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Larry Flynt to Mourdock: $1M for Proof 'God Intended'

He wants to see transcripts of Mourdock's convos with God

(Newser) - Millionaires are sure throwing around their millions: Larry Flynt ran a full-page ad in today's Indianapolis Star offering to put his money where Richard Mourdock's mouth is. In exchange for any "verifiable transcript of your personal conversations with God," including texts, letters, or emails, that say...

Electing Mitt Would Reward Bad Behavior

The GOP hasn't played fair since 2008: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Regardless of how you feel about Mitt Romney's policies, there's a big reason not to vote for him: A Romney win would reward the bad behavior the Republican Party has exhibited over the past four years, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . After President Obama was elected, the GOP...

&#39;Choice Could Not Be Clearer&#39;

 'The Choice 
 Could Not 
 Be Clearer' 

Dem convention

'The Choice Could Not Be Clearer'

'Road is hard, but it leads to better place,' says Obama

(Newser) - A smiling, supremely confident Barack Obama took charge of the stage tonight at the Democratic National Convention to repeatedly stress the dramatic choice Americans have in this election, and reveal a vision for the future, which he compared to the "bold experimentation" of Franklin Roosevelt. The president decided to...

Biden: We&#39;re at Hinge of History

 Biden: We're 
 at Hinge of 
Dem convention

Biden: We're at Hinge of History

'Osama is dead, General Motors is alive'

(Newser) - The White House's quiet American Joe Biden stepped up to the Democratic National Convention podium tonight to declare his love for his family and country—and take a solid swing at Mitt Romney. The American financial crisis hit like a "sledgehammer," acknowledged the vice president , who recalled...

Clinton: GOP Left Mess, Now They Blame Obama

 Rocks the 
dem convention

Clinton Rocks the Rafters

Obama's cleaning up GOP mess, says attacker-in-chief

(Newser) - The Democrats unleashed their silver attack fox tonight, as Bill Clinton dusted off his convention chops to debunk a host of charges leveled against President Obama by Mitt Romney—and earned a hug afterward from the president himself. Clinton first formally placed Barack Obama's name into nomination, saying he...

Ryan Could Be Face of GOP for Decades

 Ryan Could Be 
 Face of GOP 
 for Decades 
charles krauthammer

Ryan Could Be Face of GOP for Decades

Charles Krauthammer sees good things for nation's 'conservative future'

(Newser) - Assuming Paul Ryan doesn't flop over the next three months, then, win or lose, "he could well become the face of Republicanism for a generation," declares a happy Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . Ryan is the natural leader of a "new constitutional conservatism" in America,...

Boehner: Let's Play 'Offense' on Medicare

He has conference call to ease concerns on Paul Ryan pick

(Newser) - House GOP leader John Boehner orchestrated a conference call last night to settle the nerves of members of his party worried over a recent barrage of Democratic attacks tying them to Paul Ryan's controversial plan to reshape Medicare, reports Politico . Boehner told his colleagues that Democrats were already planning...

Palin Won't Speak at GOP Convention

Says she's looking forward to 'hearing other voices'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will not have a turn at the mic at this month's Republican National Convention in Florida, Reuters reports. Word comes from Palin herself, who added in a statement: "This year is a good opportunity for other voices to speak at the convention and I'm excited...

GOP Activist Accused of Multiple Rapes

Utah conservative Gregory Peterson faces life in prison

(Newser) - A Republican activist is accused of multiple rapes, and faces up to life in prison if convicted. Gregory Peterson, 37, was a frequent host of barbecues and gatherings for GOP power players in his home state of Utah, which included the likes of Senator Orrin Hatch and Governor Gary Herbert....

GOP Obama Punching Bag Hits the Ropes

Controversial 'joke' removed after complaints

(Newser) - An Indiana GOP branch has removed a President Obama punching bag following angry complaints. The stand-up bag featuring an image of the president with a black eye and wearing boxing gloves was placed outisde a tent at a county fair near Muncie, next to a sign advising: "Vote Republican....

GOP Wastes No Time: #FullRepeal

House to vote to repeal the law on July 11

(Newser) - Democrats wasted no time in celebrating the Supreme Court's ObamaCare ruling ("it's constitutional. Bitches" tweeted the DNC's executive director); Republicans wasted no time in readying the counterattack. Eric Cantor announced that the House will vote (again) to repeal the law after the July Fourth recess, on...

Pranksters Hijack GOP Web Petition Against ObamaCare

'Barf vomit' not a good look

(Newser) - A kind-of clever live Internet petition launched by the Republican National Congressional Committee to attack ObamaCare went embarrassingly awry when it was hijacked by pranksters, reports Wired . The "I want repeal" petition on Tumblr allowed users to "sign" the petition and watch their name "print out" on...

GOP Plans to Drop $1B Ad Bomb on 2012

Super PACs and other outside groups plan a huge blitz for 2012 elections

(Newser) - Republican groups plan to spend a record $1 billion on the November elections, and could outspend Democrats by a margin of 2-to-1. Politico has the details on the spending plans of super PACs and other outside groups: The Koch brothers plan to spend $400 million; Karl Rove's groups are...

New GOP Super PAC Targets Young Voters

Crossroads Generation hopes to turn frustration into GOP gain

(Newser) - A new super PAC is targeting younger voters—but it's Republican, not Democratic. Crossroads Generation aims to tap into the frustration of young Americans fed up with poor job prospects, overwhelming student loans, and a weak economy. The new PAC is today launching a $50,000 social media campaign...

White Males Will Be Minority Among House Democrats

January will be a milestone for American politics

(Newser) - For the first time in history, a political party will soon be represented in Congress by a majority of female and minority lawmakers. The Cook Political Report predicts that white males will make up 46% to 48% of House Democrats when the new Congress is sworn in next January, reports...

RNC Slams 'Obama’s War on Women' in New Ad

Attack focuses on Bill Maher comments, White House 'boys' club'

(Newser) - Democrats often slam the GOP's "war on women," but now it's the Republicans who are hitting back at "Obama's war on women" in a new attack ad, Mediaite reports. The Republican National Committee ad focuses on controversial remarks Bill Maher—who is also a...

Hey, GOP: Bring Back Our 2nd Party

 Hey, GOP: 
 Bring Back 
 Our 2nd Party 
Thomas Friedman

Hey, GOP: Bring Back Our 2nd Party

GOP as useless as 7 vowels in Scrabble, needs new letters

(Newser) - Just like you get to throw in your tiles when Scrabble gives you seven useless vowels, so too do Republican voters keep picking again—and coming up with the same useless tiles, says Thomas Friedman in the New York Times . That's because the GOP is an out-of-date "captive...

Sen. Mark Kirk Has a Stroke
 Sen. Mark Kirk Has a Stroke 

Sen. Mark Kirk Has a Stroke

Illinois Republican who won Barack Obama's seat hospitalized

(Newser) - The Republican who replaced Barack Obama in the US Senate underwent surgery today, after suffering a stroke this weekend, his office has revealed. Mark Kirk, 52, is currently recovering in Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune reports. "Due to his young age, good health, and the nature...

Dear Michele: There's No US Embassy in Iran

Bachmann yesterday explained: I'd shut our embassy in Iran

(Newser) - The latest GOP contender to have an "oops moment": Michele Bachmann. She vowed yesterday that she would shut down the US embassy in Iran if she had the power, notes ABC News . Except there is no US embassy in Iran. We haven't had one since 1980, when 52...

Is Bachmann Throwing in the Towel?

No staffs, volunteers planned for Fla., Texas, Mich. or Calif.

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann seems to be putting on the campaign brakes—or never really had her foot on the gas to begin with. Filings show the fading candidate had no plans as far back as June to put staff workers or volunteers in Florida, Texas, Michigan, or California—and she hopes...

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>