US Embassy

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US Building Libya Commando Unit

Washington poised for strike on embassy attackers

(Newser) - Hoping to prevent a repeat of last month's attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, the Obama administration is ratcheting up efforts to help build a new Libyan commando force. Work was under way on the force before the attack, but the US is looking to speed the process....

Security Chief at US Embassy in Yemen Is Gunned Down

Al-Qaeda suspected as Qassem Aqlani shot in the street

(Newser) - Yemeni security officials say a gunman has assassinated the Yemeni chief of security at the US Embassy in Sanaa. The officials say Qassem Aqlani, who was in his fifties, was shot dead while on his way to work early today. They say a gunman on a motorcycle opened fire at...

Libya Army Traps Militia Blamed for Stevens' Death

But Ansar al-Sharia remains 'very dangerous': commander

(Newser) - Libya's army has blockaded the militia blamed for Ambassador Chris Stevens' death, squeezing Ansar al-Sharia into an eastern wooded region. But the fight is far from over, officials say: "They have 150 to 200 men and 17 vehicles, Toyotas, and four-by-fours," notes a commander. "These people...

Before Libya Attack, Major Confusion Over Security

Chris Stevens sent cable on day he died

(Newser) - Slain Ambassador Chris Stevens , local security forces, and the State Department were all at odds over security in the weeks leading up to the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, according to an interview with a security commander and a cable sent from Stevens himself on the day he...

700 Cops Guard US Embassy as Thais Protest

400 carry out peaceful demonstration

(Newser) - Protests over an anti-Islam film have spread to Thailand, where 700 police were ready at the US embassy in Bangkok. Some 400 people gathered peacefully; organizers had called for a peaceful demonstration on Facebook. Protesters held signs saying "Stop insulting our religion" as they chanted against the US and...

Sudan Rejects Marine Mission: Official

US troops delayed and possibly stopped altogether

(Newser) - Objections by Sudan's government have held up the security mission of an elite Marine team that the US planned to send to Khartoum, a US official said today. As a result, the deployment has been delayed and possibly curtailed, according to the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity...

Egypt's Morsi Gets 'Blunt' Call From Obama

Officials there seem to acknowledge they didn't respond well to violence

(Newser) - President Obama delivered what the New York Times calls a "blunt" message to Egypt's Mohamed Morsi by phone, demanding that the nation better protect Americans there. It illustrates the new government's tight spot: Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood are under fire from the Obama administration for their...

US Embassy Zings Egypt, Via Twitter

Psst, we can read Arabic, too

(Newser) - The US embassy in Cairo caught the ruling Muslim Brotherhood being two-faced as the protests were under way earlier this week, reports the Hill . The Egypt group's Arabic feed praised the protests, while its American feed expressed support for American staffers:
  • Brotherhood's tweet in Arabic: "Egyptians rise

Hey Media, Obama Made Gaffes, Too

 Hey Media, 
 Obama Made 
 Gaffes, Too 

Hey Media, Obama Made Gaffes, Too

President slips up twice, and journalists ignore both: Noah Rothman

(Newser) - Noah Rothman at Mediaite is perturbed that journalists have been too busy haranguing Mitt Romney over his Libya remarks to notice that President Obama made two gaffes himself this week. The first came Wednesday during an interview with Telemundo when Obama was asked if Egypt was considered a US ally....

Wait, Isn't Mitt Romney Supposed to Be Boring?

Gail Collins thinks he's looking a little unhinged lately

(Newser) - Up until now, we'd all assumed that a President Romney would be a lot less rash than Candidate Romney. There was a deal: Anything goes in the campaign, "as long as he sent out signals that once he got in the White House he was not likely to...

Chris Stevens Mourned as 'Right Man in Right Place'

Diplomat's death 'one of the saddest days of my life,' says Libya counterpart

(Newser) - In the wake of the Libya attack that killed US Ambassador Christopher Stevens , colleagues and officials are remembering those who died:
  • "This is one of the saddest days in my life," says Stevens' Libyan counterpart, ambassador to the US Ali Suleiman Aujali. "He was the man who

Yemen Protesters Storm US Embassy Compound

Security forces fighting to regain control

(Newser) - Anti-American protests sparked by an anti-Islam film have spread to a third country, with protesters forcing their way into the compound of the US Embassy in Yemen today, the AP reports. The demonstrators brought down the American flag and burned it but did not enter the embassy building. They...

Suddenly, It's a Campaign About Foreign Policy

Some in GOP see opportunity in storm around Romney attack

(Newser) - The violence at the US embassies in Libya and Egypt—and Mitt Romney's decision to try to make political hay of them—have thrust foreign policy to the forefront of a campaign that has until now been centered around the economy, the AP observes. Romney has been getting lambasted...

Embassy Attack Was Planned: Report
 Libya Attack 
 Was Planned: 


Libya Attack Was Planned: Report

US may send drones to look for militants responsible, anonymous officials say

(Newser) - The attack on the US consulate in Libya that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens wasn't the spontaneous act of violence it initially appeared to be—it was planned. Or at least, that's what the Obama administration suspects. Whereas yesterday's riots in Egypt appeared spontaneous, attackers in Libya showed...

Romney's Libya Barbs Draw Big Backlash

Campaign hastily spreads memo urging GOP not to discuss them

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is taking a hail of fire today for attacking the president over a statement issued by the US embassy in Egypt, even as angry mobs killed Americans at the Libyan embassy. It "was dismal business in every respect," as well as "graceless and stupid as...

US Marines Headed to Benghazi Consulate

Unrest around North Africa spurs reinforcements

(Newser) - US Marines are en route to Libya to reinforce security at the American consulate in Benghazi, reports CNN , following last night's slaying of US ambassador Chris Stevens . The team of 50 Marines, known as the Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team, specializes in protecting embassies, reports the AP , although experts point...

12 Mexican Cops Held in Ambush on US Embassy Car

Attack was an ambush, embassy says

(Newser) - A dozen Mexican federal police officers who riddled a US Embassy car with bullets on Friday are being held while they are investigated on charges including attempted murder, CNN reports. Two American citizens employed by the embassy were injured in the shooting south of Mexico City, as was a member...

China Demands US Stop Tweeting About Its Air

They complain US standards unfair, and data may not be 'rigorous'

(Newser) - China isn't just happy censoring its own tweets anymore. China told foreign embassies today to stop publishing their own reports on air quality in the country, escalating its objections to a popular US Embassy Twitter feed that tracks pollution in smoggy Beijing. Only the Chinese government is authorized to...

Iran-Linked Assassins Targeted US Officials

Investigators identify 13-month assassination effort

(Newser) - A string of assassination plots against diplomats across several countries amounted to a coordinated campaign, with each case linked to Iran. US officials were among those targeted, American and Middle Eastern authorities say: Would-be assassins linked to Iran plotted to kill diplomats at the US Embassy in Azerbaijan. Investigators have...

China Slams US as Dissident Leaves Embassy

Chen Guangcheng taken to Beijing hospital

(Newser) - Blind Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng has left the US Embassy in Beijing "of his own volition" after taking refuge there for six days, according to state media. Chen—who escaped from house arrest last month —traveled with US Ambassador Gary Locke to a Beijing hospital, reports the Washington ...

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