This Is Obama's 'Mission Accomplished' Moment

WSJ, Daily Caller compare launch to Iraq
By Matt Cantor,  Newser Staff
Posted Dec 2, 2013 12:29 PM CST
'Fixed' ObamaCare Is Really 'Mission Accomplished'
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius speaks about the Health Insurance Marketplace in Detroit Friday, Nov. 15, 2013.   (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

We've already heard ObamaCare compared to Hurricane Katrina; now, as the site proclaims improvements, pundits are drawing parallels to the Iraq War. In the Wall Street Journal, editors write that "the only thing missing from Sunday's relentlessly upbeat progress report was President Obama in front of a 'Mission Accomplished' banner." They note that the report was full of "unverifiable claims": "The White House is revising its goals along the way and claiming success based on nonfalsifiable standards."

Take the claim that the site is working 90% of the time, except when it's down. "Why not simply proclaim that it works 100% of the time, as long as you don't count the times when it doesn't?" Elsewhere in ObamaCare opinion:

  • Over at the Daily Caller, Ryan Girdusky is blunt: "ObamaCare is the Democrats' Iraq War," says the headline. "For President Obama and President Bush, their hubris in wanting to remake the world would prove to be their downfall."
  • In the New York Daily News, James Warren defends both the president and health reform. It's too early to say that Obama has found his legacy, Warren notes. To get a real sense of how ObamaCare is going, watch insurers—who until now, at least, haven't run for the exits.
  • Meanwhile, Kathleen Sebelius weighs in at USA Today, reminding consumers of their options—including an "online queuing system" offering email notification when the site is less busy. She highlights how far the site has come: "Today's user experience on is a dramatic improvement over where it was on Oct. 1."
(More Obama administration stories.)

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