Republican presidential primaries

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It&#39;s Over, Newt
 It's Over, Newt 
Opinion Roundup

It's Over, Newt

Gingrich must go after Alabama, Mississippi losses, pundits agree

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich lost both Mississippi and Alabama last night, and the calls for him to drop out have risen to a deafening roar. Here's what pundits are saying:
  • "If Newt Gingrich can't win Alabama and Mississippi, where can he win?" asks CNN . The states are "virtual

It All Comes Down to Illinois Now
 It All Comes Down 
 to Illinois Now 

It All Comes Down to Illinois Now

Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum both need this

(Newser) - Having failed to seal up the nomination in yesterday's Southern primaries , it's all about Illinois now for Mitt Romney. That state's Tuesday primary is the next big one, though Missouri will hold caucuses Saturday and Puerto Rico holds its primary Sunday. Politico calls Illinois "the new...

Pundits: It&#39;s a Two-Man Race
 Pundits: It's a Two-Man Race 

Pundits: It's a Two-Man Race

Ala., Miss. results give Santorum a clear shot at Romney

(Newser) - Only a few percentage points separated the top three candidates in Alabama and Mississippi's GOP primaries, but the results left Rick Santorum looking like a big winner, and Newt Gingrich looking like a goner, say pundits, who predict tough times ahead for Mitt Romney.
  • Santorum's wins in Gingrich'

Santorum Wins Alabama, Mississippi

Romney finishes third in both states

(Newser) - Mitt Romney may have hoped to deliver a devastating blow to Rick Santorum's campaign tonight, but voters in the South had other ideas: Santorum has won the primaries in Alabama and Mississippi, reports Politico . What's more, Romney ended up running third to Newt Gingrich in both states. A...

How Palin Destroyed US Politics
 How Palin 
 US Politics 

How Palin Destroyed US Politics

Richard Cohen: Now, ignorance is a virtue

(Newser) - HBO's Game Change is aptly titled: Sarah Palin did indeed change American politics, and not for the better, writes Richard Cohen in the Washington Post . Palin aides have confirmed the accuracy of the film's portrayal of an "ignoramus" who was "determinately incurious"; this year's "...

What to Watch for in Today&#39;s Primaries
 What to Watch for 
 in Today's Primaries 

What to Watch for in Today's Primaries

Alabama, Mississippi primaries could seal the deal for Romney

(Newser) - Today's primaries in Mississippi and Alabama are playing an unexpectedly pivotal role in the GOP presidential race. What to keep an eye on, per NPR and Politico :
  • Will Mitt finally win in the South? He's failed to take any of the southern states so far, but he's

Michael Steele: Brokered Convention Was 'My Goal'

Ex-GOP chair aimed for a more exciting primary season

(Newser) - As the GOP nomination process drags on, odds against Republicans seem to be increasing: Voter turnout has dropped, and independents are fleeing Mitt Romney. Turns out, however, that the lengthy contest is just what the former GOP head sought in the first place. "I wanted a brokered convention,"...

Razor-Thin Margins in Alabama, Mississippi

 It's a Tossup 
tomorrow's primaries

Alabama, Mississippi: It's a Tossup

Gingrich, Romney, Santorum in race to the finish

(Newser) - As Alabama and Mississippi prepare to head to the polls tomorrow, both states remain up for grabs. Mitt Romney has the thinnest of edges in Alabama, Public Policy Polling finds: He's currently poised to take 31% of the vote to Newt Gingrich's 30%—but Rick Santorum is right...

Gingrich: I&#39;m Not Dropping Out
 Gingrich: I'm Not Dropping Out 

Gingrich: I'm Not Dropping Out

He aims to sweep the South

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich says he's not dropping out, despite increasingly loud calls from Rick Santorum supporters for him to do so. "If I thought [Santorum] was a slam dunk to beat Romney and to beat Obama, I would really consider getting out," Gingrich said in a radio interview...

7 Super Tuesday Takeaways
 7 Super Tuesday Takeaways 

7 Super Tuesday Takeaways

Including how Mitt Romney is like a world-devouring super villain

(Newser) - Now that the dust has cleared, what did we learn on Super Tuesday ? Among the biggest takeaways:
  1. Republicans don't love these guys: "It's almost like a bad version of Goldilocks. Nobody is just right," quips Philip Elliott of the AP . Exit polls showed that a

Mitt Romney Fails to Land Knockout

 Mitt Romney 
 Fails to Land 

Mitt Romney Fails to Land Knockout

Race set to drag on despite Mitt winning 5 states

(Newser) - As the dust from Super Tuesday settles, the good news for Mitt Romney is that he won the most states, including the grand prize of Ohio. But he definitely wasn't crowned the champion. Rick Santorum scored decisive wins, and those victories—plus Romney's narrow margin of victory in...

Economy, Gas Prices Top Voter Concerns
Gas Prices, Economy Top Voter Concerns: Exit Polls
super tuesday

Gas Prices, Economy Top Voter Concerns: Exit Polls

Social issues not a major concern, polls find

(Newser) - Super Tuesday voters handed victories to three different candidates, but Republicans in all 10 states shared similar concerns, exit polls found. The economy was the number one issue in every state. Despite the recent focus on social issues, few voters names abortion as their chief concern, and there was little...

Super Tuesday Results: Who Won What

Romney wins Ohio, 5 others; Santorum wins 3; Newt 1

(Newser) - Mitt Romney took the biggest Super Tuesday prize of all, Ohio, by a razor thin margin. The state was called for Romney only after 99.4% of precincts reported, giving him 38% to Rick Santorum's 37%. Earlier, Newt Gingrich got a crucial home-state win in Georgia, while Santorum grabbed...

Gingrich: &#39;I&#39;m the Tortoise&#39;
 Gingrich: I'm the Tortoise
the speeches

Gingrich: I'm the Tortoise

All candidates focus on moving on

(Newser) - Super Tuesday began with four candidates in the mix, and it ended the same way. All four are focusing on what comes next:
  • Rick Santorum, speaking before Ohio's results were in, said he would pick up a "couple of gold medals" tonight along with a "whole passel

Super Tuesday: 4 Candidates, 4 Storylines
 Super Tuesday: 
 4 Candidates, 
 4 Storylines 


Super Tuesday: 4 Candidates, 4 Storylines

Your look at what to watch for today

(Newser) - It's here at last: Super Tuesday, the day 10 states cast their ballots in the 2012 primary. Here's what's at stake for each of the candidates today:
  • Mitt RomneyExpected to win: Massachusetts, Vermont, Virginia. Really wants to win: Ohio and Tennessee. Winning both would give him

Day Before Super Tuesday, All Eyes on ... Limbaugh

Focus on social issues hurts GOP: strategists

(Newser) - A day before Super Tuesday, the GOP name getting the most play may be ... Rush Limbaugh. Social issues like contraception are taking center stage in the Republican presidential campaign—though birth control is a matter that's "nowhere near the top of what most Americans are most focused on...

Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What
Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What
election preview

Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What

Mitt Romney basically has 4 of the 10 states in the bag

(Newser) - Tomorrow is looking good for Mitt Romney, who will likely take more of the 422 delegates up for grabs in Super Tuesday contests than his opponents (an additional 15 super delegates aren't bound to tomorrow's wins). He may even walk away with a delegate majority, writes Nate Silver....

Primaries Are Hurting GOP
 Primaries Are Hurting GOP 
Poll Finds

Primaries Are Hurting GOP

Even among Republicans, many unhappy with nomination process

(Newser) - A new poll confirms what snarky headline writers have been saying for weeks now: The biggest winner of the long, nasty Republican primary season is President Obama. Four of 10 adults say that the GOP nomination process is hurting their general impression of the party, according to an NBC/Wall Street ...

Romney Wins Washington State Caucuses

Ron Paul, Rick Santorum each lose by 13 points

(Newser) - Mitt Romney rolled to a double-digit victory in Washington state's Republican presidential caucuses tonight, his fourth triumph in a row and a fresh show of strength in the run-up to 10 campaign contests being held all across America on Tuesday. The 10 primaries and caucuses coming up on so-called...

Romney's Voice Cracked With ... Emotion?

Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum also at Huckabee jobs forum

(Newser) - With reproductive rights heating up the US politisphere and Super Tuesday around the corner, Mike Huckabee hosted a GOP forum for Fox News tonight on a more stolid political topic: jobs. Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum were the candidates in attendance (Ron Paul was busy campaigning in Washington...

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