanger on his...

Pittsburgh Looks to Tax College Students

City hopes 1% tax on tuition will help replenish pension fund

(Newser) - Cash-strapped Pittsburgh has come up with a new tax targeting an unusual group: college students. The city is proposing a 1% tax on university and college tuition to cover a shortfall in its $600 million pension fund for city workers. Students at pricey universities like Carnegie Mellon would pay $400...

No Sex Ed = 13M+ Abortions
 No Sex Ed = 13M+ Abortions 
chinese double-bind

No Sex Ed = 13M+ Abortions

In China, sexual freedom not accompanied by information

(Newser) - The liberalization of Chinese attitudes toward sex, despite the near-absence of sex education, has led to a sort of bedroom farce that would be hilarious if it didn’t result in at least 13 million abortions a year. College students in particular feel comfortable having sex; now, if only someone...

3 ND College Softball Players Found in Pond

Bodies in submerged vehicle, foul play not suspected

(Newser) - The bodies of three North Dakota college students missing since Sunday have been found in a Jeep submerged in a cattle stock pond. The women's desperate final cell phone calls helped authorities locate the vehicle. Officials don't suspect foul play, but autopsies are being conducted. The three softball players enjoyed...

San Jose Suspends Cops in Student Beating
 San Jose Suspends 
 Cops in Student Beating 

San Jose Suspends Cops in Student Beating

Officers suspended, officials 'concerned' over use of force

(Newser) - Four San Jose police officers videotaped as they beat and tasered a college student have been placed on administrative leave pending an official review. A grainy cell phone video shows the officers using nightsticks to repeatedly strike Phuong Ho, 20, after responding to a domestic disturbance call last month. Ho...

Colleges Tackle the 'Sexile' Issue

Tighter rules introduced to empower banished roommates

(Newser) - "Sexiles" banished from their rooms by sexually active roommates have long been a feature of student life, but colleges across the country are looking into ways to help the hapless figures found crashed on lounge sofas get a good night's sleep. Many now require roommates to sign a contract...

College Ups Supervision of Letterman Interns

Quinnipiac vows to keep students out of 'harm's way'

(Newser) - A Connecticut university supplying interns to the David Letterman show has initiated stepped-up measures to "diligently" oversee the program to "ensure that our interns are out of harm's way." The precautions follow leaks indicating that the randy talk-show host bedded at least one NYU intern among the...

Colleges Use Student Blogs as Free PR

Warts-and-all posts by undergrads can lure savvy prospects

(Newser) - Colleges are loosening the reins on student bloggers in hopes that a dose of candid commentary will lure prospective applicants. At MIT, for instance, bloggers paid by the admissions office go about their work with no fear of censorship. That policy has caused some friction—including a spat between the...

Hofstra Gang Rape Wasn't Rape—but It Wasn't OK

Drunken sexual encounters trivialize the problem of real rape

(Newser) - It’s clear now that the alleged Hofstra gang rape in a campus bathroom—in which a young woman said 5 guys tied her to a stall and attacked her—was not rape, by any legal definition. Confronted with a cell phone video, the woman recanted within 72 hours, admitting...

College Calorie Info Could Be Backfiring

From anorexics to obese students, information can spur 'disordered eating'

(Newser) - Colleges that bombard students with calorie counts and similar information to discourage overeating—and the dreaded "freshman 15" pounds—may be causing bigger diet problems instead, reports Newsweek. Many schools are rethinking their strategy in the wake of rising numbers of eating disorders, and a growing sense that a...

Colleges Ditch Trays; Students Learn to Juggle

Diners willing to sacrifice for planet's sake

(Newser) - College students may feel they’ve added juggling to their courseloads as the trayless cafeteria trend picks up steam, the Los Angeles Times reports. The increasingly popular measure, meant to save water and electricity, often meets with a sort of grudging acquiescence. “It's definitely difficult and a little bit...

Generation Shaped by 9/11 Shares Its Stories

Attacks ended 'carefree innocence' for many kids approaching adolescence

(Newser) - The September 11 attacks are as defining a moment for the generation starting college this year as the Kennedy assassination was for their parents, Peggy Noonan writes in the Wall Street Journal. For people young enough to still be children at the time but old enough to know what was...

'Swine Flu Dorms' Sprout at Colleges Nationwide

Sick students start school in quarantine zones

(Newser) - College freshers across the country are starting their life in higher education confined to buildings full of their coughing peers, the New York Times reports. Fearing the virus will sweep through campuses, colleges have set up quarantine dorms for sick students, keeping them out of class and plying them with...

Colleges Open Their Doors—to Swine Flu

Campus is 'a perfect breeding ground for disease'

(Newser) - Colleges all over the country are welcoming back students—and dealing with an uninvited visitor: swine flu, Bloomberg reports. From the South to the Plains states, schools are reporting hundreds of cases—at Mississippi State University, more than 250 people have flu-like symptoms. “Envision 200 young people being stuffed...

Fall Enrollment Defies Economy

Freshman commitments hold steady, but at a cost of increased financial aid

(Newser) - Despite the recession, colleges aren't seeing the dip in freshman commitments they anticipated, reports the New York Times. The percentage of accepted students who have confirmed their enrollment at places like Yale, Harvard, and the University of Virginia and Wisconsin is about the same as last year. But it hasn't...

Chinese Flock to US Colleges
 Chinese Flock to US Colleges 

Chinese Flock to US Colleges

Growing middle class attracted by American system's reputation

(Newser) - The population of Chinese students in the US has soared in recent years, the Washington Post reports, driven by a US reputation for top-notch education and an expanding Chinese middle class. For years, Chinese undergrads in the US numbered about 9,000; in 2007, that figure surged to some 16,...

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