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Widow of Late LL Bean Chief Says Her Trees Were Poisoned

Lisa Gorman accuses Missouri couple of tainting oaks in Maine for better view at their summer home

(Newser) - Suspicious deaths in an idyllic seaside community and detective work that points to poison sound like themes from a classic murder mystery. But the victims in this Maine whodunnit were trees that stood in the way of a wealthy family's oceanfront view of Camden Harbor, allegedly felled by well-heeled...

2 More Arrested in Felling of England's Iconic Tree
2 Men Charged With
Cutting Down Famous Tree

2 Men Charged With Cutting Down Famous Tree

They were arrested in November in connection with felling of England's Sycamore Gap tree

(Newser) - Two men have been charged with cutting down the famous Sycamore Gap tree in northern England. Police said Tuesday that Daniel Graham, 38, and Adam Carruthers, 31, who were arrested and released on bail in November, have been charged with criminal damage to the iconic sycamore tree and Hadrian's...

Have We Gone Overboard on Trees?
Maybe We Should
Just Let Trees Be Trees

Maybe We Should Just Let Trees Be Trees

'Guardian' explores the zeitgeisty principles of the 'wood-wide web' and the ensuing backlash

(Newser) - There's a movie in the works based on the popular memoir Finding the Mother Tree by forest ecologist Suzanne Simard, with Amy Adams in line to play the title role. But as Daniel Immerwahr writes in the Guardian , "it is rare for academic ideas to reach the Amy...

Trees Along Highways Don't Just Make the Drive Prettier

Study finds they can significantly reduce air pollution

(Newser) - It's arguably more pleasant to drive along a highway lined with trees and bushes versus one that lacks greenery. A new study finds the upside isn't just aesthetic. Georgia State University researchers report in a study published in PLoS One that vegetation along highways significantly reduces the air...

Felled Sycamore Gap Tree Yields Seedlings

That's in addition to 9 genetic copies

(Newser) - Though slashed from its base, the Sycamore Gap tree might still have a future, the BBC reports, as dozens of seeds taken from the tree have now sprouted. A national landmark, the centuries-old sycamore tree stood in a picturesque gap between hills in England's Northumberland National Park before it...

One Way to Save Struggling Trees: Help Them Migrate

Varied strategies in Pacific Northwest address changing environment

(Newser) - As native trees in the Pacific Northwest die off due to climate changes, the US Forest Service, the city of Portland, and citizen groups around Puget Sound are turning to a deceptively simple climate adaptation strategy called "assisted migration." As the world's climate warms, tree-growing ranges in...

Key Figure in the 'Plant Trees' Movement Has New Message

Ecologist Thomas Crowther says it's better to maintain existing forests than to plant new ones

(Newser) - At this month's environment COP28 summit, renowned ecologist Thomas Crowther addressed environmental officials from around the world and asked them to stop planting so many trees. Which is noteworthy given that Crowther himself is "at least partly" responsible for the worldwide push on that front in recent years,...

With Sale of This Tree, 'the Magic of Christmas Lives On'

'Humblest Christmas tree in the world' is 100-plus years old, just sold for $4.3K

(Newser) - If you've always had a soft spot for Charlie Brown-style Christmas trees , this story will warm the cockles. An auction for what's been deemed "the humblest Christmas tree in the world" has come to a close, though the final price tag was far from humble itself. The...

After Years of Research, Expert Advice: Burn California's Forests

Burning, thinning, or a combination of both found to make trees more resilient to wildfire, drought

(Newser) - The findings of a 20-year study on the health of California forests will come as no surprise to Native Americans, whose ancestors traditionally managed land through controlled fires . The study out of the University of California-Berkeley confirms that prescribed burning, the use of controlled fire to clear debris; restoration thinning,...

Buds Dormant for Centuries Save Redwoods After Fire
Redwoods Surprise Scientists
With a Survival Tactic

Redwoods Surprise Scientists With a Survival Tactic

Decades-old reserves of carbon brought centuries-old buds to life

(Newser) - You don't survive up to 2,000 years without learning a trick or two, and ancient redwoods in California have revealed one of theirs to researchers. Some of the trees that were thought to have been damaged beyond repair during 2020 wildfires in Big Basin Redwoods State Park are...

Sycamore Gap Tree to Head to Secret Spot

It needs to be moved off Hadrian's wall

(Newser) - Since an act of vandalism took it down in late September, England's storied Sycamore Gap tree has lain where it fell. That will change on Thursday, when a crane will lift the 50-foot tree off of Hadrian's Wall so it can be put into storage—at a National...

Journalist Held by China Sees a Tree for First Time in Years

China's Ministry of State Security said Cheng Lei had served her sentence

(Newser) - After being held in China since her August 2020 arrest, journalist Cheng Lei is back home in Australia. The BBC reports she was "tried in secret" in China in March on national security charges, and China's Ministry of State Security on Wednesday said she'd pleaded guilty and...

There's Still Hope for Iconic Tree Felled in UK

The stump is healthy, but sycamore will take centuries to regrow to former size, expert say

(Newser) - The British are mourning one of the country's most famous trees, a centuries-old sycamore that was felled Wednesday night in what authorities have described as an appalling act of vandalism. But the Sycamore Gap tree, which grew in a gap between hills along Hadrian's Wall in northern England,...

A Nation Grieves Over Felling of Iconic Tree
16-Year-Old Arrested
After Felling of Iconic Tree

16-Year-Old Arrested After Felling of Iconic Tree

Sycamore Gap tree in Northumberland, England, is cut down, and a teen is in custody

(Newser) - Authorities in northern England have arrested a 16-year-old boy who is accused of cutting down a world-famous tree, reports the BBC . The unidentified teen is being held on suspicion of criminal damage over the felling of the tree near Hadrian's Wall, a landmark from the Roman Empire, per the...

Symbol of Hope Emerges in Lahaina
Symbol of Hope
Emerges in Lahaina

Symbol of Hope Emerges in Lahaina

Hawaiian town's scorched banyan tree sprouts new leaves after intensive treatment

(Newser) - Among a sea of brown, black, and gray, a hint of green in the scorched Maui town of Lahaina is cause for celebration. Locals have spotted new growth on the 150-year-old banyan tree that serves as a landmark at the center of the town largely destroyed in the Aug. 8...

Man Allegedly Killed Neighbor's Son Over Tree Trimming

Edward Druzolowski, 78, has been charged with 2nd-degree murder in death of Brian Ford

(Newser) - A Florida man allegedly shot his neighbor's son Sunday after the two argued over tree trimming along a shared fence line. The Volusia Sheriff's Office wrote in a Facebook post that Brian Ford, 42, was trimming tree limbs along the fence line between 1880 and 1890 Alameda Drive...

Amid Maui Destruction, the 'Heartbeat of Lahaina' Endures

Historic 150-year-old banyan tree is scorched but still standing—for now

(Newser) - The wildfire that's been tearing across the island of Maui has proven devastating, with people forced to leap into the ocean to escape the smoke and flames and a growing death toll of more than 50 . The city of Lahaina, once the capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom, was especially...

Golf Tourney Was Proceeding Nicely. Then, 'Mayhem'

3 giant pines fall during Masters at Georgia's Augusta National Golf Club; there were no injuries

(Newser) - It was "Masters mayhem" on Friday, per the Guardian , after three giant trees toppled over onto the course during the pro golf championship at Augusta National Golf Club. CBS Sports reports that the Georgia pines fell near the 17th hole during the second round of play, right before the...

Boy Scout Troop's Hike Ends in Tragedy

Mom of one of the Scouts is killed by falling tree in California's Rancho San Antonio County Park

(Newser) - A Boy Scout troop's hike turned tragic over the weekend after a falling tree killed the mom of one of its members. Per NBC Bay Area and KPIX , the group from Sunnyvale was trekking through Rancho San Antonio County Park in Cupertino at around 10am on Sunday, in a...

In One State, Drought Has Led to 'Firmaggedon'

Oregon saw 1.1M acres of dead firs in 2022

(Newser) - Drought across the nation, especially in the West, has affected produce , homeowners' water use , and power production . But in Oregon, there's a new problem that's cropped up from the ultra-dry conditions: a historic tree die-off, in which surveyors found 1.1 million acres of dead firs in 2022....

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