Darrell Issa was busily holding Eric Holder in contempt all over the Sunday talk show circuit today, blasting the Justice Department and White House alike in the Fast and Furious fiasco, telling Meet the Press that "We got a lie, we got a cover-up." The House Oversight Committee chair told This Week that were President Obama to back off the executive privilege he's exercised over certain documents, "we might in fact dismiss contempt" charges against Holder. But “The Supreme Court has upheld [that] there cannot be executive privilege over cover-up of crime. Lying to Congress is a crime. We have every right to see documents, to say, did you know, when did you know, what did you know, including, even the president." Issa did, however, concede that there was no evidence the White House was involved in the botched guns operation, saying, "And I hope they don't get involved. I hope it stays at Justice, and Justice cooperates." Elsewhere on your Sunday dial, as per Politico: