carbon footprint

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Celebs Face Off in Green Arms Race

Bill Nye, Ed Begley compete for smallest carbon footprint in Calif. neighborhood

(Newser) - It could only happen in California—a pair of celebrity neighbors, actor Ed Begley Jr. and "Science Guy" Bill Nye, are involved in a contest of environmental one-upsmanship, the AP reports. Since Nye moved onto Begley’s block in Studio City 2 years ago, the two have been competing...

Top Ideas of Past Year
 Top Ideas of Past Year 

Top Ideas of Past Year

Atlantic Monthly runs down issues steered the national discourse in past year

(Newser) - Which ideas informed the national discourse (or lack thereof) in the past year? Well, the Atlantic Monthly knows, and there are 11 … er, 11½. From the troop surge in Iraq to post-partisan politics to the provocatively titled “mass-market atheism,” a look at some of the most captivating...

Prius: 1M and Counting
 Prius: 1M and Counting 

Prius: 1M and Counting

Toyota hybrid's sales into seven digits, and company sees no slowdown

(Newser) - The Toyota Prius is a now 1 million units strong, and the landmark gas-electric hybrid, introduced in 1997, is poised to keep growing, the AP reports. Toyota said today it expects to be selling a million a year by sometime after 2010; what’s more, the company claims 4.5...

Organic Meat Is Climate Culprit

Livestock raised indoors is better for environment, reports say

(Newser) - The gas production, need for space, and food requirements required by organic and free-range livestock hurt the environment more than their traditional counterparts, the BBC reports. Organic poultry can heat the earth some 45% more than indoor poultry, one group said; and a UN division found that farm animals heat...

Live It Up While Going Green

10 luxury ways to cut carbon waste

(Newser) - You don't have to give up the high life to be green. Forbes finds 10 luxurious ways to reduce your carbon footprint:
  1. Wear cashmere at home so you can turn down the thermostat.
  2. Buy carbon offsets for your private jet.
  3. Drive a hybrid Cadillac Escalade SUV.
  4. Use occasional perfumed candles

Grow Yourself a Garden (Even if it Doesn't Help)

Try to reverse climate change with some home-made eats

(Newser) - Climate change seems too big for individuals to fix, but that’s partly because we're trapped in a cheap energy mindset, Michael Pollan writes in the New York Times. Low-cost energy has allowed us to rely on distant specialists for most of our needs, and we have a moral duty...

Marriott Goes Green to Gain Green
Goes Green
to Gain Green

Marriott Goes Green to Gain Green

Helping rainforest also helps hotel chain's bottom line

(Newser) - Marriott is making a big environmental push, helping to protect Brazilian rainforests and implementing lower energy consumption and more recycling in many of its hotels worldwide, the Washington Post reports. And although consumer demand is one reason for the changes, the primary drive seems less altruistic. "We've got a...

Green Homes Gain Heat in Cool Housing Market

Buyers willing to pay for eco-upgrades, survey says

(Newser) - Eco-friendly homebuilders are faring well despite the plunging US housing market, Newsweek reports. With home sales at a 15-year low, a national survey showed that buyers last year were ready to spend an extra $8,964 on a home that cuts utility bills. "It's taken almost as a fait ...

Beijing Opens Giant Air Terminal
Beijing Opens Giant Air Terminal

Beijing Opens Giant Air Terminal

World's largest building transforms Chinese capital's airport

(Newser) - Ahead of this August's Olympics, Beijing is set to open a new airport terminal that has been billed as the world's largest building. Designed by Norman Foster, who also designed Hong Kong's airport, the new Terminal 3 was built in only 4 years and, unlike many buildings in China, incorporates...

Bishops' Bright Idea: Give Up Carbon for Lent

Brits urge faithful to fast to cut emissions, fight global warming

(Newser) - For many Christians, Lent is a time to forgo chocolate or ice cream, but two senior British bishops have a better idea: “fasting” away your carbon footprint. “The poor are already suffering the effects of climate change,” says Liverpool’s bishop. “To carry on regardless of...

He Can Stop Terror; Carbon's Another Story

Writer checks up on 24's new eco-mission, finds mixed results

(Newser) - Fox's 24 has its share of problems—Kiefer Sutherland's DUI imprisonment, rewritten scripts, the writers strike—but one writer still won’t give Jack Bauer a break, hitting the set to probe the show’s promise to reduce its carbon footprint. One exec congratulates himself on picking “our toughest...

Electronics Show Struggles to Green Up

Energy-guzzling expo buys carbon offsets, touts greener gadgets

(Newser) - The massive Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, which kicks off Monday, is trying to beat its seriously "ungreen" rep by buying carbon offsets for the equivalent of 2.3 million gallons of gasoline it takes to power the extravaganza, the size of 35 football fields. It will also...

Site Ranks Power-Plant Polluters
Site Ranks Power-Plant Polluters

Site Ranks Power-Plant Polluters

Australia tops per capita, America absolute lists

(Newser) - A study of power-plant emissions names Australia as the lead polluter per capita in a field crowded with competition, Mother Jones reports. Aussie power plants produce 11 tons of carbon dioxide per person annually; American plants generate nine. The US produces the most cumulative emissions, though developing giants China and...

In Europe, Cars Go the Way of Cigarettes

Auto advertising to carry warning labels about emissions

(Newser) - Carbon health warnings for cars are coming to Europe. Under a European Parliament plan expected to be approved this week, 20% of the space in print car advertising will have to be devoted to cigarette-style warnings about vehicles' carbon emissions and fuel efficiency. The most polluting vehicles will also face...

Multinationals Have Suppliers Feeling Green

Firms to monitor environmental impact of distribution as well as manufacturing

(Newser) - Some of the world’s largest firms are uniting to encourage their suppliers to incorporate environmental awareness into their operations. Procter & Gamble, Unilever, and other multinationals hope to shrink their carbon footprints, educate consumers—and soften the potential financial impact of climate change legislation that hasn't even been proposed...

British Supermarket Cans Prince Charles

What rot! Royal carrots not up to snuff

(Newser) - Veggies raised on an organic farm owned by Prince Charles have been dumped by a  British supermarket chain because the less-than-majestic food doesn't meet quality standards. The farm had been providing carrots to Sainsbury's supermarkets, but as of the end of January the Crown Prince was "sacked," the ...

China's CO2 Output Passes US
China's CO2 Output Passes US

China's CO2 Output Passes US

Building two power stations a week

(Newser) - China has overtaken the US as the world's biggest CO2 emitter. A Dutch study says China is coughing up 9% more fossil fuel into the air than last year, compared with a 1.4% increase from the superpower across the Pacific. And the trend is up: China's industry is growing...

Rolling Stone's 'Green' Paper Has Recyclers Seeing Red

Magazine's new stock 100% not recycled

(Newser) - Aging counter-culture arbiter Rolling Stone is discovering it's not easy being green. The Times reports the magazine will soon start printing its wry critique of music and politics on "carbon neutral paper," a unique stock which adds no CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. But none of it is...

UK Moves to Measure Products' Eco-Impact

Labels will allow consumers to compare

(Newser) - Calories, fat, sodium ... carbon footprint? The new measurement may soon appear on British product packaging. Under a plan proposed yesterday, the government will develop standards to measure a product's environmental impact from manufacture through shipment and disposal, allowing companies to list the information as they do nutrition facts. Consumers can...

Carbon Offsets Are Often Scams
Carbon Offsets Are Often Scams

Carbon Offsets Are Often Scams

Trading on eco-guilt, firms are selling worthless carbon credits

(Newser) - Carbon offsets—the credits gas-guzzling consumers buy to cancel out their carbon production—may do little or nothing more than assuage consciences, a Financial Times investigation concludes. Some companies sell worthless credits; others use them to finance environmental projects they had planned anyway. And consumers have no means to know...

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