
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Half of World&#39;s Palm Trees Face Extinction
Half of World's
Palm Trees
Go On the
'Red List'
new study

Half of World's Palm Trees Go On the 'Red List'

Which means they're at risk of extinction

(Newser) - A new study presents an alarming stat about what researchers call a "keystone" family of trees—more than half of the world's species of palm trees face extinction. The study in Nature Ecology and Evolution finds that more than 1,000 of the 1,900 different species are...

Township's Move Against Homeless Called 'Extremely Extreme'

Activists say Lakewood, New Jersey, could have built a shelter rather than cut down shade trees

(Newser) - The township of Lakewood, New Jersey, is facing criticism for what activists say is an "extremely extreme" move to deter homeless people from congregating in the town square. Mayor Ray Coles said the township opted to cut down shade trees, based on a recommendation from police, after numerous complaints...

He Hiked 5 Days, Found Trees Where They Shouldn't Be

Spruce trees are now growing in the Arctic tundra

(Newser) - White spruces are migrating north to places where trees haven’t grown for a thousand years. That's not a good thing. As Quartz reports, the trees are normally found in the boreal forests that dominate central Alaska. Climate models have predicted such forests migrating northward as the planet warms,...

&#39;Astonishing&#39; Increase in Trees Wiped Out by Fire
We're Losing an Astounding
Number of Trees to Fire
new study

We're Losing an Astounding Number of Trees to Fire

New report finds global tree loss is twice what it was 2 decades ago

(Newser) - Studies about deforestation are nothing new, but a new report from Global Forest Watch takes a very specific view: It looks at trees lost to wildfires in 2021, and the findings aren't encouraging. Almost 23 million acres were lost to forest fires, which the BBC reports is equivalent to...

We're Making a Mistake in Our View of Grasslands

'Atlantic': Trees get all the glory, but these ecosystems may be vital to fighting climate change

(Newser) - You're no doubt familiar with the phrase "old-growth forest." But "old-growth grassland?" For the uninitiated, Julia Rosen provides a big-picture overview in the Atlantic under the provocative headline, "Trees Are Overrated." That headline speaks to a widespread bias—even among ecologists—that forests are...

Visiting the World's Tallest Tree Could Cost You

Hyperion is off-limits, California's Redwood National Park makes clear

(Newser) - If laying eyes on the world's tallest tree is on your bucket list, brace yourself for disappointment. CNN reports California's Redwood National Park last week made clear that Hyperion, as the tree is known, is off-limits. Anyone caught in the vicinity of the 380-foot-tall tree will face up...

Planting a Trillion Trees: Noble Goal or Fool's Errand?

It's touted as a way to save the planet ... maybe

(Newser) - It's a number that's hard to wrap your head around, but a concept that is easy to grasp: Let's save the planet by planting 1 trillion trees. In a lengthy piece for the New York Times Magazine , Zach St. George examines the noble goal—how it originated,...

His Grandfather Found a Tree That Could Be Planet&#39;s Oldest
His Grandfather Found a Tree
That Could Be Planet's Oldest
in case you missed it

His Grandfather Found a Tree That Could Be Planet's Oldest

Dr. Jonathan Barichivich's modeling indicates it could be 5,484 years old

(Newser) - Great-Grandfather is a pretty appropriate name for this tree, though Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-etc. might be more accurate. A Chilean scientist based in Paris says an Alerce tree (also known as Alerce Milenario) located in Chile might actually be the world's oldest tree—by a longshot. Dr. Jonathan Barichivich suspects it is...

Hardy, Non-Native Tree May Be a Little Too Hardy

States are taking efforts to curb spread of Callery pear trees, descendants

(Newser) - Stinky but handsome and widely popular landscape trees have spawned aggressive invaders, creating thickets that overwhelm native plants and sport nasty four-inch spikes. Bradford pears and 24 other ornamental trees were developed from Callery pear trees—a species brought to America a century ago to save ravaged pear orchards. Now,...

Eiffel Tower's Olympic Revamp Angers Thousands

125K have signed petition against tree felling

(Newser) - The Eiffel Tower is undergoing a makeover, including a paint job, before the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, though not all Parisians are happy with the planned changes. AFP reports some are "up in arms" over a plan to fell 22 trees near the base of the famous landmark,...

Pair Face Prison After Felling &#39;Irreplaceable&#39; Tree
Pair Face Prison After
Felling 'Irreplaceable' Tree
in case you missed it

Pair Face Prison After Felling 'Irreplaceable' Tree

250-year-old black walnut tree, among Ohio's largest, was on park district land

(Newser) - A brother and sister in Ohio could face prison after cutting down what a prosecutor describes as an "irreplaceable" black walnut tree, one of the largest in the state and perhaps more than 250 years old. "This is so ridiculous that they're doing this," Todd Jones,...

Now Growing in a Single Forest: the DiCaprio Tree

Scientists thank the actor by naming a tree after him in Cameroon

(Newser) - It's not as shiny as an Oscar, but it's "spectacular" to look at nonetheless, says a scientist at the UK's Royal Botanic Gardens. Dr. Martin Cheek is referring to the newly named tree Uvariopsis dicaprio, which is known to grow in just a single forest, reports...

Once-Mighty Chestnut Tree Might Rise Again in the US
Can the Chestnut Tree
Rise Again in the US?

Can the Chestnut Tree Rise Again in the US?

Survivors of century-ago blight are mostly scrawny, but scientists are working on a fix

(Newser) - People might sing about roasting chestnuts on an open fire at this time of year, but it's a safe bet few do any actual roasting with American chestnuts anymore. They're a little too hard to find, relative to the days of yore. However, a story in Modern Farmer ...

Calif. Wildfires Deliver a 'Heartbreaking' Loss

Hundreds of giant sequoias are believed to have burned

(Newser) - Northern California wildfires may have killed hundreds of giant sequoias as they swept through groves of the majestic monarchs in the Sierra Nevada, an official said Wednesday. "It's heartbreaking," Christy Brigham, head of resources management and science for Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks, told the AP...

Special Blankets Helped Save World's Biggest Trees

Recent controlled burns also kept sequoias safe in California

(Newser) - The general is safe, for now. The reference is to the world's biggest tree, known as General Sherman, in California's Sequoia National Park, reports NPR . Encroaching wildfires had forest workers scrambling to protect the ancient trees last week, and their efforts appear to have paid off. Not only...

He Agreed to Sell His Home to Save Old Tree. Now, a Snag

Toronto is taking homeowner to court

(Newser) - Toronto's fight to save a majestic tree older than Canada has been stalled by the city's rising property prices. The red oak that stands in the backyard of a home in the city is believed to be 250 to 300 years old, and the city plans to demolish...

DNA Evidence Solves Crime, This Time With a Twist
DNA Evidence Solves Crime,
This Time With a Twist
in case you missed it

DNA Evidence Solves Crime, This Time With a Twist

For the first time, tree DNA was used in a federal criminal trial

(Newser) - That prosecutors used DNA evidence to convict a criminal isn't too surprising. But in this case—a first—the DNA came from a tree, reports the Seattle Times . A jury in Tacoma, Wash., convicted 39-year-old Justin Wilke last week of illegal tree harvesting in Olympic National Forest, per the...

Tree Report Throws Shade on Inequity in US Cities
Tree Report Throws Shade
on Inequity in US Cities
new study

Tree Report Throws Shade on Inequity in US Cities

American Forests study highlights socioeconomic disparity in tree cover

(Newser) - Throwing a little shade has its place. Turns out, cities are losing their shady spots, and the change is mainly affecting communities where people of color live. Neighborhoods that are majority minority have about a third less tree canopy, and neighborhoods that are mostly populated with households living below the...

Emotional End for 100-Foot-Tall 'Guardian' Maple

New Hampshire sugar maple said to be one of the largest in US is taken down due to safety concerns

(Newser) - A sugar maple tree that has watched over a New Hampshire home for more than 200 years and was one of the largest of its kind in the US is coming down because of safety concerns. As a small crowd looked on Monday, arborist Micum Davis started trimming the crown...

Miami Beach Is Cutting Back on Its Iconic Palms

Increasing the proportion of shade trees will make city more 'walkable and pleasant'

(Newser) - Miami Beach is planning to reduce the proportion of palm trees in the city's canopy—but authorities have reassured worried residents that it's not going to be Palmageddon. They say that instead of removing the iconic trees wholesale, they plan to plant more shade trees, and in projects...

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