Tim Tebow's Stats Match Biblical Verse

And so did the fourth-quarter television ratings
By Kevin Spak,  Newser Staff
Posted Jan 9, 2012 1:32 PM CST
Tim Tebow's Stats Match Biblical Verse
Tebow has written other bible verses under his eyes as well, as seen in this Nov. 21, 2009 photo.   (AP Photo/Phil Sandlin, File)

This might just be a weird coincidence, or Tim Tebow's dramatic defeat of the Steelers last night may have been a miracle in more ways than one. The polarizing Denver quarterback wound up throwing for 316 yards, which, if you toss in a colon in the right spot, mirrors the call number of a famous bible verse, John 3:16. That's a verse Tebow occasionally wrote on his face while playing at the University of Florida, Fox News reports.

Not weird enough for you? Well, Tebow threw those 316 yards over the course of 10 completions, meaning he averaged 31.6 yards per completion. Wait, there's more: John Ourand of the Sports Business Journal tweeted that the TV rating for the last 15 minutes of the game was—you guessed it—a 31.6. Was this some kind of divine product placement? Probably not, but if it was it worked: As of this writing, John 3:16 is No. 1 on Google Trends. (More Tim Tebow stories.)