
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Missing Olympic Rower Surrenders After 18 Months

Harold Backer's back, but his clients' money isn't

(Newser) - Missing Olympian rower Harold Backer walked into a police station in Canada last week, ending a 528-day mystery—but the remaining mysteries include his whereabouts during all that time, and the whereabouts of the millions of dollars that clients of his investment business say he stole from them. Backer, who...

Gymnasts Say Former Team USA Doc Abused Them

One accuser is a medal-winning Olympian

(Newser) - There was an ugly secret at the heart of Team USA Gymnastics for many years, according to two women who accuse a longtime team doctor of abusing them as teens. In separate legal complaints, the women say Larry Nassar groped and fondled them during multiple treatments in the 1990s and...

Michael Phelps Tries to Break 2,168-Year-Old Record Today

He tied the record for individual Olympic gold medals this week

(Newser) - Michael Phelps will try to break an ancient Olympic record this week. The swimmer has won 21 Olympic gold medals, 12 of them in individual events—and those dozen personal medals mean Phelps has tied an Olympic record that had been held for 2,168 years, Deadspin reports. Olympic historian...

Athletes Are Already Getting Robbed in Rio

Australian Paralympian robbed at gunpoint on Sunday

(Newser) - The Olympics are still six weeks away, yet several athletes have already become victims of crime in Rio. Australian Paralympic sailor Liesl Tesch, 47, says a man with a gun demanded money, then pushed her off her bicycle as she rode in a park on Sunday. A second man stole...

Olympian Who Severed Her Spine Sits Up

Van Dyken 'doing great,' but prognosis unclear

(Newser) - Six-time Olympic gold medal-winning swimmer Amy Van Dyken Rouen is on the mend and in remarkably good spirits after severing her spine in an all-terrain vehicle crash . Her long-term prognosis is still unclear, but she has posted photos of herself smiling and sitting up in her hospital bed on her...

Olympic Champ Severs Her Spine in ATV Crash

Crash almost killed swimmer Amy Van Dyken Rouen

(Newser) - One of America's greatest Olympic swimmers is in the hospital with a severed spine after an all-terrain vehicle accident that almost killed her. Amy Van Dyken Rouen, 41, was airlifted to the hospital after the crash in Arizona, reports the AP . She is now in good condition, but her...

US Olympian Runs Into Wolf&mdash; in Sochi Dorm
 That Olympic Wolf? 
 A Kimmel Stunt 

That Olympic Wolf? A Kimmel Stunt

Kate Hansen was in on viral video prank

(Newser) - It seemed like the ultimate Sochi fail, but it was actually a Jimmy Kimmel prank: American luger Kate Hansen claimed to have filmed a wolf roaming the halls of Olympic Village Wednesday, tweeting out the video link, posted to YouTube, along with this caption: "Wolf in my hall?!?...

Lolo Jones Makes US Olympic Bobsled Team

2 track stars complete the switch to Winter Games

(Newser) - Lolo Jones and fellow former track star Lauryn Williams are set to make history at the Sochi Olympics as the ninth and tenth Americans to compete in both Summer and Winter Olympics. The two women, who have five Summer Olympics between them, were named as members of the US Olympic...

Town Named 'Jim Thorpe' Fights to Keep His Body

Sons want famed athlete moved home to Oklahoma tribal land

(Newser) - The surviving sons of the famous American Indian athlete Jim Thorpe have long fought to get the remains of their father moved from Jim Thorpe, Pa., to tribal lands in Oklahoma, where he was born. Now they've won a crucial legal victory that puts them close to their goal—...

Ex Olympian: Depression Made Me a Call Girl

Suzy Hamilton surprises with revelation

(Newser) - Suzy Favor Hamilton is a three-time Olympian, the most decorated female runner in NCAA history, and has appeared in ads for Nike, Reebok, and more. She's also a high-priced Las Vegas call girl. Or at least, that's how the 44-year-old has spent the past year, the Smoking Gun...

US Olympian Gets Sued ... by Her Parents

Lawsuit says Tianna Madison spread bad stories about them

(Newser) - The Ohio parents of Olympic gold medalist Tianna Madison have sued her, saying she spread stories they had been selfish and bullying and cheated her financially. Robert and Jo Ann Madison filed the libel, slander, and defamation lawsuit yesterday in Cleveland. They say they've been loving, supportive, and generous...

US Runner Finishes Race on Broken Leg
 US Runner Finishes 
 Race on Broken Leg 

US Runner Finishes Race on Broken Leg

Manteo Mitchell keeps men's 4x400 gold hopes alive

(Newser) - The US made it to the men's 4x400-meter relay finals with the help of a runner who deserves a gold medal for pain endurance. Manteo Mitchell was 200 meters into the race's first leg when a bone in his leg snapped. He managed to finish the rest of...

This Woman Will Be the Most Pregnant Olympian Ever

Malaysian shooter will be 8 months pregnant when she competes

(Newser) - Malaysian shooting champ Nur Suryani Mohamed isn't just the first pregnant woman to compete in a summer Olympics since 1920, she's so far along that she may become the first person to give birth at the Games. The 29-year-old athlete, who discovered that she was pregnant just two...

Buses Carrying Olympians Get Lost in ... London

Bus with US athletes took 4 hours to cover 24 miles

(Newser) - At least three busloads of Olympic athletes arriving in London yesterday received an extended tour of the metropolis courtesy of hopelessly lost bus drivers. "Athletes are sleepy, hungry and need to pee. Could we get to the Olympic Village please," tweeted American 400-meter hurdler Kerron Clement. "We’...

UK to Olympians: Stay Healthy, Don&#39;t Shake Hands
UK to Olympians:
Don't Shake Hands

UK to Olympians: Don't Shake Hands

Athletes urged to dodge bugs by shunning handshakes

(Newser) - Athletes at this summer's London Olympics may find their British counterparts a bit standoffish. The British Olympic Association's chief doctor has told the country's 550 athletes to avoid handshakes in order to minimize the risk of picking up bugs, AP reports. "The greatest threat to performance...

Olympic Skier Kills Himself After DUI Bust

US ski team mourns Jeret 'Speedy' Peterson

(Newser) - Olympic silver medalist skier Jeret "Speedy" Peterson shot himself in an isolated canyon near Salt Lake City just days after he was arrested for drunk driving, police say. He apparently left a suicide note. The 29-year-old freestyle skier had long battled alcohol and depression. He was sent home from...

Ex-Olympic Gold Sprinter Found Dead

Pettigrew lost gold medal after doping scandal

(Newser) - Former world champion sprinter Antonio Pettigrew has been found dead in the backseat of his car in North Carolina. Pettigrew, 42, was part of the American 4x400-meter relay squad that won gold at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, only be be stripped of their medals after Pettigrew confessed to being part...

Ski Champ Concocts 'Smell of Victory'

Michelle Roark loves the smell of rose oil in the morning

(Newser) - Ski champ and chemical engineer Michelle Roark has put together a line of perfumes she insists can give athletes the winning edge. Roark, the 2009 US freestyle skiing champion, credits her scents like "Confidence"—which includes grapefruit oil and rose oil—with helping her succeed. Other scents include...

Phelps Unhurt in Car Crash; Other Driver Shaken Up

Cops say alcohol not a factor in Olympic swimmer's collision

(Newser) - Michael Phelps was uninjured after the car he was driving collided with another vehicle in Baltimore tonight. The female driver of a Honda Accord was "shaken up" and taken to a hospital as a precaution. Two passengers in Phelps' Cadillac Escalade were unhurt. A police spokesman says Phelps has...

Olympian Johnson Crowned Dancing Queen

Gymnast Johnson claims the mirror ball to wrap up Season 8

(Newser) - Shawn Johnson now has a Dancing With the Stars' mirror ball trophy to put alongside her Olympic medals, Extra reports. The gymnast—at 17, the youngest star to compete on the show—took first place along with dancing partner Mark Ballas, leaving Gilles Marini and Cheryl Burke in second place,...

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