new parents

9 Stories

New Dad Shot After Visiting Hospitalized Twins Has Died

Tyrese Garvin's newborn son and daughter visited him before he was taken off life support

(Newser) - A tragic story out of Louisville, Kentucky, where a father died in the very hospital where his newborn twins were being cared for. The Courier Journal reports Tyrese Garvin went to visit the roughly week-old twins, who had arrived prematurely, at the University of Louisville Hospital last Sunday. After leaving...

Obama's New Push: Paid Family, Sick Leave

6 paid weeks off for new child, 7 paid sick days a year are immediate goals

(Newser) - One of the first steps President Obama took in 2015 was to propose free community college . Now he's expected to announce today that he'll direct federal agencies to offer employees up to six weeks of paid leave after the birth or adoption of a child, the New York ...

Mom: Why I Adopted a Frozen Embryo

Embryos 'deserve an opportunity to grow and live and be loved,' she says

(Newser) - Liz Krainman calls her 4-month-old baby girl a "snowflake," but not because she looks so cute. Little Sammy is actually one of several children in Krainman's embryo adoption group with that nickname. "We sometimes lovingly call our frozen embryos snowflakes," she says. "It fits...

Postpartum Depression a Risk for Dads, Too
Postpartum Depression
a Risk for Dads, Too
study says

Postpartum Depression a Risk for Dads, Too

New study finds that young first-time fathers are particularly at risk

(Newser) - Postpartum depression is a risk not just for new moms, but also for new dads—particularly young ones, a new study finds. The Northwestern Medicine study found that first-time fathers around age 25 who lived with their children had a 68% increase in depression symptoms during their first five years...

Introducing: 'Dadchelor Parties'

Expectant dads mark last days of freedom, but not everyone likes the idea

(Newser) - The "dadchelor party"—in which soon-to-be new dads are taken out by the boys for a night of drinking—is officially a trend, declares the Huffington Post . (Other names: daddymoon, dadelor party, man-shower, diaper keg.) "I've been on three or four of them," says...

Indian Woman, 70, Is Oldest First-Time Mom

She and husband say they'd wanted a child together for 50 years.

(Newser) - A 70-year-old woman in India says she gave birth to her first child in late November, making her the world’s oldest new mother, the BBC reports. Rajo Devi underwent fertility treatment so she and her husband, Bala Ram, could realize their 50-year dream of having a child. Ram is...

New Rite: Baby Blogging
 New Rite: Baby Blogging 

New Rite: Baby Blogging

Many of Totspot's 15,000 users still in diapers

(Newser) - Soon after entering the world, babies are forging online identities compliments of eager parents, the New York Times reports. "It does feel a little funny to personalize it in his voice," says a blogging mommy who “friends” other babies on behalf of her son. For many parents,...

1 in 50 US Infants Mistreated
 1 in 50 US Infants Mistreated 

1 in 50 US Infants Mistreated

Study finds parents 'not being able to really care' for newborns

(Newser) - About 1 in 50 US children under age 1 is a victim of nonfatal neglect or abuse—particularly among the uninsured, a survey finds. One-third of the 91,000 victims were a week or younger when the maltreatment occurred. "It's not primarily kids being hit, but parents … not...

No Booze for You, Baby
No Booze for You, Baby

No Booze for You, Baby

Bars are banning Gen-X parents who bring kids, sparking angry debate

(Newser) - A mellow Brooklyn watering hole has recently banned an unlikely irritant: babies. Gen-X parents in New York, Philly, and DC are rolling their strollers into bars, the New York Times reports, and response has been vocal, with thirsty young moms and their childless counterparts waging a spirited Web war over...

9 Stories
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