Jeb Bush

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In Hacked Emails, Bushes Prepare for George's Death

Plus: A look at W's paintings

(Newser) - A hacker has breached the personal email accounts of several Bush family members and friends, and discovered that the family was actively preparing for George HW Bush's death during his recent hospital stay. In material given to the Smoking Gun , the former president's chief of staff sent Bush'...

Forget Britain, US Loves Its Political Royalty

We could soon see another Clinton or Bush in the White House: Margaret Carlson

(Newser) - You think the British monarchy is bad? Well, it's got nothing on the US when it comes to political dynasties, writes Margaret Carlson on Bloomberg View . Look no further than how popular Michelle Obama is in a hypothetical 2016 Senate bid in Illinois (a survey shows she'd beat...

The Inevitable: 2016 Speculation Begins

Clinton? Biden? Ryan? A look at the current possibilities

(Newser) - And so it begins: Speculation about Election 2016 is already running rampant, mere hours after President Obama was re-elected. Some of the frontrunners for a presidential run next time around, courtesy of ABC News and US News & World Report :
  • Hillary Clinton: Not surprisingly, she's at the forefront of

What Now for the GOP?
 What Now for the GOP? 

What Now for the GOP?

Demographics are not on the party's side

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's defeat is certain to lead to an extended period of Republican soul-searching, and most pundits agree that the party will have to do something to deal with its lack of Hispanic support.
  • Romney captured just 27% of the Latino vote, a proportion that will have to improve

Paul Ryan Courts Cuban-Americans in Miami

'Policy of appeasement is not working'

(Newser) - Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan is courting Cuban-American voters with promises to be tougher on the Castro government than President Obama. Ryan campaigned this morning in Miami's Little Havana neighborhood, where he stopped at the popular Versailles Restaurant. "I learned ... just how brutal the Castro regime is,...

Santorum, Jeb Bush Will Speak at Convention

Latest round of speakers includes Rand Paul, Mary Fallin

(Newser) - Another round of Republican National Convention speakers has been announced, and leading the pack is former Mitt Romney arch-rival Rick Santorum. Some top Romney aides had hoped Santorum wouldn't speak after he offered some bruising primary attacks against the former governor, Reuters notes. Also speaking will be Kentucky Sen....

Meet George Bush 3.0

 Meet George Bush 3.0 

Meet George Bush 3.0

Jeb's son 'P' could be on cusp of political career

(Newser) - The next-generation George Bush could be getting ready for the political spotlight. George Prescott Garnica Bush, 36, is the son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, the nephew of Dubya, and the grandson of George HW Bush. And while that pedigree has always made him a potential political contender, he...

Jeb Bush: Reagan, Dad Wouldn't Make It in This GOP

But that's a 'temporary' problem

(Newser) - Today's Republicans wouldn't back a leader like Ronald Reagan or George HW Bush, says the latter's son. "Based on his record of finding accommodation, finding some degree of common ground," Reagan, as well as Poppy Bush, "would have a hard time if you define...

Voters Know Nothing About Romney's VP Candidates

No opinion on Rob Portman, Marco Rubio

(Newser) - What do voters think of Rob Portman? They don't, a poll finds. Some 51% don't have an opinion on the man currently most likely to join Mitt Romney's ticket, the highest "no opinion" figure about pretty much anything in a Washington Post -ABC poll since September....

Papa Bush Backs Romney
 Papa Bush 
 Backs Romney 

Papa Bush Backs Romney

George HW will announce endorsement tomorrow in Houston

(Newser) - The GOP's elite isn't exactly tripping over itself to help Mitt Romney seal the deal, but George HW Bush is the latest in the Bush family to fall in line: A Romney spokeswoman says the Bush patriarch will endorse their man tomorrow at an event in Houston, reports...

Jeb Bush Endorses Mitt Romney

Says with 34 primaries finished, it's time to get behind Mitt

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is inevitable enough for Jeb Bush, reports ABC News . Bush today endorsed the GOP frontrunner after months of tongue-wagging over his silence —which included sitting on the sidelines while Romney won his own state's primary. The former president's brother, seen by some as a strong...

Ann Coulter: Jeb&#39;s Going to Run
 Ann Coulter: 
 Jeb's Going 
 to Run 

Ann Coulter: Jeb's Going to Run

And 'we don't need another Bush'

(Newser) - Ann Coulter today added to the chatter about a white knight riding in to swipe the GOP nomination at a brokered convention—and the Mitt Romney supporter is none too pleased about the prospect, reports Politico . "It looks like we can throw Jeb Bush's hat into the ring,...

Jeb Bush Staying Silent in Fla.
 Jeb Bush Staying Silent in Fla. 

Jeb Bush Staying Silent in Fla.

Rubio also neutral as GOP focuses on state

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been racking up endorsements in Florida but the state's two most prominent Republicans are staying silent. Sen. Marco Rubio says he won't be endorsing a candidate and Jeb Bush has failed to join the party establishment in backing Mitt Romney against Newt Gingrich. Romney has...

Obama Crashes Alfalfa Club

President zings at elite DC dinner

(Newser) - President Obama was palling around with Washington's one-percenters last night, cracking wise at the Alfalfa Club dinner for the first time since 2009 , reports the Washington Post . The Alfalfa Club is the quintessential DC insider club, which exists pretty much for throwing an annual dinner, and guests had to...

Laura Bush: We Wanted Jeb to Run

Plus: Advice on post-presidential life

(Newser) - Add Laura and George W. Bush to the list of people disappointed that Jeb Bush isn't on the stump. The two "wish he would" eventually run for president, and they "wanted him to this time," the former first lady told a Florida crowd yesterday in response...

Florida Leads Way in Education Equality

State has narrowed gap between rich and poor students: ProPublica

(Newser) - Jeb Bush has made a name for himself for education reform in Florida , and a first-of-its kind analysis by ProPublica suggests he's not just blowing smoke by at least one important measure. Florida now has the highest percentage of high school students in advanced classes and, crucially, "that...

William Kristol: Hooray for a Chaotic GOP Primary

 Hooray for a 
 Chaotic Primary 
william kristol

Hooray for a Chaotic Primary

'Wide open' field is great for GOP: Kristol

(Newser) - Hey, pundits: Quit moaning about the lack of a clear GOP field for 2012. It’s shifting and twisting every day, and that’s “good for the Republican party, good for the conservative cause, and good for the country,” writes William Kristol in the Weekly Standard . Sure, Newt...

Mitch Daniels Is Out: Who Will Replace Him in 2012 Presidential Race?
 Daniels Is Out—Now What? 

Daniels Is Out—Now What?

Republicans look for an alternative

(Newser) - Now that Mitch Daniels is officially out of the 2012 race, many Republicans are scanning the field to find another suitable alternative to Mitt Romney. Politico looks at the possibilities:
  • Jeb Bush and Chris Christie: Though they have both flatly said they won’t run, donors and operatives are likely

Obama Joins Forces With... Bush?

Jeb Bush, that is, in education push

(Newser) - Barack Obama got a little help from an unlikely ally today in Florida, when Jeb Bush appeared with him at a speech promoting the administration's education agenda at Miami Central High School, the AP reports. Bush introduced Obama, saying that education shouldn't be a partisan issue. Obama shook his hand,...

Bushes Heart Bill Clinton
 Bushes Really Love Bill Clinton 

Bushes Really Love Bill Clinton

He's 'impossible to dislike,' she tells Larry King

(Newser) - No one can stay mad at Bill Clinton—not even the guy he kicked out of the White House. Poppy and Barbara Bush sang his praises on Larry King last night, Mediaite observes, with George touting their “really good personal relationship.” Barbara Bush admitted that it took her...

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