Shell Oil

16 Stories

Shell: Yup, We Bought Russian Oil
Apologetic Shell
Swears Off Russian Oil

Apologetic Shell Swears Off Russian Oil

CEO admits purchase 'was not the right' decision amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine

(Newser) - Update: Shell on Tuesday apologized for buying 100,000 metric tons of Russian crude oil while promising to end involvement in all Russian hydrocarbons from oil to natural gas. "Despite being made with security of supplies at the forefront of our thinking," the decision to purchase a cargo...

Obama: Go Ahead, Shell, Drill Deeper for That Arctic Oil

Environmentalists lambast decision, saying it will 'worsen climate disruption'

(Newser) - President Obama has disappointed a slew of environmental activists by giving Shell the green light yesterday to drill deeper in the Arctic for oil, Quartz reports. The approval issued by the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement expands the oil company's current permissions, allowing it to drill even further...

Obama Accepts Science, Chooses to Ignore It

His decision on Shell in the Arctic is a joke, writes Bill McKibben

(Newser) - President Obama's decision to give Shell the green light to drill in the Arctic is an environmental abomination, writes Bill McKibben in the New York Times . Shell and the entire fossil fuel industry have been ignoring warnings for years about the Arctic, and yet now that it's clearly...

White House Conditionally Approves Shell's Arctic Drilling

Permits still needed, but drilling could start this summer

(Newser) - In a big victory for the petroleum industry, Shell has been granted conditional White House approval to start drilling for oil and gas in the Arctic this summer, the New York Times reports. "We have taken a thoughtful approach to carefully considering potential exploration in the Chukchi Sea, recognizing...

Shell Buying BG Group in $69.7B Takeover

Oil companies look to consolidate as oil prices slump

(Newser) - Royal Dutch Shell has agreed to buy British gas producer BG Group for $69.7 billion in cash and stock, the companies announced today. The move gives oil giant Shell a greater stake in natural gas markets in the wake of tumbling oil prices. A joint statement said the boards...

Feds Launch Urgent Review of Arctic Drilling

Alaska accident renews debate on Shell exploration

(Newser) - An accident involving a Shell drill ship in Alaskan waters has prompted an urgent Interior Department review of oil and gas activities in Arctic waters. The running aground of the Kulluk rig is just the latest in a series of accidents and blunders involving Shell equipment in the region and...

Xena Actress Arrested After 3 Days on Oil Ship

Lucy Lawless, five other Greenpeace activists busted in New Zealand

(Newser) - Lucy Lawless was arrested today in New Zealand along with five other Greenpeace members, three days after they boarded an oil-drilling ship that had been contracted by Shell. Lawless, aka Xena: Warrior Princess, occupied the vessel to protest its plan to do exploratory drilling off Alaska. "This chapter has...

Robert Redford Thinks Barack Obama's Administration Is Turning Its Back on the Environment

 Obama Turning 
 His Back on 
Robert Redford

Obama Turning His Back on Environment

Robert Redford is furious about recent ozone decision

(Newser) - President Obama has always claimed to care about the environment. “But what good is it to say the right thing unless you act on it?” asks actor Robert Redford in the Huffington Post . After some of his administration’s recent decisions—like backing off updated ozone standards and giving...

Expect $5 Gas in 2012: Former Shell Oil Chief

Economic recovery, developing nations will push petrol demand

(Newser) - Gasoline prices will hit $5 per gallon within the next year, the former president of Shell Oil predicts. John Hofmeister says oil demand will ramp up as developed economies approach a full recovery from the shocks of 2008 and developing economies increase their demand. "I'm predicting actually the worst...

Police to Question Mom in Deaths of 3 Children

American Theresa Riggi badly injured after jumping or falling from balcony in Scotland

(Newser) - Police in Scotland are piecing together the facts of what appears to be a horrific crime: Three American siblings—8-year-old twin boys and a 5-year-old girl—were found dead inside an Edinburgh house after a gas explosion, the Daily Mail reports. Police, however, say they all had stab wounds. Investigators...

Big Oil to House: It Won't Happen to Us

Execs to tell hearing that America needs continued drilling

(Newser) - The biggest cheeses from the world’s biggest oil companies are on Capitol Hill today to try to convince Congress that the Deepwater Horizon spill was a freak occurrence, and that they can surely be trusted to drill safely. According to prepared testimony, Exxon Mobil’s chairman will also issue...

Arctic Drilling to be Suspended

No exploratory drilling until at least 2011

(Newser) - Shell is going to have to wait, baby, wait to get its hands on new sources of Arctic oil. The Obama administration plans to suspend exploratory drilling in the Arctic Ocean until 2011 at the earliest because of the problems exposed by the Gulf oil spill, a source tells AP...

Hey, BP: Supertankers Could Clean Up Spill

 Hey, BP: Supertankers 
 Could Clean Up Spill 
It worked for Saudis

Hey, BP: Supertankers Could Clean Up Spill

They suck up vast quantities of polluted water; oil is filtered out in port

(Newser) - A former Shell Oil president has some advice for BP: Use supertankers to suck up the oil fouling the Gulf of Mexico. He says the Saudis used it in a hush-hush cleanup project after a spill in the early '90s dumped hundreds of millions of gallons. The Saudis "figured...

Shell Strike Threatens UK Motorists
Shell Strike Threatens UK Motorists

Shell Strike Threatens UK Motorists

Government's urging not to panic-buy gas falls on deaf ears

(Newser) - Truck drivers for Shell have begun a four-day strike in Britain that threatens to hike already sky-high gas prices. Although the government has warned motorists not to panic-buy, gas stations were reporting a 30% spike in sales in the hours before the action; union leaders, meanwhile, have threatened that gasoline...

SF Bay Area Businesses Face Penalties for Pollution

Fines would range from $1 to $195K per year

(Newser) - San Francisco Bay Area businesses could face major fines—the first ever imposed by a local government—based on the amount of climate-changing emissions they produce annually, the New York Times reports. The move, which the Bay Area Air Quality Management District could make official May 21, would skirt plodding...

Shell Profits Spike to a Record $27.6B

Critics say the oil giant's earnings are 'obscene' and want a windfall tax

(Newser) - Soaring crude prices and new oil and gas projects drove Royal Dutch Shell to 2007 profits of $27.6 billion—a new record for a British corporation—despite declining production. While critics branded the results “obscene” and called for a windfall tax, Shell’s CEO called them “satisfactory”...

16 Stories
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