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Sotomayor Wins Republicans' Backing

 Sotomayor Wins 
 Republicans' Backing 

Sotomayor Wins Republicans' Backing

She's shown 'judicial temperament': statement

(Newser) - Richard Lugar said today he’ll back Sonia Sotomayor’s Supreme Court bid, making him the first GOP senator to do so, the Washington Post reports. Mel Martinez of Florida, the chamber's sole Republican Latino, quickly followed suit. “Judge Sotomayor has demonstrated a judicial temperament during her week-long nomination...

Romney Emerges as GOP's 2012 Frontrunner: Poll

(Newser) - The 2012 presidential race is heating up—at least in a Gallup poll of Republican voters. CQ Politics looks at the results, which have former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney out front, with 26% saying he should top the GOP ticket. Sarah Palin snags 21%, Mike Huckabee gets 19%, and Newt...

GOP Foresees August Vote on Sotomayor

(Newser) - Republicans cleared the way today for a Senate vote next month to confirm Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, placing her firmly in line to become the first Hispanic justice. "I look forward to you getting that vote before we recess in August," said Jeff Sessions, the senior Republican...

Sotomayor's Rope-A-Dope Strategy Looks Familiar
Sotomayor's Rope-A-Dope Strategy Looks Familiar

Sotomayor's Rope-A-Dope Strategy Looks Familiar

Nominee gives little insight into her true feelings on controversial issues

(Newser) - As Sonia Sotomayor’s question-and-answer session with the Senate Judiciary Committee continues today, the Supreme Court nominee is deploying a familiar strategy, Andrew Cohen writes for CBS News. It's the Rope-a-Dope, much like the one used by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, John Roberts, and Samuel Alito in their confirmation hearings. Simply...

Shy Scientists Dropped Ball on Climate Change

(Newser) - The Senate will soon debate the climate bill passed by the House, but “even if we do get a global-warming law for the first time in 2009, in a sense we’ve already failed,” write Chris Mooney and Sheril Kirshenbaum on BuzzFlash. The issue’s 20 years old,...

GOP Unsure How Big of a Brawl It Wants
GOP Unsure How Big of a Brawl It Wants

GOP Unsure How Big of a Brawl It Wants

Sotomayor battle could be jolt the party needs —or invite backlash

(Newser) - To fight, or not to fight—that is the question for the fractious GOP on the matter of Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court nomination, and one that may not be easy to answer. On the one hand, taking a united stand against the Democratic nominee could energize the Republican base and...

Steele: Palin Run in 2012 'Off the Table'

Alaska gov. needs time to sort out the current 'financial mess'

(Newser) - A Sarah Palin presidential run in the next election is “off the table,” Michael Steele tells Fox News. "Not having talked to the governor, I take 2012 off the table right now simply because (of) everything she's going through personally,” said the Republican party chief. Palin's...

5 Good Reasons Palin Quit
 5 Good Reasons 
 Palin Quit 

5 Good Reasons Palin Quit

Scandal speculation gives way to new theories

(Newser) - When Sarah Palin made her sudden exit, many expected a scandal to break. But "in the days since, it has become clear that no other shoe is likely to drop," writes Jay Newton-Small of Time, who offers five likely reasons she resigned Alaska's top job:
  • For the good

FBI Denies Palin Probe
 FBI Denies Palin Probe 

FBI Denies Palin Probe

Governor's abrupt resignation remains a mystery

(Newser) - The FBI is not investigating Sarah Palin, a spokesman for the bureau said yesterday. Rumors of a federal probe have dogged Palin since she abruptly announced last week that she was resigning her post as Alaska's governor. Bloggers have reported rumors that feds were digging into Palin's award of a...

Keys to Palin's 2012 Run
 Keys to Palin's 2012 Run 

Keys to Palin's 2012 Run

Sophia Nelson offers the candidate-to-be some sage advice

(Newser) - So Sarah Palin is going to run for president, writes Sophia Nelson for the Huffington Post—her ambition, stated when she announced her resignation today, to "affect positive change from outside government,” is merely “code” for a 2012 bid. So, as a fellow Republican woman, Nelson offers...

2012 Presidential Bid Hardly Slam Dunk for Palin

Conservatives see move as highly erratic

(Newser) - If Sarah Palin truly does intend to run for president, her decision to resign as Alaska governor could give her more freedom to pursue the nomination, writes Jonathan Martin for Politico. But Palin’s move is risky: In her announcement, she said she didn’t want the continued ethics investigations...

Palin Will Step Down
 Palin Will Step Down 

Palin Will Step Down

Alaska Gov. keeps her options open for 2012 presidential run

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will resign as Alaska governor July 26 rather than seek re-election next year, she said today. Giving up the governorship opens up Palin’s schedule to devote herself for a possible bid for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, KTUU-TV reports. Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell will become governor.

After Harsh Words, GOP Warms to Palin

Kind comments follow critical Vanity Fair piece

(Newser) - Following a particularly stinging piece about her in Vanity Fair, the pendulum has swung again, and Sarah Palin seems to be winning back GOP support after months of ridicule. The feeling within the party is that “enough is enough,” writes Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post. “Sarah...

McCain Aides Pan Palin as 'Little Shop of Horrors'

(Newser) - Very late in the presidential campaign, staffers for Sen. John McCain came to the painful realization that it would be impossible, ever, to get Sarah Palin up to speed, reports Vanity Fair. They discovered, too late, she was a truth-shifting, self-regarding "little shop of horrors" who knew little about...

Team Romney Ready for 2012 Run

(Newser) - Mitt Romney says he’s not running for office, but his former aides don’t believe him, Politico reports. Romney’s campaign staff never really disbanded. Loyalists meet in Washington every month, hold fundraisers, brief Romney on current events, and strategically publicize his every move. It’s a turnkey political...

Sanford Meltdown Mortifying&mdash;but Real
 Sanford Meltdown 
 Mortifying—but Real 

Sanford Meltdown Mortifying—but Real

(Newser) - Mark Sanford went before the cameras to confess and apologize yesterday, a ritual that is typically “a schtick, a plastic act of absolution performed by men who are just as plastic,” writes Gary Kamiya of Salon. But not this time. Sanford “got all weird and human on...

Nixon Asked for More 'Attractive Women' in GOP

New tapes: He thought abortions were OK in interracial pregnancies

(Newser) - Richard Nixon felt the Republican Party needed more “attractive women,” newly released Oval Office tapes reveal. In a phone conversation with George HW Bush (then Republican National Committee chairman) Nixon describes seeing two “very attractive women” in the South Carolina legislature, the Los Angeles Times reports. “...

GOP Meets Ensign Apology With 'Love and Kindness'

(Newser) - Disgraced Sen. John Ensign gave Republican colleagues a well-received apology today for “embarrassing the Senate” by having an affair, the Hill reports. One colleague said the apology was “very contrite, very sincere.” Sen. Orrin Hatch pointed out that “everybody has flaws,” and said “all...

Ensign Admits Affair; Nev. Senator Is Rising GOP Star

(Newser) - John Ensign, a Republican senator from Nevada said to be considering a presidential run in 2012, admitted today that he had an extramarital affair with a campaign staffer, reports Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post. "It's absolutely the worst thing I've ever done in my life," he said...

Beltway GOP Dumps Palin—Again—as Headliner

Opts for Gingrich to give speech at fundraiser

(Newser) - After twice inviting Sarah Palin to speak at its fundraiser tonight, the GOP's congressional wing has again withdrawn its offer, Politico reports. The confusion began months ago when the National Republican Congressional and Senatorial Committees announced the Alaska governor as the event's headliner. Palin didn't commit, so organizers picked Newt...

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