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Major East Coast Pipeline Shuts Down After Cyberattack

Line carries 45% of fuel used on East Coast

(Newser) - A US energy company says a cyberattack forced it to halt operations on a major pipeline that delivers roughly 45% of all fuel consumed on the East Coast. Colonial Pipeline said the attack took place Friday and also affected some of its information technology systems. The company transports gasoline, diesel,...

Cyberpunk 2077 Maker on Hackers' Extortion: We Will Not Negotiate

Ransomware creators steal, threaten to release source code from CD Projekt Red

(Newser) - "You have 48 hours to contact us." That was the ransom note left Monday after a cyberattack against Cyberpunk 2077 maker CD Projekt Red, which has posted the note online and said it's not in the mood for negotiations. The hackers' message indicated that they stole the...

Top National Security Agencies Issue Rare Statement on Huge Cyberattack

They say it was likely Russia, rejecting President Trump's assertion

(Newser) - Top national security agencies confirmed Tuesday that Russia was likely responsible for a massive hack of US government departments and corporations , rejecting President Trump's claim that China might be to blame. The rare joint statement represented the US government's first formal attempt to assign responsibility for the breaches...

Russia &#39;Pretty Clearly&#39; Behind Cyberattack, Pompeo Says
Pompeo, Trump Clash
Over Big Cyberattack

Pompeo, Trump Clash Over Big Cyberattack

The president says it might have been China

(Newser) - Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says Russia was behind the grave cyberattack against the US, per the AP , the first administration official to publicly tie the Kremlin to the widespread intrusion. It's not clear exactly what the hackers were seeking, but experts say it could include nuclear secrets, blueprints...

'This Is Looking Like Worst Hacking Case in History of America'

Mitt Romney says silence from White House on alleged Russian attack 'inexcusable'

(Newser) - An alarming development in the massive cyberattack on American government systems: Sources tell Politico that the agencies that maintain America's nuclear weapons stockpile were compromised in the attack, which is strongly suspected to have been carried out by Russia. The sources say they have found evidence that hackers accessed...

This Ranks Among Biggest Intelligence Failures Ever

Grave warnings issued about suspected Russian breach into US government systems

(Newser) - US authorities are expressing increased alarm about an intrusion into government computer systems that officials suspect was carried out by Russia, per the AP . The cybersecurity unit of the Department of Homeland Security said Thursday that the hack “poses a grave risk to the Federal Government and state, local,...

Treasury, Commerce Hit by Hackers in Monthslong Breach

'Unacceptable risk' to government tied back to hugely popular server software

(Newser) - US government agencies were ordered to scour their networks for malware and disconnect potentially compromised servers after authorities learned the Treasury and Commerce departments were hacked in a monthslong global cyberespionage campaign, discovered when a prominent cybersecurity firm learned it had been breached. In a rare emergency directive issued late...

Cybersecurity Firm Reveals Massive Cyberattack

FireEye was hacked by nation state

(Newser) - Prominent US cybersecurity firm FireEye said Tuesday that foreign government hackers with “world-class capabilities” broke into its network and stole offensive tools it uses to probe the defenses of its thousands of customers, who include federal, state, and local governments and top global corporations. The hackers “primarily sought...

Sophisticated Hackers Targeting Vaccine 'Cold Chain'

IBM experts suspect a nation state is responsible

(Newser) - Cyberattackers have been using sophisticated phishing schemes in an attempt to hack companies and government organizations tasked with distributing coronavirus vaccines. IBM's cybersecurity division first revealed the scheme, which was confirmed by the Department of Homeland Security on Thursday, per the New York Times . Experts say phishing emails were...

This Is the First Death From a Ransomware Attack

Woman dies in Germany after hospital is hit with cyberattack

(Newser) - In a tragic first for humanity, a death in Germany was the indirect result of a ransomware attack. A Duesseldorf hospital was the victim of the attack, and as a result of the attack, it was unable to receive a woman who was on her way there. She was re-routed...

Russia's GRU Among Those Hit by EU Cyberattack Sanctions

Penalties are the organization's first

(Newser) - The European Union on Thursday imposed its first-ever sanctions over cyberattacks, slapping them on alleged Russian military agents, Chinese cyber spies, and organizations including a North Korean firm. The six people and three groups hit with sanctions include Russia's GRU military intelligence agency, the AP reports. EU headquarters blamed...

Twitter Accounts of the Rich and Famous All Hacked at the Same Time

The victims include Barack Obama, Elon Musk, and Kanye West

(Newser) - Big-name Twitter accounts belonging to Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Elon Musk, Kanye West, and many others were hacked Wednesday in an elaborate cyberscam that relieved victims of over $110,000. Looks like crypto-scammers took over the accounts for more than two hours, posting tweets that urged people to send money...

PM Says 'State-Based Actor' Is Targeting Australia

Cyberattacks are threatening government, critical infrastructure, he says

(Newser) - A "sophisticated state-based cyber actor" is targeting Australia in an escalating cyber campaign that is threatening all levels of government, businesses, essential services, and critical infrastructure, the prime minister said Friday. Prime Minister Scott Morrison would not name the state, amid inevitable speculation that the cyberattacks were part of...

Hackers Double Ransom Demand of Lawyer, Threaten Trump

Group now wants firm to pay $42M

(Newser) - Hackers who stole documents from a top entertainment lawyer have threatened to release files on President Trump if a ransom isn't paid. They've doubled their demand to $42 million, Page Six reports. A group that calls itself REvil hacked the server of Allen Grubman's firm, taking files...

A Charity's Twitter Feed Was Hacked. Then, Flashing Lights

Cyberattack against epilepsy group came during National Epilepsy Awareness Month

(Newser) - The Epilepsy Foundation has filed criminal complaints after hackers targeted the charity's Twitter followers with seizure-inducing videos. Flashing and strobing videos and GIFs were sent to some 30,000 followers as part of a cyberattack last month, according to a release . Indeed, the New York Times describes 30 attacks...

Why This City's Workers All Turned Off Their Computers

State of emergency declared in New Orleans after cyberattack

(Newser) - New Orleans got an unwelcome surprise on Friday the 13th, starting before the sun came up, and it has prompted a state of emergency. At a presser, the city's chief information officer said that "suspicious activity" and phishing attempts were detected on the city's network around 5am,...

Hackers Demand Pensacola Pay Them a $1M Ransom

After attack this week, city says it hasn't decided yet

(Newser) - The city of Pensacola confirmed Friday that hackers seeking to extort money were responsible for crippling its computer systems earlier this week, but that officials have yet to decide whether they will pay a reported $1 million ransom. If they do fork over the money, they may have to dip...

Cyberattack Hit Pensacola Hours After Shooting

'We're still trying to figure out what's happened'

(Newser) - On the heels of the tragic attack in Pensacola, Fla. , came a virtual attack. "The city of Pensacola is experiencing a cyberattack that began this weekend that is impacting our city network, including phones and email at City Hall and some of our other buildings," Mayor Grover Robinson...

Hackers Take Control of Jack Dorsey's Twitter Account

Attack raises fears about security of president's account

(Newser) - The series of offensive tweets coming from Jack Dorsey on Friday afternoon weren't, of course, from Jack Dorsey. A group of hackers had taken over the Twitter account of the company's co-founder and chief executive, the Guardian reports. The attack lasted no more than 30 minutes, Twitter said,...

N. Korea Has Swiped $2B in Cyberattacks: Report

North Korea targeted banks and cryptocurrency exchanges to fund its WMD program

(Newser) - North Korea has funneled $2 billion into its weapons of mass destruction programs by using cyberattacks to pilfer from banks and cryptocurrency exchanges, according to a confidential UN report seen by Reuters and CBS News . The "widespread and increasingly sophisticated" attacks carried out by actors under the direction of...

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