
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Hacker Steals Data of Nearly Everyone in Entire Nation

20-year-old is arrested in Bulgaria

(Newser) - The personal and financial data of pretty much every adult in Bulgaria has been stolen, reports the New York Times . An individual claiming to be a Russian hacker took responsibility for the attack on the nation's tax agency while slamming the government's cybersecurity efforts as "parody" in...

Ransomware Attack Hits Courts Office
Court System Hit
by Ransomware 

Court System Hit by Ransomware

State takes down

(Newser) - A Georgia courts agency has been hit with a cyberattack, along with a demand for ransom. State websites including all sites, were shut down Monday so administrators could try to contain the attack, the Journal Constitution reports. Websites for the state Supreme Court and court clerks in large...

Instead of Military Strike, US Hit Iranian Computers

Sources say that Trump authorized a cyberattack on Iran's military computers

(Newser) - US cyber forces launched a strike against Iranian military computer systems on Thursday as President Trump backed away from plans for a more conventional military strike in response to Iran's downing of a US surveillance drone, US officials said Saturday. Two officials told the AP that the strikes were...

Florida City Agrees to Pay $600K to Hackers

Ransomware attack took Riviera Beach's systems offline

(Newser) - A Florida city has agreed to pay the equivalent of around $600,000 to hackers after becoming the latest victim of a very 21st-century crime. At a meeting Monday, the city council in Riviera Beach unanimously agreed to pay 65 Bitcoin to hackers who had paralyzed its computer system with...

Cyberattack Seized Images of Travelers, Customs Says

Subcontractor's computer network was hacked, agency reports

(Newser) - The US Customs and Border Protection service says images of travelers—which it presumably collected at points of entry—have been exposed in a malicious cyberattack. The federal agency said Monday that license plate images were also exposed in an attack that compromised a subcontractor's computer network, the AP...

The Tool Used to Hack US Cities? Guess Who Made It

The NSA designed a tool that's now used by America's enemies

(Newser) - An online hacking tool developed by the NSA is being used to cripple American cities and extort millions of dollars from government coffers, the New York Times reports. Called EternalBlue, the tool was stolen in 2016 and dropped online the year after, enabling rogue actors and foreign intelligence agencies to...

NRCC Suffered 'Major' Email Hack During 2018 Election

And didn't tell House leadership until now

(Newser) - Four senior aides at the National Republican Congressional Committee had their email hacked during the 2018 election, Politico reveals, calling it a "major" cyberattack. The hack exposed thousands of sensitive emails from the House GOP's campaign arm, three senior party officials say. The hack went on for several...

Pentagon to Hackers: Go Ahead, Access Russia's Cyber Systems

It's reportedly part of DOD plan in preparation for cyberattack if Russia interferes with midterms

(Newser) - What may soon become a more "regular currency of war": cyberattacks, per the Center for Public Integrity , and it notes that the US Department of Defense may start cashing in as early as next week. Current and former senior US officials reveal to the investigative journalism nonprofit that the...

Allegedly Hidden Beneath a Russian's Coat: an Antenna

Netherlands alleges Russian military intelligence was trying to hack the OPCW

(Newser) - A stunning allegation out of the Netherlands: The defense minister said Thursday the country had previously kicked out four Russians, believed to be GRU military intelligence officers, who were planning a cyber attack on the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the Hague. The global chemical weapons...

Warning About Russia: They Can &#39;Shut the Power Off&#39;
Warning About Russia:
They Can 'Shut the Power Off'
the rundown

Warning About Russia: They Can 'Shut the Power Off'

US says hackers have gained entry to power plants, including nuclear facilities

(Newser) - A US security alert on Thursday contained a jarring warning: Russia has infiltrated the US energy grid and could wreak havoc if it chose to do so. "They have the ability to shut the power off," an exec with the digital security firm Symantec tells the New York ...

US Sanctions Russians, Warns of Cyberthreat to Energy Grid

Mnuchin says US won't tolerate 'malign Russian cyber activity'

(Newser) - The Trump administration is imposing sanctions on 19 Russians for alleged interference in the 2016 election, including 13 indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller. The penalties also include the first use of new powers that Congress passed last year to punish Moscow for election meddling. Those targets include officials working...

Extreme Weather Seen as Major 2018 Risk

World Economic Forum ranks them ahead of global forum

(Newser) - Humans are "pushing systems to the brink, from extinction-level rates of biodiversity loss to mounting concerns about the possibility of new wars," according to the World Economic Forum . On the upside, a stronger economic outlook means global leaders will have "a golden opportunity" to address some of...

Trump Aide Blames N. Korea for 'Costly' Cyberattack

'We do not make this allegation lightly'

(Newser) - It's official, according to Trump aide Thomas Bossert: The US publicly blames the massive "WannaCry" ransomware attack earlier this year on North Korea. "We do not make this allegation lightly. It is based on evidence," Bossert writes in the Wall Street Journal . He accuses Pyongyang of...

Use WiFi? Security Experts Have Bad News

New vulnerability affects pretty much everyone using WiFi

(Newser) - Bad news for WiFi users: A security expert has found that all WiFi networks are vulnerable to hacking thanks to a weakness in the wireless security protocol WPA2. WPA2 is used to protect most WiFi connections, and the fact that it's broken means attackers may be able to "...

Navy Sends Cyber Team to Singapore in Destroyer Probe

Sent to look for 'any anomalous activity'—i.e., a cyberattack

(Newser) - In what Foreign Policy says could be a "startling development in naval warfare," the US Navy is looking into whether last month's crash of the USS John S. McCain , which killed 10 sailors, may have been the handiwork of hackers. Per the Washington Free Beacon , the Navy...

FBI Arrests 23-Year-Old Who Stopped Global Cyberattack

Marcus Hutchins had traveled to US for security conference

(Newser) - The British security researcher called an "accidental hero" for helping stop the WannaCry global cyberattack has been arrested after traveling to the US for a cybersecurity conference. According to an indictment released by the Department of Justice, 23-year-old Marcus Hutchins is accused of creating and spreading Kronos malware in...

HBO Hack Worse Than Thought
HBO Hack Worse Than Thought

HBO Hack Worse Than Thought

Could be on par with the 2014 Sony hack

(Newser) - The HBO cyberattack appears to be worse than originally thought. A security company hired by the network tells Google that the hackers stole "thousands of ... internal company documents" belonging to HBO as well as "masses of copyrighted items including documents, images, videos and sound," Variety reports. The...

After Cyberattack, HBO Episodes Leaked

But it's not yet clear whether 'Game of Thrones' is affected

(Newser) - Watch out for major Game of Thrones spoilers: HBO has been hit by a massive cyberattack, Entertainment Weekly reports. The upcoming episodes of some of the network's series, plus at least one alleged script or treatment, have already been leaked online by the hackers. HBO confirmed the "compromise...

There Is Now a 'Vaccine' for the Latest Global Cyberattack

Experts suspect motive for attack isn't money

(Newser) - Security researchers have been unable to find a "kill switch" for the latest cyberattack hitting systems around the world—but they have developed a vaccine. Researchers say that the Petya ransomware will not encrypt files on computers that have the read-only file "C:\Windows\perfc.dat," the BBC...

Massive Ransomware Attack Spreading Around the World
Massive Ransomware Attack
Spreading Around the World

Massive Ransomware Attack Spreading Around the World

Companies across the globe are reporting system disruptions

(Newser) - A massive cyberattack has hit computer systems around the world, the BBC reports. The ransomware attack, which is believed to be a well-known strain called Petya (the updated version is called Petrwrap), was first reported in Ukraine but has quickly spread to Spain, France, Russia, and other countries. Coverage of...

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