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Would-Be Pol Goofs on Islam, Branded 'Aussie Sarah Palin'

Stephanie Banister ends parliamentary campaign after 48 hours

(Newser) - Like many fledgling politicians, Stephanie Banister gave an interview with a couple of gaffes. And like a select few politicians of any experience level, her gaffes went viral. But in this case, the 27-year-old welder and Queensland parliamentary candidate's contention that Islam is a country, among other blunders, earned...

Oops! Palestinian President Mixes Up Morsi, Mubarak

Mahmoud Abbas catches himself at last second

(Newser) - Awkward. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas mixed up the names of Egypt's democratically elected president and his ousted authoritarian predecessor when he tried to thank his hosts at an Islamic summit in Cairo today. Abbas intended to thank Egypt for supporting the Palestinian cause. He began by saying "President...

Gaffes Squash GOP Bid to Rule Senate—Again

Akin, Mourdock stumbles reminiscent of 2010 struggle

(Newser) - In 2010, the GOP looked poised for a potential Senate takeover—but losses by Tea Party favorites to Democrats in Nevada, Delaware, and Colorado helped Democrats maintain control. Now, a similar scenario is playing itself out, notes the AP . Once again, Republicans should have had the Senate locked up this...

Romney to Bosses: Tell Workers How to Vote

 Romney to 
 Bosses: Tell 
 Workers How 
 to Vote 

Romney to Bosses: Tell Workers How to Vote

Tape sheds light on headlines about businesses doing just that

(Newser) - In a conference call earlier this year Mitt Romney urged small-business owners to tell their employees how to vote. "I hope you make it very clear to your employees what you believe is in the best interest of your enterprise and therefore their job and their future," Romney...

Hey Media, Obama Made Gaffes, Too

 Hey Media, 
 Obama Made 
 Gaffes, Too 

Hey Media, Obama Made Gaffes, Too

President slips up twice, and journalists ignore both: Noah Rothman

(Newser) - Noah Rothman at Mediaite is perturbed that journalists have been too busy haranguing Mitt Romney over his Libya remarks to notice that President Obama made two gaffes himself this week. The first came Wednesday during an interview with Telemundo when Obama was asked if Egypt was considered a US ally....

World's Richest Woman's New Idea: Wages of $2 a Day

Gina Rinehart, gaffe magnet?

(Newser) - Gina Rinehart, that charming Australian billionaire who last week advised the world's "jealous" poor to stop whining and drinking so much, is back with more priceless advice. The world's richest woman, who amassed her family fortune via iron-ore mining, thinks Australia's struggling mining industry should look...

World&#39;s Richest Woman Tells &#39;Jealous&#39; Poor to Drink Less
World's Richest Woman to
'Jealous' Poor: Drink Less

World's Richest Woman to 'Jealous' Poor: Drink Less

And stop complaining, says Gina Rinehart

(Newser) - Australia's Gina Rinehart may be the world's wealthiest woman, but she's almost certainly not winning any votes for most beloved. The mining tycoon tackled the subject of those who are "jealous" of the rich in a magazine column, and offered them some advice: "Spend less...

Paul Ryan: I'm Happy to Cling to Guns, Religion

VP candidate talks 2008 Obama gaffe on campaign trail

(Newser) - Paul Ryan reminded voters at a Pennsylvania steel plant today of President Obama's campaign-trail gaffes—from 2008. "Remember this other time when he said people want to cling to their guns and religion ?" said Ryan, who has frequently brought up his Catholic faith on the campaign trail....

Globe to Biden: Apologize for 'Chains' Comment

Biden may not be the worst, but he still crossed line

(Newser) - Even in an election season marked by rhetorical excess and incivility, Joe Biden needs to apologize for his infamous " put y'all back in chains " comment last week, writes the Boston Globe in an editorial. "In the fight for civility and substance over pointless hyperbole, Biden may...

White House Mocks McCain's Call to Dump Biden

McCain shouldn't give advice on VPs, spokesman quips

(Newser) - Joe Biden's "put y'all back in chains" comment has sparked plenty of calls—from Republicans including John McCain and Sarah Palin—for President Obama to boot Biden off the ticket and replace him with Hillary Clinton. But the White House insists there will be no such switcheroo,...

Look Closer: Romney&#39;s Overseas Trip Was a Triumph
Look Closer: Romney's Overseas Trip Was a Triumph
charles krauthammer

Look Closer: Romney's Overseas Trip Was a Triumph

Even though the media focused on triviality: Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's overseas trip was a gaffe-filled disaster , right? Not so, argues Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . Yes, his misguided criticism of London's Olympic preparation qualifies as a blooper, but that's it. Romney gave smart, non-boilerplate speeches in Israel and Poland and was received warmly by...

Romney Aide to Reporters: 'Kiss My...'

Rick Gorka loses it in Poland

(Newser) - The gaffes keep rolling for Mitt Romney's weeklong overseas trip: As the traveling press corps lobbed questions at the candidate in Poland yesterday, frustrated at having had just three queries answered since Thursday, a Romney aide decided he'd had enough. Traveling Press Secretary Rick Gorka first demanded that...

Romney, Take 2: Olympics Will Be 'Terrific'

After tough day, Romney goes positive on London Olympics

(Newser) - After a day of gaffes in London—questioning the city's readiness for the Olympics, blabbing about his secret MI6 meeting , calling the opposition leader Ed Miliband "Mr. Leader"—Mitt Romney put on a brave face and accentuated the positive, predicting the Games would be "terrific,”...

Romney on Obama Quote: That Was No Gaffe

President's 'you didn't build that' comment is his ideology, says Republican

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is apparently looking to turn a President Obama comment from last week—"If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen"—into a campaign theme. Romney says the comment, which the Republican candidate has focused on for three straight...

At White House, Marine Band Plays ... Romney Song

Fourth of July celebration gets just a bit awkward

(Newser) - The White House Independence Day fete took a bit of an awkward turn yesterday: As President Obama was visiting with the service members gathered on the South Lawn, a subset of the Marine Corps band started playing Rod Atkins' "It's America"—which just so happens to be...

Romney's 'Etch-a-Sketch' Rep: Mandate Is No Tax

Mitt has skirted the issue

(Newser) - While Republicans have been busily attacking ObamaCare as a tax hike following the Supreme Court ruling, Mitt Romney has stayed quiet; after all, to call it a tax hike would be to acknowledge he raised taxes in Massachusetts. Today, however, spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom— he of "Etch-a-Sketch" fame —stated...

MSNBC Slammed for Creating Romney 'Gaffe'

Sandwich anecdote deceptively edited

(Newser) - How out of touch is Mitt Romney? Perhaps not as much as one MSNBC report suggests. In a clip aired on Andrea Mitchell Reports, Romney describes buying a sandwich at the local Wawa chain to an audience at a Pennsylvania campaign stop. "You press a little touchtone keypad—you...

Romney: &#39;Forward&#39; Is &#39;Absurd&#39;
 Romney: 'Forward' Is 'Absurd' 

Romney: 'Forward' Is 'Absurd'

Mitt keeps trying to capitalize on Obama's 'private sector' gaffe

(Newser) - Mitt Romney kept on hammering President Obama's "private sector" gaffe on Fox and Friends today, telling the network that it was just one of a number of "very revealing comments that show just how far out of touch he is." In discussing the Federal Reserve's...

Obama to Poland: Sorry About Gaffe

He regrets the death-camp error, he writes in letter to president

(Newser) - President Obama has apologized to Poland for the "Polish death camp" gaffe he made earlier this week, the AP reports. "In referring to 'a Polish death camp' rather than 'a Nazi death camp in German-occupied Poland,' I inadvertently used a phrase that has caused many...

Obama Death-Camp Gaffe Angers Poles

He referred to a WWII 'Polish death camp'

(Newser) - President Obama paid tribute to a Polish war hero yesterday, but managed to infuriate Poland in the process. At a White House ceremony honoring resistance fighter Jan Karski, who tried to alert the world to the Holocaust, Obama used the phrase "Polish death camp," which is terminology that...

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