health care reform

Stories 961 - 980 | << Prev   Next >>

Kennedy's Death May Breathe New Life Into Health Care

(Newser) - While Ted Kennedy fought cancer, his absence damaged the health care battle he called the "cause of my life"—but his death may draw a wellspring of support for reform, reports Reuters. An outpouring of affection for him could find its expression in passage of the kind of...

Dems Must Reconnect to Populist Soul

Democrats are afraid to say that government can do good: Frank

(Newser) - To save health care reform, Democrats need to remember what the real issue is: making the government work for average people, writes Thomas Frank for the Wall Street Journal. Health care is the Democrats' signature issue because it is quintessentially populist—a leveling of the playing field in the name...

Medicare Is Dead—Long Live Medicare: Steele

(Newser) - RNC Chairman Michael Steele continued his simultaneous defense of and onslaught on Medicare today, writes Eric Kleefeld of Talking Points Memo. Dems are “proposing up to $550 billion in cuts or shifting of funds out of Medicare, and I don't know what that means,” Steele said on Fox...

Hannity Guest: I'm No Nazi—Obama Is

Gov't practicing Nazism 'almost line for line'

(Newser) - After a congressman compared health care protesters to “brown shirts,” a disabled Marine vet appeared on Sean Hannity’s show to refute the claim, saying the “Nazi” label was better placed on the Democrats, Gawker reports. “I don’t think it’s acceptable language that he’...

McCain, Hatch Nods to Kennedy Are a Load of BS

(Newser) - John McCain and Orrin Hatch's recent kind words about Ted Kennedy's ability to negotiate across the aisle "would be touching as hell if they weren't total bull," Rick Ungar writes on True/Slant. Ungar shames the GOP senators for praising Kennedy's skills of reaching consensus while themselves refusing to...

On Health Care, Dean Gives Obama a Pain

Passed over for administration post, ex-doc plagues prez

(Newser) - By now, President Obama may wish he’d brought Howard Dean into the administration, because the former doctor has become his top left-wing antagonist on health care reform, the Hill reports. Dean has spent the summer advancing his views on the topic, and though the White House is backing away...

Ad Campaign Takes Death Panel Fight to Facebook

Targets Palin fans; 'tell her to stop lying'

(Newser) - A pro-health reform group is hitting Sarah Palin where she lives, the Plum Line reports—Facebook. Americans United for Change is running ads on the social networking site, where “death panels” got their start. The missives, targeted specifically at Palin followers of every stripe, ask users to “send...

Steele Changes Tune on Medicare Cuts

(Newser) - The RNC has joined the fracas over health care reform with a proposed “seniors’ bill of rights” that guards against Medicare cuts, ABC News reports. “Our seniors have really come under fire in the last few weeks,” says RNC chair Michael Steele—who backed Medicare cuts as...

Health-Care Reform Holds 'Bonanza' for Insurers

(Newser) - Regardless of how health-care reform eventually shakes out, one industry will likely reap a windfall: health insurance companies, reports the Los Angeles Times. All the leading overhaul proposals would require all citizens to have health insurance, which would guarantee tens of millions of new customers. "It's a bonanza,"...

Is Teddy's Care Too Costly for Real Reform?

(Newser) - Edward Kennedy’s terminal illness has become a powerful symbol in the health care debate, Politico reports, though not necessarily in the way the Massachusetts senator would like. Although Kennedy recently wrote that he wants all Americans “to get the same treatment that US senators are entitled to,”...

McCain Kinda Defends Palin's 'Death Panel' Remark

Provision in health care bill opened the door to end-of-life rationing: McCain

(Newser) - John McCain offered qualified support for Sarah Palin’s notorious “death panel” comment—defending, at least, the substance of his former running mate’s remarks in an interview with George Stephanapoulos for ABC News: “Look, I don't think they were called death panels, don't get me wrong,”...

Health Battle Tests Obama Grassroots Group

Organizing for America struggles to become force for policy activism

(Newser) - For Jeremy Bird, deputy director of Organizing for America, the battle for health care reform takes the shape of the numerous meetings he’s had with discouraged volunteers across Wisconsin this weekend. The OFA network is smaller and underfunded compared with its campaign-era version, and volunteers feel “outshouted” by...

Mullen: Afghan Security 'Serious,' 'Disintegrating'

Arizona sen. says he warned Qaddafi and that Senate feels Kennedy's absence

(Newser) - The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs today acknowledged waning public support for the war in Afghanistan, but cautioned that the threat of extremist takeover is real, reports Politico. The security situation is "pretty bad right now and getting worse," Adm. Mike Mullen told NBC's Meet the Press. With...

Daschle Still Working With Obama Behind the Scenes

Met with president to talk health care

(Newser) - Tom Daschle may not be Health and Human Services secretary, but he still has President Obama’s ear. The ex-senator met with Obama yesterday to discuss health care reform, the Washington Post reports. Daschle has been informally advising senior aide Pete Rouse and health care czar Nancy-Ann DeParle throughout the...

Why I Love Britain's Health Care System
Why I Love Britain's
Health Care System

Why I Love Britain's Health Care System

(Newser) - US conservatives are doing their best to turn Britain’s National Health Service into a cautionary tale. Author Stephen Amidon was nervous as well when he moved to Britain; how good could free care be? But the birth of his first child taught him to love the system, he writes...

Chill Out, Liberals: Remember Last August?

Left feared disaster then—but they won in November

(Newser) - Angry opponents are spewing spittle at the Obama administration over health care and climate change, but progressives should chill out: After all, this has happened before, Ed Kilgore writes in the New Republic. Last August, liberals withered in despair when John McCain tied President Obama at the polls. Just...

Jon Stewart Takes On Death Panel Lady
Jon Stewart Takes On Death Panel Lady

Jon Stewart Takes On Death Panel Lady

'I don't know how your brain works,' he tells McCaughey

(Newser) - Jon Stewart devoted most of his show yesterday to sparring with Betsy McCaughey, whose articles helped start the “death panel” rumor—and kill the Clinton health care plan in 1994. McCaughey strode onstage carrying a massive binder containing the first half of the House bill. “This bill is...

Obama Starting to Look Weak: Krugman
Obama Starting to Look Weak: Krugman

Obama Starting to Look Weak: Krugman

Progressives losing faith; public option is the latest copout

(Newser) - When Barack Obama threw the public option under the bus, the White House was reportedly "shocked and surprised" by the ensuing liberal fury, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times. “Well, I’m shocked and surprised at their shock and surprise,” he writes. From Obama's reluctance...

Noonan to Obama: Retreat, Call It Your Bay of Pigs

(Newser) - The best way for President Obama to emerge from his health care reform sinkhole is to pull the plug on the whole thing, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal. "It all got hotter, quicker than the White House expected," she writes. Furthermore, "no one understands...

Faith in Obama Slips
 Faith in Obama Slips 

Faith in Obama Slips

(Newser) - Faith in President Obama is falling sharply amid the increasing polarization of the health care debate, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. The president's overall approval stands at just 57%, down 12 points from its April peak, with his disapproval rating up to a highest-ever 40%. Pessimism about...

Stories 961 - 980 | << Prev   Next >>