
Stories 61 - 73 | << Prev 

Retesting Nails 6 Olympic Drug Cheats

New technique exposes athletes' use of banned blood booster

(Newser) - Six Olympic drug cheats have been exposed long after the end of the 2008 Beijing Games, CNN reports. The IOC—which keeps test samples on file for eight years after events finish—rechecked 948 samples after a new test for a banned blood booster was developed. Silver medal-winning Italian cyclist...

Phelps Chugs Vodka While Mom Plugs Book

Swimmer backs mom in NYC, up-ends bottle of Grey Goose

(Newser) - Michael Phelps, well on his way to reclaiming his All-American image, was spotted at a New York hotspot “drinking straight from a bottle of Grey Goose,” a source tells the Daily News. At one point, “he got up, started dancing like a loon and kept on yelling,...

Olympian Could Be the Dancing Queen
Olympian Could Be the Dancing Queen

Olympian Could Be the Dancing Queen

Gymnast Johnson, 17, may earn $365K from reality show contest

(Newser) - Shawn Johnson could rake in a bundle if she succeeds as a reality star, TMZ reports. The Dancing with the Stars contestant, whose contract to appear on the show had to be approved by a judge because she’s a minor, made $125,000 just for being a contestant. The...

More Pot-Smoking Celebs
 More Pot-Smoking Celebs 

More Pot-Smoking Celebs

Olympic swimmer isn't only celeb to let life 'go to pot'

(Newser) - Elisabeth Hasselbeck may be up in arms over Michael Phelps' bong workout, notes Jezebel, but he's not alone. The View host speculated that today’s pot could spin into tomorrow's steroid use, even though the site notes that sponsors Omega and Speedo don't seem to care. Other stars who’ve...

Phelps Splashes Into World of Video Games

iPhone-ready product, due in spring 2010, will include, if not feature, swimming

(Newser) - It was probably inevitable: Michael Phelps, video game star. The Olympic swimmer is teaming with 505 Games to launch a Phelps-themed game in the spring of 2010, the Baltimore Sun reports. Swimming will play a role, but it won't be the main event. Beyond that, the game-maker is not revealing...

US Olympic Medalist Details Sex Abuse
US Olympic Medalist Details Sex Abuse

US Olympic Medalist Details Sex Abuse

Swimmer Hoelzer goes public in hopes of helping other victims

(Newser) - Olympic medalist Margaret Hoelzer was sexually abused, she tells the AP in the hopes of helping other victims. The abuse by the friend of a father started when she was 5 years old, the swimmer says, and did not stop until the family moved 2 years later. The abuser was...

Phelps to Kick Off SNL Opener
 to Kick Off

Phelps to Kick Off SNL Opener

Gold medal star makes comedy debut as host next month

(Newser) - Super swimmer Michael Phelps will be trying his hand at making comedy gold as host of the season premier of Saturday Night Live, E! Online reports. The 23-year-old Olympic champ will be making his acting debut when the program's 34th season kicks off September 13. The swimmer will be joined...

China's Gold Rush Pays Off Nicely for Athletes
China's Gold Rush
Pays Off Nicely for Athletes

China's Gold Rush Pays Off Nicely for Athletes

Government, corporations give athletes big bucks on top of Olympic glory

(Newser) - Decades ago, bringing glory to the motherland would have been the sole reward for victorious Chinese Olympians. The glory is still there—plenty of it, as China leads the gold medal table—but champions can now expect an average reward of $300,000 in cash and bonuses, even before corporate...

Spitz Starts Life as Second-Greatest

1972 Olympic champ stays gracious after record falls to Phelps

(Newser) - Outspoken and prickly in the best of times, Mark Spitz is slowly adjusting to being the second-greatest Olympian of all time, the Wall Street Journal reports. Mustering a little grace for the occasion, Spitz says he's relieved at the downgrade. "He's got the burden of inspiring the youth as...

At 41, Torres Makes 5th Olympics

Ageless US swimmer makes a splash in the record books

(Newser) - Dara Torres swam her way into the history books with a victory in the women's 100-meter freestyle trials last night, reports the New York Times. The 41-year-old will be the first five-time swimmer in Olympic history. She shot past 25-year-old American record holder Natalie Coughlin to finish in 53.78...

Dolphin Kickers Sink Swimming Records

Revived technique is propelling swimmers to victory

(Newser) - Dozens of world swimming records have fallen in the last 18 months and many credit the explosion in speed to a technique invented by a scientist who worked on the A-Bomb, reports the Washington Post. Swimmers say the underwater dolphin kick, which has been revived and polished in recent years,...

Olympian Indicted for Dealing Heroin

Accusation is latest of many legal troubles for track star Montgomery

(Newser) - Olympic gold-medalist Tim Montgomery has been indicted for dealing heroin, the Virginian-Pilot reports. “They said I sold 100 grams of heroin to an informant,” Montgomery told the paper in a jailhouse interview, noting that he has “no idea” why he’s been charged. The sprinter, now 33,...

China Shines Image for Olympics
China Shines Image for Olympics

China Shines Image for Olympics

Bureaucracy in full spin mode with Games less than 200 days away

(Newser) - With less than 200 days to go before the Summer Olympics, Der Spiegel takes an in-depth look at China’s feverish preparations and finds a sprawling bureaucracy working overtime to project the perfect image to the world. But while Beijing might clean the smog, and even prevent rain, making communist...

Stories 61 - 73 | << Prev