Republican debate

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Bernie Sanders Had Some of the Debate's Best Lines

He decided Reagan was better than any of the GOP hopefuls

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders was nowhere near the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library last night, but he still emerged as "one of the surprise stars" of the GOP debate, according to the Guardian . The Vermont senator covered the debate on his Twitter feed last night and came out with plenty of strong...

Candidates Suggest Own Secret Service Names

Any guesses on who 'Humble' is?

(Newser) - CNN tossed up a softball to the Republican candidates late, asking them what they'd like their Secret Service names to be. The answers, via Time :
  • Donald Trump: Humble
  • Rand Paul: Justice Never Sleeps
  • Jeb Bush: Everready (Addressing Trump, he explained that it's "high energy.")
  • Ben

11 Candidates, 11 Lines: Debate's Standout Remarks

Including one about turning the TV off

(Newser) - Eleven candidates and three hours of debate: Which lines made an impression? A standout statement from each of tonight's GOP hopefuls, via CNN , the New York Times , and the Washington Post :
  • Donald Trump: "I would get along with [Assad]. I would get along with a lot of the

Fiorina Gets Huge Applause in Response to Trump Slam

Women all over the US 'heard very clearly' what he said about her face

(Newser) - The prime-time debate has been heavy on policy, but the biggest applause line of the night has gone to Carly Fiorina after she was asked to respond to Donald Trump's insult about her face . "I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said,...

'Clock Kid' Surfaces as Topic in First Debate

But discussion leads to another about Kim Davis and religious freedom

(Newser) - The Muslim boy who was arrested today because teachers thought his homemade clock was a bomb surfaced as a subject in today's early debate on CNN among the four lower-tiered candidates. Asked about striking a balance between vigilance and discrimination, Bobby Jindal first emphasized that Muslim leaders must denounce...

Here Is Your GOP Debate Drinking Game

'Drink every time Carly Fiorina makes a joke about her own face'

(Newser) - It will likely come as no surprise to you that there are quite a few GOP debate drinking games out there in anticipation of tonight's event , but the one authored by Matt Taibbi over at Rolling Stone is particularly amusing. "The event is taking place in California at...

Homemade-Clock Kid Is Perfect Topic for GOP Debate

Ahmed Mohamed's case hits all kinds of timely issues

(Newser) - So a smart 14-year-old kid wearing a NASA shirt gets handcuffed and questioned by police for the high crime of building a homemade clock and bringing it to school to show off his handiwork. Problem: The kid's name is Ahmed Mohamed, and authorities at his high school in Irving,...

5 Reasons Tonight's GOP Debate Could Get Crazy

There will be desperation in the air at the Reagan Library

(Newser) - The second Republican debate is tonight and nobody—least of all host network CNN, which describes it as "Round 2 of a heavyweight bout"—is pretending it's going to be anything other than another episode of the Donald Trump Show. CNN is expecting a record audience for...

Priebus: Expect 'Elbows Thrown' at CNN Debate

And expect candidates to keep dropping out as they run out of money

(Newser) - The first Republican debate was a contentious affair , and don't look for the second one to let off the gas, says Reince Priebus. "One of the undiscussed issues is just, you know, controlling the debate," the RNC chair told host Jake Tapper, who will moderate Wednesday's...

Conservative Group Dumps Trump After New Insult to Fox's Kelly

He says she had 'blood coming out of her wherever'

(Newser) - Donald Trump continued his tirade against Fox debate moderator Megyn Kelly last night, but his latest slam has even some of his supporters backing away. "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes," he told Don Lemon of CNN . "Blood coming out of her...

GOP Debate Ratings Are Kind of Incredible

24M Americans tuned in

(Newser) - The Trump factor? As the pundits (and even candidates ) squabble over who won last night's debate, Nielsen figures give the crown to a different champ: Fox News. An estimated 24 million Americans watched the prime-time debate, far more than any primary debate in history, reports CNNMoney . In fact,...

Trump Has Harsh Words for Moderator Megyn Kelly

She 'really bombed,' he says after the debate

(Newser) - The debate is over, but Donald Trump isn't done sparring with moderators, particularly Megyn Kelly. He fired off late-night tweets venting that “Wow, @megynkelly really bombed tonight. People are going wild on twitter! Funny to watch," reports Politico . And: "I really enjoyed the debate tonight even...

6 Takes on Last Night's 'Donald Trump Show'

He made the other 9 candidates look 'boring, but grown-up'

(Newser) - The front-runner grabbed so much attention at last night's Republican debate that some commentators are calling it the "Donald Trump show"—but there's plenty of disagreement on whether the debate helped his campaign, or those of the nine rivals that made the cut. Here's what...

Republicans Wrap Up Fiery First Debate

Donald Trump was a central figure, as expected

(Newser) - The GOP debate on Fox News tonight proved to be Trump-centric as he and his nine rivals—Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Chris Christie, and John Kasich—tried to emerge from the pack. (As Carly Fiorina did in the early debate....

Carly Fiorina Seen as Winner of First Debate

She and 6 others did their best to stand out

(Newser) - Their better-polling rivals get to debate in prime time , but seven Republicans tried to make the most of it in the first Fox News debate today. Based on the early reviews, it seems that one clearly did: Carly Fiorina. She "nailed it," observes the Washington Post . The former...

What the Candidates Should Be Asked Tonight

Suggestions include gas tax, Kansas, and "Seriously?"

(Newser) - The first GOP primary debate is tonight and while the questions—just like the participants—will be chosen by Fox News, there are a lot of interesting suggestions out there for the 10 candidates to face.
  • Thomas Friedman at the New York Times would ask this: "As part of

Fox Ditches GOP Debate Entry Barrier

Move is a lifeline for those scrambling to reach 1%

(Newser) - Fox has decided to spare those at the back of the GOP pack the indignity of being excluded even from the "consolation prize" debate. The network is holding a debate for "second-tier" candidates at 5pm on Aug. 6, ahead of the main event at 9pm, and it has...

Romney's Voice Cracked With ... Emotion?

Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum also at Huckabee jobs forum

(Newser) - With reproductive rights heating up the US politisphere and Super Tuesday around the corner, Mike Huckabee hosted a GOP forum for Fox News tonight on a more stolid political topic: jobs. Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum were the candidates in attendance (Ron Paul was busy campaigning in Washington...

GOP Has No Good Choices
 GOP Has No Good Choices 
Gail Collins

GOP Has No Good Choices

Gail Collins mocks the latest GOP debate

(Newser) - Last night's debate threw the GOP race into focus for Gail Collins, and it predictably begins with her favorite prop, Seamus Romney: "Take your pick, Republicans. On one hand, the guy who once drove to Canada with the family dog strapped to the roof of the car,...

Santorum Blew It, Pundits Say
 Santorum Blew It, Pundits Say 

Santorum Blew It, Pundits Say

Mitt Romney edged win by putting Rick on defensive

(Newser) - The GOP debate in Arizona was a huge opportunity for Rick Santorum to gain momentum ahead of crucial votes next week, but the consensus is that he blew it with a weak performance. A rundown of what the pundits are saying:
  • Santorum seemed "nervous, tired, and uncomfortable" in the

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