tax returns

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Ryan&#39;s 2011 Tax Rate: 20%
 Ryan's 2011 Tax Rate: 20% 

Ryan's 2011 Tax Rate: 20%

VP candidate releases 2 years' worth

(Newser) - Yesterday was Paul Ryan's turn to release his tax returns—just the last two years , of course—and they show that the veep candidate paid 15.9% of his income in taxes in 2010 and 20% last year, according to documents provided to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . Ryan, together...

Obama to Romney: Let's Make a Deal on Tax Returns

Romney to Obama: Let's not, thanks

(Newser) - By now, Mitt Romney is probably beyond sick of hearing about his tax returns, so the Obama campaign is offering him a deal: If he releases just five years' worth of them, they won't blast him for not releasing any more. Campaign manager Jim Messina made the offer to...

Romney on Taxes: I Pay At Least 13%

Says he finds the whole issue 'very small-minded'

(Newser) - Mitt Romney still won't release his tax returns, but today he told us a little more about what was in them. "I just have to say given the challenges that America faces … the fascination with taxes I paid I find to be very small-minded," he said...

Ryan Sharing Just 2 Years of Tax Returns, Too

And defends plan to 'reform' Medicare

(Newser) - Following the example set by the man he hopes will become commander-in-chief, newly minted GOP runningmate Paul Ryan says he will also release just two years of tax returns. Ryan turned over "several" years of returns to the Romney camp during the vetting process, he said on 60 Minutes...

RNC Chairman: Reid a &#39;Dirty Liar&#39;
 RNC Chairman: 
 Reid a 'Dirty Liar' 
sunday talk shows

RNC Chairman: Reid a 'Dirty Liar'

Republicans pile on after Romney tax allegations

(Newser) - Today's big talk show topic: Harry Reid's speculation that Mitt Romney hasn't paid taxes in 10 years . Republicans were on the attack, while Democrats defended Reid and/or urged Romney to just release his tax returns and end all the guessing games, Politico reports. Highlights from the Sunday...

One Theory Why Romney Won't Release His Returns

Maybe he paid no federal taxes in 2009: Joshua Green

(Newser) - Scores of prominent Republicans are ratcheting up pressure on Mitt Romney to release his tax returns, notes ThinkProgress , but the candidate tells the National Review that he's not thrilled about giving the Obama camp "more pages to pick through, distort and lie about." (The editors at the...

Romney's Wealth Worried McCain Camp in '08

But Steve Schmidt says he wasn't passed over for VP because of taxes

(Newser) - Part of the reason John McCain passed over Mitt Romney was because of his vast wealth, top McCain strategist Steve Schmidt tells the Huffington Post . "Sen. McCain got caught flat-footed answering questions about how many houses he owned," Schmidt recalls. "We knew it would be a big...

Santorum Releases 4 Years of Tax Returns

Records bare rise in media, consulting fees, nearly double Romney's rate

(Newser) - Rick Santorum has released four years of his tax returns to Politico , and they show that while his income falls a long way short of Mitt Romney's or Newt Gingrich's, his Washington connections have helped him prosper since leaving Congress. His income hit $1.1 million in 2009—...

Romney Returns: $6.2M in Taxes on $42.6M

No income from wages; he'll pay 15.4% on last year's income

(Newser) - Just hours after debating tax rates during the GOP debate in Florida, Mitt Romney released his tax returns, revealing that he collected $20.9 million in income last year, and $21.7 million the previous year—nearly all of it in profits, dividends, or interest from investments. None came from...

Romney: I'll Release Taxes Tuesday

OK, fine.

(Newser) - Looks like somebody is taking his Palmetto State shellacking seriously: Mitt Romney, in a rare appearance on Fox News Sunday, announced today that he'll release his much-discussed tax returns on Tuesday. "Given all the attention that's been focused on tax returns, given the distraction I think they...

Gingrich Paid $994K in Taxes in 2010

Staff releases returns during GOP debate

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich paid $994,708 in federal taxes in 2010 on more than $3.1 million in income, making his effective federal tax rate roughly 31.6%. The former House speaker's staff released his tax returns this evening amid the GOP debate. See them here . He and wife Callista...

Romney Says His Tax Rate Is 'Closer to 15%'

Most of his income taxed as 'capital gains'

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been evasive about releasing his tax returns , and today he hinted at why, saying in a press conference that his effective tax rate is "probably closer to the 15% rate than anything." That means that most of Romney's earnings—which largely still stem from...

Romney: I'll Release Taxes ... in April

When he'll most likely have clinched the nomination

(Newser) - Calm down, everyone. Mitt Romney will release his tax returns … just as soon as he has clinched the GOP nomination. "If I become our nominee, and what's happened in history is people have released them in about April of the coming year and that's probably what...

Gingrich to Release Tax Return in Days

Presses Mitt Romney to follow his lead

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich says he is ready to release his income tax return and will do so on Thursday, just two days ahead of the South Carolina primary —and he thinks Mitt Romney would do well to follow his example. "Gov. Romney, if he plans to stay in the...

Show Us Your Money, Romney
 Show Us Your Money, Romney 

Show Us Your Money, Romney

'Washington Post' takes frontrunner to task for keeping taxes, donors secret

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has so far flatly refused to release either his tax returns or his list of fundraising bundlers, and that's "a striking and disturbing departure from the past practice of presidential candidates of both parties," the Washington Post says in an editorial today. Yes, demanding candidates'...

Mitt: I Won't Release My Tax Returns

Obama campaign blasts Romney for keeping returns secret

(Newser) - Mitt Romney says that even if he becomes the Republican nominee, he has no intention of releasing his tax returns, reports the New York Times . Romney—one of the richest men ever to run for president—would be alone among nominees of recent decades if he fails to release his...

Billionaires' Tax Tricks Hide Huge Gains

Millions go unreported thanks to 'unrealized appreciation'

(Newser) - If President Obama wants a "Buffett Rule" to keep billionaires paying their fair share of taxes, he’ll have to look at the "800-pound gorilla" in the room, tax experts say. That gorilla, explains one expert, is "unrealized appreciation"—cash that America’s wealthiest take in...

Buffett to Murdoch: You Show Me Yours, I'll Show You Mine

Tax returns, he means

(Newser) - Warren Buffett sounds pretty content to be at the center of the nation's tax debate: He said today that he'd be happy to release his tax returns as critics have demanded—provided fellow billionaire Rupert Murdoch did the same, reports Reuters . Why Murdoch? His News Corp owns the...

Married Gays Grapple With IRS
 Married Gays Grapple With IRS 

Married Gays Grapple With IRS

Taxmen not recognizing same-sex unions

(Newser) - The Internal Revenue Service is refusing to recognize gay marriages, causing headaches for couples who have won the right to wed in their home states, BusinessWeek finds. The Obama administration has urged federal agencies to extend benefits as far as they can to same-sex couples under existing law, but analysts...

GOP Candidates Won't Release Tax Returns

Except Trump, who will release his in exchange for a certain birth certificate

(Newser) - Barack Obama made a point of releasing his tax returns to the public while running for president in 2007 and 2008—and when running for the Senate before that. But not one of the candidates vying to face him in 2012 will promise to do the same, Politico has found—...

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