dairy products

Stories 21 - 35 | << Prev 

Lawmakers Agree to Avert Milk Cliff—If They Have Time

But don't worry, slow USDA might make it a moot point

(Newser) - In a desperate bid to avoid the dreaded " milk cliff ," House and Senate Agriculture Committee leaders have agreed to just extend the 2008 farm bill for another year—assuming they can get around to doing so. Given the drama surrounding that other cliff, House Republican leaders tell CBS...

Milk Biz Scrambles as Sales Sour

Americans drinking less of it than ever

(Newser) - The long decline in American milk drinking has accelerated, leaving producers facing what they describe as a major crisis, the Wall Street Journal finds. Americans still get through an average of more than 20 gallons each of the stuff per year, but that is down nearly 30% from 1975 and...

One of World's Priciest Cheeses Made From ... Gold

Clawson Stilton Gold has gold leaf in it, costs $95 per slice

(Newser) - If the idea of eating a $95 tiny wedge of cheese seems a little too, well, rich for your tastes, consider this: How often do you get the chance to dine on real gold? The Independent reports on England's "blingiest" cheese, a stilton flecked with edible gold leaf....

Cow Superbug Jumping to Humans

Scary new form of MRSA found in dairy herds

(Newser) - A new strain of the drug-resistant "superbug" MRSA has been found in British cows, and it appears to be spreading to people. The strain, identified in cows' milk by researchers studying udder infections, is genetically very different from the dozens of other strains of superbug identified, reports the BBC...

Japan Radiation Found in US Milk

Very low contamination poses zero risk, FDA says

(Newser) - Traces of radiation from Japan have been found in a sample of milk from Washington state, but the EPA and FDA stress the level is far below that which would affect humans, and there is no need for consumers to worry. The March 25 milk samples showed levels of radioactive...

US Pushes Cheese While Warning About Fat

NYT: USDA sends decidedly mixed messages

(Newser) - The New York Times cries foul on the Department of Agriculture for being two-faced on cheese. On the one hand, the department warns people to cut down on saturated fats, like those found in dairy products. On the other, one of the department's very own marketing arms, called Dairy Management,...

China Launches Emergency Sweep for Poison Milk

Firms accused of recycling tainted milk powder from 2008

(Newser) - China has ordered an emergency sweep to seek out and destroy milk products tainted with melamine. Officials have ordered a full investigation of the latest milk scandal and promise offenders will be harshly punished, AP reports. Some companies are believed to have reused milk powder recalled after milk tainted with...

Glut of Heifers Enter Milk-Flooded Dairy Industry

Semen-sorting technology bolsters herds, depressing already depressed prices

(Newser) - Times are tough everywhere, but dairy farming, never the industry of millionaires, is reeling from a double-whammy of its own making. Three years ago, new semen-sorting technology allowed farmers to ensure nine out of 10 calves born were female (bull calves largely end up in McDonald's wrappers and the like)....

Got Milk? Kids Who Eat More Dairy Live Longer

(Newser) - A new study suggests that children who eat more dairy products live longer lives, the BBC reports. Researchers followed up a 1930s study of childhood diets and found that those who had diets rich in milk, butter, and cheese had lower mortality rates from strokes and other causes. The children...

Dairy Farmers Going Udders Up
 Dairy Farmers Going Udders Up 

Dairy Farmers Going Udders Up

Economy slams cow tenders

(Newser) - Dairy farmers are struggling to survive in the face of huge drops in the price they get for milk, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Though grocery store prices have stayed relatively constant, farmers are now getting just $10 for each hundred pounds of milk they sell, down from $20 in...

US Blocks Chinese Milk Products

FDA demands independent tests before products can enter

(Newser) - All Chinese products containing milk will be blocked at the US border until tests prove they're free of a widely used toxic contaminant, Bloomberg reports. The FDA is demanding independent testing to prove such products are not tainted with melamine like those which sickened 50,000 children in China. The...

Eat Less, Or the Icecaps Melt
 Eat Less, Or the Icecaps Melt 

Eat Less, Or the Icecaps Melt

Meat a big climate change contributor, study finds

(Newser) - To avoid catastrophic global warming, people need to cut way down on their meat and dairy consumption, a new report on climate change says. Four modest servings of meat and about a quart of milk a week are all we should be consuming, the Guardian reports. And the report urges...

Chinese Recall Milk as Tainting Scandal Spreads

Melamine found in 10% of milk from top dairies; massive recalls begin

(Newser) - Milk from some of China's biggest dairies has been found to contain poisonous melamine, prompting authorities to clear shelves of dairy products, in addition to the earlier recall of tainted infant formula, the BBC reports. A watchdog group found the banned chemical in 10% of samples from three dairies, including...

Gift Cows Give Hope to Kosovo War Widows

Aid group helps heal the wounds of war in Europe's fledgling country

(Newser) - A Dutch organization is helping steer Kosovo's war widows toward a brighter future, Radio Free Netherlands reports. Many were left to fend for themselves after losing loved ones in the war against Serbia; now the Dutch group The Bridge is giving them cows to put food on the table and...

Cloned Meat, Milk Near Nod
Cloned Meat, Milk Near Nod

Cloned Meat, Milk Near Nod

FDA is about to approve clones, despite industry opposition

(Newser) - The Food and Drug Administration is expected to clear the way for milk and meat from cloned animals to be sold in US supermarkets by declaring the products safe as early as next week, reports the Wall Street Journal. Cloning companies are poised to begin churning out animals once a...

Stories 21 - 35 | << Prev