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Another Rioters' Flag Flew at Another Alito House

House Democrat introduces a censure resolution over 'Stop the Steal' symbol

(Newser) - The fallout continues for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito over the flying of a symbolic upside-down flag outside his house, a debate possibly complicated by a report of another flag carried by Jan. 6 rioters having been displayed at Alito's beach house. More:
  • Censure: House Democrat Steve Cohen of

Ilhan Omar May Face Censure Over Israel Comment

Congresswoman suggested some Jewish students are 'pro-genocide'

(Newser) - Ilhan Omar—one of the few Muslims in Congress—may face censure over comments she made in regard to the Israel-Hamas war, reports Axios . GOP Rep. Don Bacon tells the outlet he's working on a censure measure after the Democratic Omar suggested some Jewish students in the US were...

House Censures Democrat Bowman Over Fire Alarm

New York congressman says he triggered it accidentally during shutdown scramble

(Newser) - House members voted again Thursday to punish one of their own, targeting Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman for triggering a fire alarm in one of the Capitol office buildings when the chamber was in session. The Republican censure resolution passed with some Democratic votes, but most Democrats stood by Bowman in...

Rashida Tlaib Censured by House
House Censures
Rashida Tlaib

House Censures Rashida Tlaib

She says her criticism of Israeli government does not amount to antisemitism

(Newser) - Days after a resolution to censure her was blocked in the House of Representatives, the chamber on Tuesday voted to censure Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib. The Republican-led resolution passed 234-188, with four Republicans voting against it and 22 Democrats voting for it, CNN reports. Tlaib, the first Palestinian-American woman to...

House Censures Adam Schiff as Democrats Chant 'Shame!'

Republicans impose punishment over investigations of Trump

(Newser) - After their attempt last week was blocked , House Republicans succeeded Wednesday in censuring Rep. Adam Schiff. The action was punishment for the California Democrat's support of past investigations into Donald Trump's connections to Russia. The vote was along party lines, 213-209, with six House members voting present, USA ...

Rep Who Spoke Up for Trans Rights Faces Expulsion

GOP has frozen Montana Rep. Zooey Zephyr from speaking after 'blood on their hands' remark

(Newser) - Montana Republican leaders will vote Wednesday on censuring or expelling lawmaker Zooey Zephyr, a transgender state representative who's been silenced in the House since last week after telling colleagues that if they voted for a bill to ban gender-affirming medical care for transgender children, they'd "have blood...

Judge Censures Trump Lawyer for False Election Statements

Opinion says Jenna Ellis, who maintained 'Trump won by a landslide,' hurt public faith in the 2020 vote

(Newser) - Jenna Ellis, a lawyer who helped lead former President Donald Trump's effort to overturn President Biden's 2020 victory at the polls, was publicly censured Thursday after admitting she falsely said the election was stolen from her client. Ellis engaging in conduct "involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation,...

Lawmaker Censured for 'Despicable' Child Abuse Remark

Alaska Rep. David Eastman suggested at hearing there may be a cost 'benefit' if child dies from abuse

(Newser) - Very few people would try to find some sort of silver lining in cases where a child died from abuse. Rep. David Eastman is apparently one of those people, however, and he's now taking flak for his comments made earlier this week in that vein. Per the Anchorage Daily ...

GOP Censured 2 of Its Own, and a Backlash Is Growing
GOP Censured 2 of Its Own,
and a Backlash Is Growing
the rundown

GOP Censured 2 of Its Own, and a Backlash Is Growing

Lindsey Graham is among those accusing the RNC of looking backward instead of forward

(Newser) - The Republican National Committee's decision to censure two lawmakers from its own party is not sitting well with some big-name Republicans. Coverage in multiple outlets quotes GOP members of Congress who say the strike against Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger was misguided and could potentially hurt a party...

GOP Censures Kinzinger, Cheney for Investigating Riot

Republican governor calls it a sad day for the party

(Newser) - The two GOP members of the House committee investigating the Capitol riot have been punished by their party. A resolution to censure Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger passed, without debate, on a one-sided voice vote Friday at a meeting of the Republican National Committee, the Washington Post reports. Their...

Judge Steps Down After Declaring 'All Lives Matter'

Colorado's Natalie Chase earns rare public censure for opining on racial justice, using n-word on car ride

(Newser) - It's exceedingly rare for a judge in Colorado to receive a public censure, but Natalie Chase just earned one, with behavior that's also now led to her leaving the bench. CBS4 reports that the Colorado Supreme Court has accepted the Arapahoe County district court judge's resignation, as...

Goya Censures CEO Who Said: 'There Is a War Coming'

Robert Unanue has backed Trump's claims about the election

(Newser) - Robert Unanue, the chief executive of Goya, will no longer be allowed to speak to the news media without the approval of the company's board of directors. On Friday, the board voted to censure Unanue, CNN reports, after repeated comments supporting President Trump's unproven claims of election fraud....

Impeachment Trial: Dems Float a Lesser Penalty
Democrats Now Face
a 'Mathematical Impossibility'
the rundown

Democrats Now Face a 'Mathematical Impossibility'

Closing impeachment arguments are over, and Politico already counts enough acquittal votes

(Newser) - Closing arguments in President Trump's impeachment trial have wrapped up. Now senators will have two days to make individual speeches ahead of the final vote on Wednesday. Meanwhile, some Democrats were at least hoping for a censure of President Trump after the trial is over, though the prospect looks...

Charlie Rangel Sues Boehner for Ethics Censure

Says key memo was withheld in 2010 case

(Newser) - Charlie Rangel has sued seven lawmakers, including John Boehner and former House ethics chair Zoe Lofgren, in an effort to overturn a 2010 ethics censure, Politico reports. Rangel says the ethics committee withheld relevant evidence in the case, which resulted in a 333-79 House vote in favor of a censure,...

Vatican Censures Yale Nun for Sex Book

Margaret Farley's book presents support for gays, masturbation

(Newser) - The Vatican has censured a nun and emeritus professor of Christian ethics at Yale University for her book on sexuality, calling it "unacceptable" and a "grave harm" to Christians. Leading theologian Sister Margaret Farley's book, Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics, aims to present a...

Rangel: I Deserve Reprimand, Not Censure

He will ask for lighter penalty, sources say

(Newser) - Charlie Rangel doesn't think he deserves censure, and he wants to ask the House to downgrade his punishment to a reprimand, sources tell the AP . Rangel's argument against censure is that he's not corrupt; none of his ethics violations involved personal financial gain. Censure, the harshest punishment other than expulsion,...

Ethics Panel Recommends Censure for Charlie Rangel

Short of expulsion, that's as bad as it gets

(Newser) - Brutal day for a tearful Charlie Rangel: The House ethics committee took the rare step of recommending that he get the most serious punishment short of expulsion—censure, reports AP . The matter now goes to the full House. Rangel's appeal for a "drop of fairness or mercy" didn't sway...

SC House Reprimands Sanford
 SC House Reprimands Sanford  

SC House Reprimands Sanford

Near unanimous vote is state's first censure in 130 years

(Newser) - The South Carolina House voted to censure Mark Sanford today over his jaunt to Argentina, in a quick and virtually unanimous vote. “Ladies and gentlemen we have lived this nightmare for over seven months,” said the author of the resolution. “It is time to put this issue...

House Admonishes Wilson for 'You Lie!'

(Newser) - The House formally admonished Joe Wilson today for his "You lie" outburst during President Obama's speech. The vote was 240-179, with 12 Democrats and seven Republicans voting against party lines. "At issue," declared House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer during debate, "is whether we are able to...

SC Republicans Vote to Slap Sanford's Wrist

Toothless resolution indicates gov is likely to keep his job

(Newser) - South Carolina Republicans voted to censure Gov. Mark Sanford last night, but since they didn’t call for his head, he’s likely to keep it, Politico reports. They chided Sanford for failing to adhere to the “core principles and beliefs” of the party, but said that “barring...

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