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Twitter's CEO Is Gone Amid Sluggish Growth

Dick Costolo leaves July 1, though company did not explain why

(Newser) - Dick Costolo is stepping down as CEO of Twitter after about five years. The company announced the news in a press release but provided no explanation. CNBC doesn't sound shocked, however: "Many investors and analysts have called for a shakeup amid a sluggish run for Twitter's stock,...

'A Female Shouldn't Be President,' Says Female CEO

Cheryl Rios cites 'hormones,' 'biblical sound reasoning'

(Newser) - Cheryl Rios is the CEO of Dallas-based Go Ape Marketing , but some are saying her views on leadership are as primitive as her company's moniker. Rios recently made it clear on Facebook that she doesn't support Hillary Clinton as president—but it's not just Clinton herself that...

CEO 'Shamed' by Daughter Into Quitting $100M Job

Ex-Pimco chief Mohamed El-Erian says she wanted him around more

(Newser) - The former CEO at one of the world's most powerful investment firms says his daughter shamed him into quitting, Mashable reports. Mohamed El-Erian, who once ran Pimco, says he was struggling to command respect from his 10-year-old daughter at home. "I asked my daughter several times to do...

Silicon Valley Milestone: Oracle CEO Larry Ellison Steps Down

But he'll stay with company he founded as chairman

(Newser) - Larry Ellison is stepping aside as CEO of Oracle, the business software maker he founded in 1977. But he's not going far: Ellison will reclaim the title of chairman and is also taking the role of chief technology officer. Oracle says Ellison wants to focus on product engineering, technology...

CEO Loses His Job After Kicking Puppy

Centerplate chairman apologizes for Des Hague's conduct

(Newser) - Facing anger on social media and a petitions against his company, the CEO who was caught on video kicking a puppy has now resigned, USA Today reports. "The decision comes as a result of [Desmond] Hague's personal misconduct involving the mistreatment of an animal in his care,"...

CEO Caught Kicking Puppy Will Donate $100K

Des Hague of Centerplate says he's 'ashamed and deeply embarrassed'

(Newser) - The CEO of a company that provides food to sports stadiums in the US and Canada will donate $100,000 to create a fund for abused animals after he got caught on video kicking a puppy, reports CBC . Des Hague of Centerplate was captured on an elevator video repeatedly kicking...

&#39;Busy&#39; Ballmer Quits Microsoft
 'Busy' Ballmer Quits Microsoft 

'Busy' Ballmer Quits Microsoft

New LA Clippers owner plans to devote his time to team

(Newser) - Steve Ballmer has decided his new role as owner of the Los Angeles Clippers hasn't left him enough free time for other responsibilities—like serving on Microsoft's board. Ballmer, Microsoft CEO for 14 years until he stepped down in February, says he is "very busy" and is...

Male CEO Leaves Job for 'Amazing' Wife, Family

Max Schireson: 'Life is about choices'

(Newser) - Until now, the public debate of work-vs-family has focused more on female workers than male ones. So Max Schireson's decision to demote himself at a major software company and move back home with his family is turning a few heads, Jezebel reports. "Friends and colleagues often ask my...

Tech Exec Shoots CEO, Kills Self

He was upset over demotion, police say

(Newser) - An exec "despondent" over being demoted at a Chicago technology firm shot his boss and killed himself during a one-on-one meeting yesterday, police say. ArrowStream CEO Steven LaVoie, 54, was shot twice as he struggled for the gun with former chief technology officer Tony DeFrances, reports the Chicago Tribune...

American Apparel Dumps Controversial CEO

Dov Charney will 'fight like hell to get his company back'

(Newser) - Controversial American Apparel CEO Dov Charney is getting the boot. After years of lawsuits and sexual harassment allegations, the Los Angeles Times reports that the company's board voted unanimously to terminate Charney yesterday, a decision that "grew out of an ongoing investigation into alleged misconduct" after "new...

Target CEO Exits After Giant Hack

CFO temporarily takes over for Gregg Steinhafel

(Newser) - Target's CEO is leaving his post after a hack of its systems saw 70 million customers' personal information stolen over the holidays. Gregg Steinhafel, who has been with the company for 35 years, is resigning immediately. He will be replaced, for the time being, by chief financial officer John...

GM Names First Female CEO
 GM Names First Female CEO 

GM Names First Female CEO

Mary Barra has been at company since she was a co-op student in 1980

(Newser) - In something of a surprise move, General Motors CEO Dan Akerson will announce his resignation today, and name Mary Barra as his successor, making her the first woman to pilot the auto giant, according to multiple reports. Barra started at GM as an engineering co-op student way back in 1980,...

Obama, Like Most CEOs, Just Doesn't Get Tech

Michael Wolff: They're out of touch with digital culture

(Newser) - When it comes to, President Obama is blind to a key tenet of the tech world. He tells us the product, ObamaCare, is good, but the process for getting it is broken . Truth is, "For most Americans steeped in digital behavior, the product is the process,"...

Microsoft's Steve Ballmer to Retire; Stock Surges

Tech giant doesn't announce his successor

(Newser) - It's probably a bad sign when investors react to news of your CEO's departure by buying like crazy. Microsoft dropped a bombshell this morning by announcing that Steve Ballmer would retire within 12 months, the AP reports. The company gave no indication of who might succeed the longtime...

Barnes & Noble CEO Steps Down

William Lynch faced big Nook losses

(Newser) - Shortly after news of big losses for Barnes & Noble's Nook, the company's CEO is exiting. William Lynch, named CEO in early 2010, had made the firm's digital business paramount, the Wall Street Journal notes, working on an array of Nook gadgets. Now, however, Barnes & Noble...

McDonald's CEO Eats There 'Every Single Day'

But Don Thompson says he has shed 20 pounds by getting active

(Newser) - The McDiet? McDonald's CEO Don Thompson revealed at an analyst conference this week that he shed about 20 pounds in the past year by getting his "butt up" and "working out again." But he said he hasn't changed his habit of eating at McDonald's...

This Girl, 9, Scolded McDonald&#39;s CEO
 This Girl, 9, Scolded 
 McDonald's CEO 

This Girl, 9, Scolded McDonald's CEO

'Don't you want kids to be healthy so they can live a long and healthy life?'

(Newser) - Nine-year-old Hannah Robertson knows it's important to eat her fruits and veggies (more so than most; this is her mom ), but she thought Don Thompson ought to know, too. Thompson just so happens to be the CEO of McDonald's, and Robertson addressed him at the fast-food giant'...

JCPenney Dumps 'Disastrous' CEO

Ron Johnson out, predecessor Myron Ullman in

(Newser) - JCPenney has ditched CEO Ron Johnson after a 17-month run that produced some of the most disastrous results in retail history . Johnson, who masterminded Apple's retail success, will be replaced by his predecessor Myron Ullman, reports the New York Times . The struggling chain is in the middle of a...

Judge Balks at CEO Payout in American Airlines Merger

He approves deal but won't sign off on $20M severance

(Newser) - A bankruptcy judge today signed off on a proposed merger between American Airlines and US Airways that would create the world's biggest airline, but he's not quite ready to approve a fat severance package for outgoing American CEO Tom Horton, reports the Wall Street Journal . The two companies...

Groupon CEO Sounds Fine About Getting Fired

Andrew Mason writes snarky farewell

(Newser) - Groupon gave CEO Andrew Mason the boot today after another lousy earnings report, and the company's long-suffering stock immediately jumped more than 7%, reports the Wall Street Journal . The ouster wasn't much of a surprise, and Mason himself seems to have accepted it with sense of humor intact,...

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