Republican presidential primaries

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Gingrich: It&#39;s Over

 Gingrich: It's Over 

Gingrich: It's Over

He says he's only campaigning now 'as a citizen'

(Newser) - The rollercoaster that has been the GOP presidential primary ended with a whimper today, as Newt Gingrich more-or-less dropped out and more-or-less endorsed Mitt Romney. "It's pretty clear Gov. Romney is gonna be the nominee," Gingrich said in a speech in North Carolina, according to CBS News...

Newt May Score Upset Win in Delaware
 Newt May Score 
 Upset Win in 

primary preview

Newt May Score Upset Win in Delaware

He says he'll 'reassess' campaign if he doesn't

(Newser) - Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, and Delaware hold their Republican primaries today, and while many observers have already heard the fat lady sing for Newt Gingrich, there may still be a twist or two left in the race. Gingrich has been spending a lot of time in Delaware and...

Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28
Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28
new report

Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28

Even though Santorum didn't bow out until April 10

(Newser) - No one's been nominated yet—but the media crowned Mitt Romney the winner of the GOP primaries after he took Michigan on Feb. 28, a Pew report finds. Of course, Romney didn't essentially seal the deal until Rick Santorum dropped out. That happened on April 10, weeks after...

Newt Tries to Get on Utah Ballot ... Bounces Check

Cash problems hound Gingrich's dying campaign

(Newser) - He was hoping for a bounce in the polls, but the only thing bouncing in Utah was Newt Gingrich's $500 application fee to get on the primary ballot, reports the Salt Lake City Tribune . Worse—when Utah officials tried to get in touch with Gingrich's local office, there...

Rick Santorum Dropping Out

 Rick Santorum 
 Drops Out 

Rick Santorum Drops Out

He leaves race ahead of Pennsylvania primary

(Newser) - Rick Santorum is out. He officially left the GOP race today in Pennsylvania, saying his daughter Bella's most recent scare in the hospital caused him to re-evaluate things. "This race is over for me," he said, adding that he'll continue to fight to help defeat President...

Romney Grabs Lead in Pennsylvania

 Grabs Lead 
 in Pennsylvania 
poll numbers

Romney Grabs Lead in Pennsylvania

Meanwhile, Santorum says 'damn right' we cling to guns, religion

(Newser) - Bad news for Rick Santorum: Mitt Romney has taken the lead in Santorum's own home state of Pennsylvania. Romney is at 42% support and Santorum at 37% in the latest Public Policy Poll , followed by Ron Paul with 9% and Newt Gingrich at 6%. That's a gain of...

What We Learned Last Night
 What We Learned Last Night 
primary takeaways

What We Learned Last Night

Mitt Romney sweeps primaries, but Rick Santorum not going anywhere

(Newser) - Mitt Romney scored a hat trick, winning all three of yesterday's primaries in Wisconsin, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. CNN and Politico each offer five takeaways:
  • Wisconsin rejected Rick Santorum: It was Santorum's last shot at winning a Midwestern state , and he ignored Maryland in order to

Pennsylvania: Santorum's Last Stand?

With losses piling up, Santorum badly needs home-state win

(Newser) - Thanks to Mitt Romney's sweep of all three primaries last night, Rick Santorum's last chance to get the GOP nomination just got closer. Now, it could all come down to Pennsylvania, reports the Washington Post . Pennsylvania is a key state in the presidential election, and Santorum's home...

Clean Sweep: Romney Wins Wisconsin, DC, Maryland

Santorum looks forward to 'second half'

(Newser) - Another big night for Mitt Romney: He won the night's primaries in Wisconsin, Maryland, and Washington, DC, reports CNN and AP , a trifecta that should push him past the halfway point in the race for the magic number of 1,144 delegates. Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul finished well...

Romney Walking Tightrope in Wisconsin

He's backing Scott Walker, but needs blue-collar votes

(Newser) - The Republican candidates chasing the presidency are eagerly embracing Wisconsin governor Scott Walker for his controversial fight against public sector unions. But with an incredibly tight recall election looming June 5 , Walker isn't exactly returning the love. Desperate for every vote and worried that supporting any one GOP candidate...

Romney Grabs 7-Point Lead in Wisconsin

But Obama leads Romney in general election polling

(Newser) - Mitt Romney leads Rick Santorum 40% to 33% in Wisconsin, according to a new NBC News-Marist poll . Ron Paul follows in third with 11% and Newt Gingrich is last with 8%. Romney leads the way with moderate and liberal Republicans, conservatives, and those earning more than $75,000 per year....

Romney's Staff Destroying His Chances

John Cassidy: Nothing going for Mitt but money

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's campaign keeps shooting itself in the foot, and the GOP frontrunner may have passed the point of no return, writes John Cassidy in the New Yorker . After last week's blunders, Cassidy has finally had to admit "that trying to rescue Romney’s presidential bid may...

Santorum: Mitt's Advantage Is 'Bad Math'

Revisions to Florida, other states will change delegates, says Santorum

(Newser) - So does Mitt Romney really have an unbeatable two-to-one delegate lead over Rick Santorum? Not according to Santorum, who called it "bad math" yesterday, according to Fox News . "There's a lot of bad math there that doesn't reflect the reality of what's going on. I...

Santorum Wins in Louisiana
 Santorum Wins 
 in Louisiana 

Santorum Wins in Louisiana

But his delegate deficit remains daunting

(Newser) - Rick Santorum won the Louisiana primary as expected to keep alive his faint hopes for the GOP nomination, reports AP . Santorum easily bested Mitt Romney to rebound from last week's loss in Illinois. But given that only 20 delegates were at stake, tonight's results won't do much...

Television Sick of 2012 Campaign

 Sick of 2012 
howard kurtz

Television Sick of 2012 Campaign

Howard Kurtz sees thinning coverage amid poor ratings

(Newser) - Even as voters hit the polls in Illinois Tuesday , Fox and MSNBC hosts focused on other matters. The next day, neither Today nor Good Morning America included the 2012 election in their top three stories. There's a reason for that, writes Howard Kurtz at the Daily Beast : Cable news...

Romney Wins Easily in Illinois

Rick Santorum finishes a distant second

(Newser) - Mitt Romney rolled to an easy win in the Illinois primary tonight, reports AP . With 98% of precincts reporting, he has 47% of the vote, well ahead of Rick Santorum (35%), Ron Paul (9%), and Newt Gingrich (8%). "Thank you Illinois," Romney said. "What a night."...

Illinois Could Finish Off Santorum
 Illinois Could 
 Finish Off 
Nate Silver

Illinois Could Finish Off Santorum

Nate Silver doesn't think the race is close

(Newser) - Look at a map, and you might think the race between Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum was relatively close. It's not. Do the math, and you'll see that, barring some kind of breakthrough, Santorum hasn't got a prayer, writes Nate Silver of the New York Times . A...

What to Watch in Illinois&#39; Primary

 What to Watch 
 in Illinois Primary 
election 2012

What to Watch in Illinois Primary

Mitt Romney poised for the win as voters hit the polls

(Newser) - Illinois votes for its GOP candidate of choice today, with 69 delegates at stake—the second-most of any state so far. Here's what the experts at Politico and the Daily Beast have their eye on:
  • Can Mitt Romney crack 50%? Polls have Romney heavily favored in the state, and

Romney Way Up in Illinois, But...

 Romney Way Up 
 in Illinois, But... 
primary preview

Romney Way Up in Illinois, But...

Some cite lackluster performance in state he could have dominated

(Newser) - A new poll puts Mitt Romney 15 percentage points ahead of his closest rival, Rick Santorum, in Illinois' primary tomorrow—but perhaps he shouldn't start celebrating yet. Public Policy Polling has Romney winning 45% of the vote to Santorum's 30% (it puts Newt Gingrich at 12% and Ron...

Gingrich: 'My Opponents Can’t Comprehend' My Ideas

Also calls political system 'stupid,' vows to continue

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is ignoring calls to get out of the Republican primaries , saying the media, his opponents, the GOP, and the whole political system just don't get him, reports MSNBC . “The thing I find most disheartening about this campaign is the difficulty of talking about positive ideas on...

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