US Embassy

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US Now Ready to Evacuate Embassy in Tripoli

Country may be poised for civil war: Washington Post

(Newser) - Amid new violence in Libya , the US is considering evacuating its embassy in Tripoli, with the decision being made "minute by minute," an official tells CNN . Eight Osprey aircraft are now in place at a US naval base in Italy, ready to evacuate the embassy if needed; 200...

US Diplomat Shot Would-Be Qaeda Kidnappers

Face-off helps Yemen find leader of al-Qaeda-linked kidnapping ring

(Newser) - Last month, a pair of al-Qaeda gunmen attempted to kidnap US diplomats in Yemen's capital. Their plan was foiled, however, when one of the diplomats killed the would-be attackers, a Yemeni official tells CNN . The US has confirmed that a confrontation occurred between officials and "armed individuals,"...

US to Syrian Diplomats: Get Out
 US to Syria Diplomats: Get Out 

US to Syria Diplomats: Get Out

DC embassy, consulates shut down

(Newser) - America has told Syria to close its embassy in Washington and ordered all Syrian diplomats in the US to hotfoot it back to Damascus by the end of this month. Daniel Rubinstein, the new US special envoy for Syria, says the decision was made as the civil war enters its...

Israel: Al-Qaeda Planned to Hit US Embassy

Authorities say they foiled plot in Tel Aviv and attacks elsewhere

(Newser) - Israel says it has foiled a major plot by al-Qaeda that included a planned attack on the US embassy in Tel Aviv, reports the AP . The Shin Bet security agency arrested three Palestinians it says were recruited indirectly by al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. The alleged plot called for suicide bombers...

US Warns Americans: Get Out of South Sudan

Violence heating up following failed coup

(Newser) - The State Department today issued a travel warning for South Sudan, recommending that all Americans "depart immediately," as violence rises in the wake of an attempted coup . That includes non-emergency US personnel, who have already been ordered to depart, forcing the US to suspend normal operations at its...

'Damning' Report: Benghazi Outpost Was a Sitting Duck

Gov't finds many US embassies at similar risk

(Newser) - The newly launched Al Jazeera America has its hands on an internal government report (you can read the full PDF here ) on the 2012 Benghazi attack, and the assessment is "damning." The report, written by an independent panel of intelligence and security experts, paints a picture of...

US to Reopen Most Diplomatic Posts

Facilities in Yemen and Pakistan will remain closed

(Newser) - The State Department plans to reopen all but one of the diplomatic posts it shuttered this week over a possible al-Qaeda attack , reports CNN . Only the embassy in Sanaa Yemen will stay closed over continued concerns of a terror strike. The Obama administration will reopen 18 other facilities throughout North...

US: Diplomats in Pakistan Must Leave Lahore

Move follows threat to consulate

(Newser) - The State Department has warned Americans not to travel to Pakistan and evacuated nonessential government personnel from the country's second largest city because of a specific threat to the consulate there, a US official said today. The move was not related to the threat of an al-Qaeda attack that...

US Embassies Will Stay Closed All Week

But only as a caution, not because of a new threat, says State Department

(Newser) - Today's closure of US embassies and consulates has been extended through Saturday for diplomatic posts in 19 cities, the State Department has announced. But, it says in a statement , the extension is not due to a new threat, but "merely an indication of our commitment to exercise...

GOP: Closing Embassies Was Right
 GOP: Closing 
 Was Right 


GOP: Closing Embassies Was Right

Threat level was specific, serious

(Newser) - The State Department's move to close all embassies today in light of an al-Qaeda threat reverberated through the Sunday shows, with the decision garnering near-universal applause from both sides of the aisle. "We’ve learned from Benghazi, thank God, and the administration’s doing this right," said...

US Embassy Worker Shot at Strip Club Didn't Realize It

Discovered injury after arriving home; 2nd worker also shot in Caracas

(Newser) - Two US embassy officials in Venezuela have received non-life-threatening injuries—but possibly some damage to their careers—after being shot at a strip club in Caracas early yesterday. The men were shot during a brawl that broke out at the club in an upscale part of the capital around 4:...

Russia: We Busted CIA Agent Trying to Recruit Spy
Russia: We Busted CIA Agent Trying to Recruit Spy

Russia: We Busted CIA Agent Trying to Recruit Spy

Russia's FSB releases photos allegedly of detained diplomat it says is covert agent

(Newser) - Russian authorities say they uncovered and detained an American CIA agent last night while he was trying to recruit a Russian intelligence officer. They've since released the alleged spy, but have declared him "persona non grata" and demanded he be expelled from Russia immediately, Russia Today reports. The...

US Embassy in Cairo Scrubs Daily Show Tweet

Link to Stewart monologue prompted feud with Egypt

(Newser) - Egyptian officials weren't happy with a recent tweet from the US embassy in Cairo—so the embassy pulled its Twitter feed, at least initially. The tweet in question: A link to Jon Stewart's recent monologue defending Bassem Youssef, the so-called "Jon Stewart of Egypt," in which...

DNA Test Confirms ID of Embassy Bomber: Turkey

Ecevit Sanli was member of anti-American group

(Newser) - DNA tests confirm that Marxist revolutionary Ecevit Sanli perpetrated the bombing attack at a US embassy in Ankara, Turkish officials said today. Sanli killed himself and a guard in the attack. A member of the Revolutionary People's Liberation Army-Front , Sanli served five years for his role in attacking two...

Turkey Says Marxists Behind Embassy Attack

White House calls it 'clearly an act of terror'

(Newser) - Turkish authorities say they know who's behind the bombing of the US embassy in Ankara —and it's not the usual suspects. They identified the suicide bomber as Ecevit Shanli, a member of a Marxist militant group called the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front, the Hill reports. The...

Bomber Kills 1, Injures 3 at US Embassy in Turkey

Embassy guard, suicide bomber killed in blast

(Newser) - The State Department confirmed a terrorist attack today just outside the US Embassy in Ankara and told Americans to stay away from US diplomatic offices throughout Turkey. A department spokeswoman says the explosion occurred on the perimeter of the embassy at about 1:15pm local time. Officials in the Turkish...

Obama Sends Troops to Chad to Evacuate Americans

Security deteriorating in neighboring Central African Republic

(Newser) - President Obama says 50 US troops have deployed to the African country of Chad to help evacuate US citizens and embassy personnel from the neighboring Central African Republic's capital of Bangui in the face of rebel advances toward the city. Obama informed congressional leaders of Thursday's deployment in...

US Closes Embassy in Central African Republic

Country's president seeks help against rebels

(Newser) - With rebels advancing in the Central African Republic, the US has evacuated its ambassador and his staff and closed its embassy in the country. Washington is urging Americans not to visit the country, where violence is surging, the AP reports. Rebels have captured 10 northern towns, and locals in the...

Indonesia Nabs 11 Who 'Targeted' US Embassy

New group was 'well prepared for terror attacks': police

(Newser) - Indonesia's anti-terror squad arrested 11 people suspected of planning a range of attacks on domestic and foreign targets including the US Embassy and a site near the Australian Embassy, police said today. The suspects were arrested in raids yesterday and today in four provinces, national police spokesman Maj. Gen....

US Embassy in Sweden Evacuated

Threatening letter contained mysterious substance

(Newser) - The US embassy in Stockholm was evacuated today, after receiving a threatening letter with a mysterious white powder inside, Reuters reports. Police briefly sealed off the area, which is in a wealthy neighborhood of the Swedish capital, but eventually allowed the staff of about 150 reenter the building. "We...

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