GOP debate

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Candidates Needed to Get Tough. Here's How They Did

Them's fighting words

(Newser) - With each Republican presidential candidate sharing the stage with nine others—and sharing the GOP field with 13 rivals—Wednesday night's debate participants needed to get tough, be bold, and say something that would help them stay at the top, or claw their way there. Here's how they...

Lindsey Graham Gets Quippy in GOP Undercard Debate

He's got jokes and jokes and jokes

(Newser) - Wednesday's GOP undercard debate may not have as many viewers as the main event, but Lindsey Graham brought his A material anyway, launching quips at China, Bernie Sanders, and even himself. CNN reports some of his one-liners inspired only tepid laughter in the Colorado audience. And Maggie Haberman at...

Donald Trump: CNBC Is Lying About My Poll Numbers

He complains debate will be 'unfair'

(Newser) - Poor Donald Trump is having a really hard time accepting his new No. 2 spot in the polls . "After a great evening and packed auditorium in Iowa, I am now in Colorado looking forward to what I am sure will be a very unfair debate!" the presidential contender...

CNBC to Trump: OK, You Win
 CNBC to Trump: 
 OK, You Win 

CNBC to Trump: OK, You Win

Network will limit Oct. 28 GOP debate to 2 hours including commercials

(Newser) - It's safe to say CNBC isn't willing to lose Donald Trump or his power to pull in record ratings at the next GOP debate. CNN reports the network has caved to his demands that the Oct. 28 debate in Boulder, Colo., run no more than two hours including...

Trump May Not Show Up at Next GOP Debate

He doesn't want to put up with another three-hour event

(Newser) - Republican presidential front-runner and ratings magnet Donald Trump is threatening to bail on the next GOP debate if his demands for format changes aren't met, the New York Times reports. According to the Hill , Trump was upset about CNN's three-hour Republican debate and doesn't want a repeat...

GOP Debate Is Most Watched CNN Program Ever

1 in 7 US households tuned in to watch

(Newser) - Last night's three-hour Republican primary debate-athon was CNN's highest-rated program ever, proving the Trump-featuring debates are some of the most popular TV shows of the year, CNN reports. The main debate drew an average of 22.9 million viewers (the earlier undercard debate got 6.3 million), and...

Here Is Your GOP Debate Drinking Game

'Drink every time Carly Fiorina makes a joke about her own face'

(Newser) - It will likely come as no surprise to you that there are quite a few GOP debate drinking games out there in anticipation of tonight's event , but the one authored by Matt Taibbi over at Rolling Stone is particularly amusing. "The event is taking place in California at...

Fiorina Could Get Debate Spot After CNN Relents

Outcry leads network to change its mind

(Newser) - Up until this afternoon, it was looking like Carly Fiorina would be left out of CNN's Republican prime-time debate Sept. 16—even though Public Policy Polling's current polls put her at 10%, good enough for fifth among all GOP candidates, as Adweek reported. That's because the network...

Trump's 10 Trumpiest Debate Lines

Including his reference to a 'big, beautiful door'

(Newser) - Everyone has been wondering what Donald Trump would say tonight. They were probably referring to lines like these, culled from Time , Politico , and ABC :
  1. "I will not make the pledge at this time." When all the candidates were asked if they would pledge to support the eventual GOP

8 Big, Little Things to Know About Tonight's GOP Debate

The time, the place, the really loud buzzer?

(Newser) - Election 2016 gets real at 5pm ET tonight, and very real four hours later. The first Republican primary debate will be a two-hour Fox News event beginning at 9pm, with those candidates who didn't make the Top 10 cut participating in a debate at that earlier hour. Here are...

Romney's Voice Cracked With ... Emotion?

Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum also at Huckabee jobs forum

(Newser) - With reproductive rights heating up the US politisphere and Super Tuesday around the corner, Mike Huckabee hosted a GOP forum for Fox News tonight on a more stolid political topic: jobs. Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum were the candidates in attendance (Ron Paul was busy campaigning in Washington...

GOP Has No Good Choices
 GOP Has No Good Choices 
Gail Collins

GOP Has No Good Choices

Gail Collins mocks the latest GOP debate

(Newser) - Last night's debate threw the GOP race into focus for Gail Collins, and it predictably begins with her favorite prop, Seamus Romney: "Take your pick, Republicans. On one hand, the guy who once drove to Canada with the family dog strapped to the roof of the car,...

Tonight&#39;s Debate Could Change the Race
 Tonight's Debate 
 Could Change the Race 

Tonight's Debate Could Change the Race

Santorum's on the hot seat, Romney's back is to the wall, Gingrich needs a comeback

(Newser) - It's been a while, but America's favorite political game show is back. Yes, the Republican presidential candidates will square off in Mesa tonight for their first debate in nearly a month. Here are the storylines in play:
  • The final showdown—The stakes are "about as high as

Romney Packed Crowd With Backers: Gingrich Reps
Romney Packed Crowd With Backers: Gingrich Reps
gop debate

Romney Packed Crowd With Backers: Gingrich Reps

Florida GOP says 'rank-and-file' got tickets to Jacksonville debate

(Newser) - Mitt Romney enjoyed a favorable audience last night ... because his campaign loaded the hall with supporters, Newt Gingrich aides tell the Huffington Post . "They definitely packed the room," said a top adviser. Another staffer called the situation "obvious," noting, "I was getting calls and emails...

GOP Debate No. 19 Kicks Off in Florida
 Romney, Gingrich Tussle 
 Over Immigration, Money 
GOP Debate No. 19

Romney, Gingrich Tussle Over Immigration, Money

Comparing our investments is like comparing mouse, elephant, says Newt

(Newser) - Tonight's Jacksonville, Florida, debate is a biggie for more reasons than one: It's the last before the state's Tuesday primary; it does not, like Monday's debate , feature a ban on applause; Newt Gingrich knows he needs to bring it ; and ... after a seemingly endless stream of...

We Need More Debates&mdash; and Loud Ones
We Need More Debates—
and Loud Ones
David Weigel

We Need More Debates— and Loud Ones

Let the crowds make noise: David Weigel

(Newser) - The Republicans debate again tonight , and there's plenty of carping about how there's too many of these things. Not from David Weigel at Slate . He wants more, more, more. If they weren't debating, the candidates would be in choreographed campaign mode, which reveals little. "The ideal...

Newt Hammered by... Pretty Much Everyone

Conservative media pile on Gingrich

(Newser) - The conservative media have apparently figured out that Newt Gingrich could actually win the Republican nomination, and they are responding with a breathtaking collective attack on the candidate. Politico rounds up the highlights, noting that "this is just a sampling of what's hitting Newt."
  • In the National

Stakes Colossal for Newt Tonight

 Stakes Colossal 
 for Newt Tonight 
Debate Preview

Stakes Colossal for Newt Tonight

Polls show Romney may have stopped his momentum ahead of CNN Florida debate

(Newser) - The GOP field will have its last debate before the Florida primary tonight, and it just might be a doozy. Here's why:
  • Newt Gingrich's polling advantage may have vanished. The latest CNN poll has Mitt Romney at 36% and Gingrich at 34%, a statistical tie, and a far

Gingrich Admits Debate Answer Was Wrong

He didn't actually offer ABC any witnesses to refute ex-wife

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's campaign today admitted that it hadn't actually offered ABC any character witnesses to refute allegations made by his second wife , as the speaker had angrily insisted it had. "The story was false. Every personal friend I have who knew us in that period says the...

Mitt Lands Blows Newt, Debate Too Tame
 Romney Jabs Hard, 
 but Debate Too Tame 
Winners, Losers

Romney Jabs Hard, but Debate Too Tame

Local issues, quiet crowd make for dullish contest

(Newser) - Last night's GOP debate wasn't the most exciting of the primary process, with a focus on local Florida issues and an audience instructed to keep quiet. While newly combative Mitt Romney revved up the contest by attacking Newt Gingrich's lobbying for Freddie Mac and ethics as...

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