health care reform

Stories 941 - 960 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Candidates Hold Own Town Halls

Republicans jump on Democrats' reluctance to host ugly meetings

(Newser) - Republican candidates across the country are staging their own health care town halls in a bid to upstage Democratic incumbents, Politico reports. With many Democrats declining to host the rowdy events, GOP challengers have seized on town halls as easy tickets to voter connection and press coverage. “By the...

Daschle: Insurers Can Talk to Rush—Or Me

Says Dems need to 'do better' at selling health care reform

(Newser) - Why is Tom Daschle taking money to advise an insurer that’s against the creation of a public health care option—a measure he supports? Pish-posh, the former Senate majority leader tells Deborah Solomon in the New York Times. Who would doubters on the left “advise these insurance companies...

Current Care Kills More Than 'Army of Death Panels'

System 'takes lives and breaks apart families'

(Newser) - Despite screeches that a government-run health care program will bump people into an early grave, "it’s a good bet that our existing dysfunctional health system knocks off far more people than an army of ‘death panels’ could, even if they did exist," writes Nicholas Kristof in...

How to Sell Health Reform Like Don Draper

Obama needs to tap his inner Mad Man

(Newser) - If Barack Obama’s going to sell the masses on health care reform, he’s going to need to hire a consultant: Don Draper. If the Sterling Cooper impresario of Mad Men were running this campaign, he wouldn’t bother talking about low premiums or subsidies. That's too mundane. “...

Sen. Vicki Kennedy? No Consensus on What's Next

Widow was deeply involved in Ted's political career

(Newser) - All agree that Vicki Kennedy turned around husband Ted’s life, but there is little consensus on where the 55-year-old widow will go from here, Politico reports. “All this stuff about her going to the Senate is completely wrong,” says longtime family adviser (and speechwriter) Bob Shrum. Indeed,...

Snowe Could Be Lone GOP Health Care Vote

Democrats hope centrist senator can get them past 60

(Newser) - As health care talks grow more polarized, Democrats are looking to Olympia Snowe as their most likely—and quite possibly only—Republican vote, the New York Times reports. “I certainly hope not!” exclaims Snowe when asked about the possibility. But the centrist Maine senator has long been engaged...

GOP Suggests Reform Would Deny GOP Patients Care

(Newser) - The GOP has mailed a fundraising appeal suggesting Democrats might use an overhaul of the health care system to deny medical treatment to Republicans. A push-poll questionnaire accompanying the appeal says the government could check voting registration records, "prompting fears that GOP voters might be discriminated against for medical...

Obama Wouldn't Cover Kennedy: Huckabee

Says under Dem plan he'd be told to 'take pain pills and die'

(Newser) - Passing health care reform in Ted Kennedy’s honor “not only defies good taste, it defies logic,” Mike Huckabee declared yesterday. Adding his own take on Sarah Palin's death panel meme, he said that under Democratic health care proposals, Kennedy would have been told to “go home...

How the Dems Can Save Obamacare
 How the Dems Can 
 Save Obamacare 

How the Dems Can Save Obamacare

Keep plans private, creating gov't care 'by proxy'

(Newser) - Amid “widespread national revulsion,” Obamacare as it stands “is dead,” but the Democrats can revive it if they’re willing to make some key concessions, writes Charles Krauthammer—a nonpracticing physician in addition to pundit—in the Washington Post. What they must do:
  1. Dump the public

Sorry, Mr. President, Nobody Likes Change

Let's reform health care, as long as it can stay the same

(Newser) - If you listen to pandering politicians or ranting radio hosts, you’d think Americans want big, far-reaching change right away. They might disagree on what change, but nobody likes the way things are. Well, you’d be wrong, writes Michael Kinsley for the Washington Post. As the health care debate...

Don't Fear Debt &mdash;Failed Reform Is Scarier
Don't Fear Debt —Failed Reform Is Scarier

Don't Fear Debt —Failed Reform Is Scarier

Krugman: We need deficits in a recession; they 'saved the world'

(Newser) - Paul Krugman isn't surprised that the projected $9 trillion deficit over the next decade is being greeted as a sign of economic apocalypse—and that commentators think it proves health care reform should be scuppered. In fact, he writes in the New York Times, it's good to run a deficit...

Catholic Bishops Slam Obamacare

Fears of abortion funding clash with social service concerns

(Newser) - After decades lobbying for better health care for the poor, a growing number of Catholic bishops have become an unexpected voice of opposition against President Obama's health care plan, the New York Times reports. "No health care reform is better than the wrong sort of health care reform,"...

Angry Crowd Greets McCain at Ariz. Town Hall

(Newser) - John McCain met with an angry crowd at a town hall meeting about health care reform yesterday, sometimes having to fight to talk and telling one woman who wouldn't stop shouting that she had to leave. The senator hadn't yet opened the meeting to questions when one audience member continuously...

Limbaugh on Kennedy: I Told You So
on Kennedy:
I Told You So

Limbaugh on Kennedy: I Told You So

Shock jock crows over his prediction of the senator's death, fallout

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh gave himself a big pat on the back yesterday for predicting that Ted Kennedy would kick the bucket—and that it would be used as an “inspirational technique” to boost health care reform efforts. “Before it’s all over it’ll be called the Ted Kennedy...

Health Reform's New Frontline: Abortion

(Newser) - We've had the birthers, the deathers, and now here come the right-to-lifers to cast their two cents on the health reform debate, reports the Wall Street Journal. Democrats are bracing for protests from anti-abortion advocates, who are preparing a major push against what they call taxpayer subsidies for pregnancy termination....

Byrd: Rename Health Bill for Kennedy
 Byrd: Rename 
 Health Bill 
 for Kennedy 
tribute roundup

Byrd: Rename Health Bill for Kennedy

(Newser) - Senator Robert Byrd wants his colleagues to honor Ted Kennedy by renaming health care legislation in his honor, Politico reports. “As a tribute to his commitment to his ideals, let us stop the shouting and name calling,” said Byrd, 92, himself in poor health. "My heart and...

Health Care Bills Don't Offer Real Choice
Health Care
Bills Don't Offer
Real Choice

Health Care Bills Don't Offer Real Choice

Legislation in Congress seem to settle for status quo

(Newser) - Health insurance firms are essentially monopolies because employers, not individuals, choose which plans to offer. This freedom from competitive forces has allowed insurance to become flaky and opaque—and the reform currently being debated in Washington would do little about it, writes David Leonhardt for the New York Times. Even...

No, Joe, We Can't Put Off Health Care
No, Joe, We Can't Put Off Health Care

No, Joe, We Can't Put Off Health Care

Procrastinating will only inflate costs in the long run

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman recently opined that, given our deficit woes, we should wait to reform health care, saying “There’s no reason we have to do it all now." Well, he’s dead wrong, writes David Lazarus of the LA Times. Without reform, costs will keep going up, and...

CBO Is Usually Wrong on Health Reform Numbers
CBO Is Usually Wrong on Health Reform Numbers

CBO Is Usually Wrong on Health Reform Numbers

(Newser) - The Congressional Budget Office is a much-respected institution, and its integrity is beyond question, but it’s got a really lousy record when it comes to estimating the effects of health care reform, writes researcher Jon Gabel in the New York Times. It has drastically underestimated savings from each of...

Randall Terry Booted From Va. Town Hall

Crowd chants 'kick him out' at antiabortion activist

(Newser) - Theatrical antiabortion protester Randall Terry was escorted from a town hall last night as he hammered Howard Dean for "baby-killing," Salon reports. Terry has been protesting outside town halls, but last night, he came indoors as the former DNC chair and Rep. Jim Moran met with constituents in...

Stories 941 - 960 | << Prev   Next >>