stem cells

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Stem Cell Breakthrough Spares Embryos

Technique sidesteps both ethical and technical difficulties

(Newser) - Normal skin cells can be transformed into the equivalent of stem cells in mice, researchers report, and the new technique may revolutionize research on humans. Because it doesn't involve embryos or eggs, the process skirts the ethical quagmires surrounding human stem cell research; the easy availability of raw material and...

Stem Cell Cure for Blindness in Sight

Fix for macular degeneration could be available in 5 years

(Newser) - A pioneering stem cell technique developed by British scientists and backed by an anonymous American benefactor could soon cure blindness in millions of people suffering from macular degeneration, the Daily Mail reports. The procedure involves injecting lab-grown embryonic stem cells into the back of an affected eye to repair the...

Britain OKs Human-Animal Hybrids for Research

(Newser) - The British government has reversed its stance on the creation of human-animal hybrid embryos and will propose allowing scientists to use them as sources of stem cells. Scientists developing treatments for incurable diseases would be allowed to grow the hybrid embryos for no longer than two weeks, and implanting them...

Bald Take Note: Mice Grow New Hair Follicles

(Newser) - In what could lead to a cure for baldness, scientists have discovered a technique for regrowing hair in an adult mammal for the first time. University of Pennsylvania researchers suceded in stimulating the growth of new skin complete with hair follicles in mice, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.

Bible Belt Brings Fight to Europe
Bible Belt Brings Fight to Europe

Bible Belt Brings Fight to Europe

Evangelicals attack stem cells, gays, truancy laws on the continent

(Newser) - American evangelicals have opened a new front in the culture wars—across the Atlantic. Christian groups, including Pat Robertson's legal organization, the American Center for Law and Justice, are actively challenging German laws against home schooling, defending Britons who refuse to work on Sunday, and combating same-sex marriage and stem...

Heart Valve Grown From Stem Cells

Could be available for human transplants in three years

(Newser) - A  British team has grown a human heart valve from stem cells—a breakthrough certain to ignite as much controversy as hope. Sir Magdi Yacoub, professor of cardiac surgery at Imperial College, tells the Guardian that growing a whole human heart from stem cells is less than a decade away:...

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